Making Enlisted a Better Place №49 (for the Entities.blk authors)

I have to consider the practicality factor.

At first, I only limited the battles to the Soviet Union vs. Germany, but I found that when all battles were enabled, more players entered the game.

Although I sometimes don’t want the Pacific Campaign squad to show up. Because they are really too obtrusive. But a lot of the time I still have all the campaigns open.

But in reality, there are many players who have only polished a certain campaign, and the number of junior players is always very large.

And players want to use their own things, which is a very critical pain point.

Players will discuss what weapons they would bring into the gamemode, and each player has their own settings.

I think opening up all campaigns and allowing players to use things from their main game flow would make the game more lively.

On this basis I hope there is something to avoid unbalanced spamming and ruining the game experience.

I pay more attention to active combat and player interaction. On this basis, it is soft-HA for us.

Personally, I can accept the appearance of their weapons in the pre-1945 range.

Just don’t go overboard too much.

This is an acceptable threshold. rather than strict limitations.

As long as there are no helicopters or more modern tanks, as a player, I think it is relatively acceptable.

that’s good for you.

but it’s still not historical accurate.

that’s a made up concept made by you.

which once again, it’s not historical accurate.

heck, calling it even soft ha it’s plain dumb, and serves no porpouse other than fool people into joining thinking that it has some sort of historical accuracy setting.

when in reality, it’s everything but historical.

heck, have you just blind folded your way in the forum without reading any of the complains for what this game was even advertised for ?

oh my god.

you have to be the most tone deaf guy around this forum that i have ever seen.

let me it make it simple one more time.

you can’t call your mod Historical accurate when it is not.

because by definition, historical accuracy is everything else.

historical mods are not made with the intent of letting you use the squad you grinded for.
because the squads ( outside the rifleman squad & american mg squad ) are not historical accurate by any mean.

it’s about depict facts and let players experience what it was like.

not made on someone grudges as a mod.

It’s not like you can’t own a helicopter at all.


But as long as it shouldnt be a spam

You may cost 2000 soul scores to deploy one~

Where I did?



it serves no purpose

I always agree with you and very much in favor if you using custom_profile for your (hardcore maybe or not) HA gaming mission~.

and elaborate on my point of view above .

you have to be fucking joking.

isn’t this you?:

in a span of half an hour you just contraddicted your self.


I’d say erica is right Tommy’s mod is not trully HA.
But at the same time I’d say it’s more HA than what we will have in the “main” game.

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( only redeemable scene from that forsaken trilogy of new movies tbh… )

don’t you start…

just as a friendly reminder, this game is not HA. unless you make it.

tommy’s mod it’s just an overhall balancer ( when he will get his so beloved score point feature per squad etc )

by any mean, not HA, not soft HA, not even realistic as he claimed.

it’s still… a r c a d e

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yes, the gamemode it was never HA.

I’m on making a howitzer with a range of 1500 meters,

But HA’s howitzer has a range of several thousands or even 10 thousands of meters. This is all just narrative for video game . . .

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no tommy.


historical doesn’t just mean a gun that has more or less range.

but the overhal settings and weapons used depending on the campaign and period.

am i speaking another language other than english?

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I understand your position, you are talking about the type of weapon.

For example, Fedorov, who appeared on a large scale in Berlin, is obviously non-HA.

But I also want you understand that HA in my understanding is based on scenarios.

For example, 10 T-34s fight against 1 Tiger.

I don’t think there’s any conflict between us, we’re just on different channels

You seem to not understand that things can be more HA or less HA.
And tommy’s mod will be more HA than the main game after BR.

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oh for the love of christ.

if you would read what i actually fucking type to you, you would understand what i would be talking about.

historical accuracy it’s not " just a weapon ".

it’s clothings- map - weapons - tanks used - squads composition

it’s much, much more.

not 10 t34s fighting one tiger.

that’s the last of it.

how are you struggling to understand this.

where are you falling short.

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Yes, we are unable to do many other parts due to technical limitations. For example, things like the howitzers or Katyusha rockets mentioned above.

In terms of gameplay, if there can be 10 T-34s against 1 Tiger, this is already relatively HA for me (it is a percentage)

On your channel, you want to restore the category

And in my channel, I want to restore the scene



and no.

tommy’s mod is not historical accurate.

and there are no such thing as " less historical " beside gameplay decisions.

having an historical mod is one thing.

having an historical mod based on balance is another thing.

tommy’s mod, is neither.

it’s once again, it’s a gameplay balance mod overhaul.

not a bad thing. just not HA.

you don’t go half measures unless you have to ( speaking for HA. which those measures ranges from balancement between one faction or another. )

which doesn’t include tigers in moscow… or stalingrad. for that matter.

even historical mods that made it less historical for sake of balance doesn’t go in that direction for any reason.

True it have something more than main game one on gameplay aspect but calling it HA is harsh, it have potential but for how tommy want make it i think it become more a squad mode fac-simile of crsed, and whoever like it can enjoi it

Honestly for now pure HA mode cant exist because of editor limitation and difficulty in use it, but baby steps


I always agree and support you in making a 100% HA mission. (Or any category or scenario you want. For example, preset squad configuration is 8x98k+1mp40+1mg34.)

Although this is difficult for me to do.

Perhaps we have gradually digressed from the topic. The topic from the beginning is:

I hope to participate in a mission with a HA atmosphere based on my own profile squdas. For example the bigAction gamemode I made. Instead of using the cusom_profile preset. (I refuse using the preset profiles)


Yes, there are more and less HA things.
FG42 in moscow is more HA than M1A1 Abrams in Verdun. It’s still not HA but it’s more HA.

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Maybe I could use another word to avoid the misunderstanding. But I’m not sure if it’s the right combination.

For example:

close to historical atmosphere,
soft historical atmosphere,
historical atmosphere scenario

(without unreasonable spaming and ju87/188 suicide missles)