Making Enlisted a Better Place №55

Its what is ruining the squad’s BR and was an actual retarded decision to add full stop
Remove it from the box for if you bring it with a BR II lineup III and up is fine since flamers start there


Except it doesn’t fit even at low BR since Soviets can take PPS-42/43 x6 with their BR2 paras and would murder your useless og-43.


even on this screenshot there are at least 3 issues with 3D models:
the 8-sided wheels on the T-34,

the flat square wheels on this Tiger,

and the oversimplified wall in the distance(actually it has windows but they are covered under wall texture).

This has been happening since a few updates as well. Can you fix this so that the game looks realistic like it looked a few months ago before these bugs, and not like some blocky Gothic II?


Bipod, Pathfind and AI: first time?


hah hah, that’s right xD I agree, pathfinding and glitching into objects has become even worse I think. I have a nice jewel in my screenshot collection regarding AI soldier behavior (they all had paratrooper animation locked in them for a few seconds already when I took this)


Wtf you need to flank? Just shoot the turret, is just 50mm thick even the milk truck can pen thay garbage lmao


I just started USSR and having the ability to just put BR2 weapons and removing the previous Federov was a breath of fresh air and opened up the game for me.

If you guys gave this option to USSR paras, you should give it to all paras to be honest. It just makes the game more fun and opens up the opportunity to use the paras regardless of the BR you are enjoying. Be it late game BR5 or just starting out a fresh faction In BR1/BR2.

On a side note, speaking of making the game a better place I hope you guys give a pass to some weapons iron sights. For example the Thompson.

Look how much more clean this looks…and more usable:


In comparison to:

It’s day and night and far more enjoyable in the first picture/example. You guys need to find a balance between “realism” and a video game. At the end of the day things need to be practical.

Nobody plays the game trough a binocular. And nobody aims like this, it looks ridiculous:



That’s how f2p unlockable paras should work imo.

Don’t know when they pretend to add them tho. All paras are premium or events rewards and that’s nonsense


how many people is that it seem more than 6 to me

when you will make this game at las good ? with working basics? cause this is only 55th step from bad to not totally bad

I counted 9 triangle markers. And 2 of these guys have flamethrowers. At least 2 squads glitched at once

I have seen the flickering as well the screen sometimes flickers black in random spots and it interferes with gameplay, loading has not been as reliable for the assets as it should be. The APCs both premium and regular are low poly resolution and some assets don’t properly load in at more then 50 meters, such as apc’s , destroyed vehicles and cover. Not sure if it’s all linked. This is happening on PS4 pro .So the Lod seems to be happening with multiple platforms at least.

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American premium paras box options definitely deserve some buffs. At least A2 BARs and M9 bazookas

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You unironically think a 20rd 570 rpm SMG, with a grb in the box and a zb-26 at the tier where MG-34s, DTs, and Panzerfausts are around, which has Paras dropping with FG-42s, Fedorovs, and AS-44s is perfectly fine and doesn’t need changed at all?

Can you drop the bias for a minute and buff the Italian paras they severely need it


Thanks for clarifying a platform!

Very disappointing that the USSR event squad got the AT Rifle as their BR2 weapon. Russians only ever fight Pz. IV tanks in BR2 from my experience and I REALLY needed the Panzerfaust 60 to deal with them. It is much more difficult and situational to use the PTRS 41 effectively compared to the PIAT or Sturmpistole that other nations have at the same BR. Please give the event squad the Panzerfaust 60 back or give the USSR nation a decent BR2 launcher that can punch up at these monsters.

When will we get a 2024 roadmap?


I get it that this game is in a tumultuous state right now where it’s all history vs balance. For me it ruins the atmosphere to have a time traveling Panzerfaust, not to mention the Soviets didn’t even captured large amounts of them until 1944-45

I think a fair compromise is just to give the Soviets a lend lease bazooka

Although I will say anti tank rifles are not useless


Too effective?? Game breaking is the correct term.
Thank goodness you solved it.

So game breaking that I never saw more than two in any given battle.

But yeah they were unbalanced and that’s a good thing that they got fixed.

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