Making Enlisted a Better Place №45
Speaking about optics adjustments, the rapid zoom still remains on most vehicles since a few patches ago. The old zooming speed was quite alright and natural, but now it gives a visual stun to your eyes when you are changing the magnification on tank gunner’s sights - and this can make you miss the enemy, and makes it harder to continuously control the changing surroundings (and it is quite crucial for survival in the dynamic battles in Enlisted). I opened a topic on this and it is not only me:

Speeding up the zoom like x5 was unnecessary. Kindly please bring it back to normal.

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Not include Pz.w.42? The left and right movement distance of the vehicle commander is limited.


Why, they don’t waste their ammo whole ammo pool anyway?
As soon they reload their mag they get the original ammo from the start of battle.

You mean if they wasted bullets like a human and then decided to re-fill?

Now that’s interesting.

OH MY YES! This is something about which I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with you, why the hell is “disassemble” the default option on friendly structure?


While I do think that would be an interesting idea and would change a lot of balances as a whole, that isn’t why I’m asking about it.

The players I talked to would run through their ammo, switch characters, and keep going through ammo. They would try to tell their AI to go grab fresh ammo, so if they switched back to them, they had ammo ready to go.

Essentially having the AI just run and grab bullets for them.

How? Litteraly how? You people keep fucking saying that like it´s an inevitablity. Am I not allowed to gain any worthwhile experience while playing dedicated PvE? It used to be broken when the XP gain was 1:1 with Squads but you can just put a limit on it.

You can already do dailys in custom lobbies. In any case why do you eve care? Are you a dev or something?


I thought the same way until a few people figured out how to game the system and managed to earn hundreds of thousands of XP in a few days. They ruined it for the rest of us in less than a week.

I really hope they improve custom lobbies in whatever way necessary so that people actually start using them. It would be nice if console players had access to custom maps too.


Yep, it’s more than enough they’re abusing customs for 10000000% booster bonus matches.

The Panzerwerfer 41 Premium Normandy squad is still broken with the optics unable to look more anywhere but directly forward.

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I´m still waiting on any news of that PvE stuff they teased when they nerfed custom battles. Atleast console players can turn on easy mode by matchmaking with only console players.

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I don’t know if you’ve ever tried playing a fps on console, because it’s a lot harder than playing with a mouse and keyboard. Playing with a PC vs console could be called easy mode though, given the handicap.

I agree about the pve mode though that would be a fun change of pace sometimes.

Not news-worthy. The modular tank repair was, though. Why make 2 threads and not include it here?

Also, stop pushing content creators to promote these minor bug-fixes news posts. This is not a good way to promote the game (by creating boring repeated non-content). Please, be more smart. You guys can do a much better job at marketing and generating excitement for the game in the community, but you seem fixated on keep doing pathetic generic things. This will not attract the attention of new people. Come on.


Some engineer buildings need to be able to be dismantled by teamates.just to avoid getting trapped by another engineer build.

We can see this in tanks getting trapped between metal anti tank czecks, imagine a single door room getting trapped using Eng building that no one can destroy…

But, I do understand you.

Teammates breaking down strategic structures like ammo boxes should simply not be allowed.

Sandbags there should be a limit to stop people from trolling when breaking things down too.

–Also I would like to note that with tank repair mechanics being changed, its a wonderful opportunity to mention a possible change to what it requires to break down fortifications.

Its one thing to allow friendlies to break it down, but my point is that ENEMY structures should require the tookit consumable to break down.

After all, it requires an engineer to use some of his limited supplies to build them, it should require either an engineer or a consumable for the standard soldiers to get through them.

Plus, Tankers would then need to carry extra toolkits (which many people already do), in order to break down Czech Hedgehogs, allowing the tank traps to actually DO THEIR INTENDED JOB, by blocking tankers unless they spend a resource on it.

Lastly, it would help to reduce the grenade spam a bit as people would now need to choose if they need the grenades more, or a way to break through fortifications. It would actually become a conscious decision at that point and REALLY help with game balance.

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3761 battles in 613 days but I never had this :sweat_smile:

Nice, finally the optics will not eat my Bazooka anymore.

I mean why?
Why all these relentless requests for making fortification stronger/more difficult to break down?

What would it lead to?
I would say 99 % of the player base thinks fortifications are fine.

And people trolling? You can’t be serious. I have played 5.5k battles and no one does this. It happens occasionally, by mistake, when I or a teammate order bots to stand their ground and instead dismantle.

I guess all this trolling issue must be a console lobby thing, then. Cuz you keep mentioning unrealistic and fantasy-made scenarios that are just not happening in this game. At least in normal cross-play lobbies.

This is honestly getting ridiculous.


We see it in console only lobbies, but we also see it when we go crossplay. Usually when it IS on crossplay, its a PC player breaking everything down.

I get that people want “free kills” that their AI get by shooting out windows, but its really not worth it when grenades, tank shells, even just bullets are shredding the infantry inside.

I would very heavily disagree on this. Nearly every single console player I have talked to agree that it is an issue, and even some of the PC players I’ve conversed with on here agree.

More strategic gameplay, rather than everyone focusing on run-and-gun, and spamming grenades and such.

More durable fortifications means less instances of attackers walking right into the objective and capping it out. It increases the chance for the bulk of the fight to be out front, pushing into the objective. Slowing down gameplay a bit.

In addition, by removing the ability to simply deconstruct fortifications as standard infantry, it forces players to make a conscious decision about the gear they are going to bring, not just slap grenade pouches on every soldier and call it good.

Opening areas that grenades are utilized to full effect actually will need to be opened up, not just a given anymore.

It opens up a lot of gameplay and use of weapons that have otherwise become obsolete, and makes for a more conscious and strategic game.

As a console player who enjoys fortifying strong points with engineers, I disagree with most of your engineering proposals; especially not allowing allies to disassemble fortifications.

I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but I’ve played since the initial console release and I’ve seen many more instances of poorly placed fortifications hindering the team than I’ve seen people breaking down well placed allied structures. I don’t even like that they don’t let us break down poorly placed rally points.

If anything they need to stop bots from accidentally breaking down structures when people are trying to get them to hold their position. I find that to be a much bigger problem than trolls or people who just disagree with my structure placement

Last time I was actively playing console was BFV and I had a 9.0 K/D there. It´s just a matter of getting used to the contoller and map knowledge. Enlisted being a F2P game attracts all of the shit console players though.

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