Making Enlisted a Better Place №45

I think you need to re-read the suggestions. The only things I suggested NOT allowing teammates to break down are ammo boxes, and a limit on the sandbags they can break down.

There is no situation is which teammates have good reason to break down a friendly ammo box.

In the case of sandbags, I get that there are cases of trolls, but all too often there are instances of players going up and breaking down sandbags on windows because they want their AI to be able to shoot out and get free kills for them.

In these instances, there needs to be a limit on how much they can break, otherwise they end up getting a handful of extra kills, but cost the team a LOT of deaths.

There needs to be a way that this can be detected that is fair for both instances, dealing with troll structures, and sabotaging structures just for a couple extra points.

It attracts some pretty shit PC players too to be fair.

Most of the good console players simply turn off crossplay with PC, as you guys have buttons for everything, console doesn’t. (For example, majority of console players give up the ability to lean on command in favor of other things.)

So MOST of the console players that PC sees aren’t even really the good ones.

It’s f2p game. It’s pretty much predictable it will attract lotnof casuals. Hobby gamer doesn’t have any problem to buy game for 60/70 bucks on console.
For casuals, it makes very bug difference and it’s completely understandable. And I don’t think there’s anything bad about it. People should learn to respect casual players. But games should be made in such manner both casual and non-casual player can enjoy them.