Making Enlisted a Better Place №41

Need to be able to keep the same firemod when switching soldier.


Fix the bayonet on Type 100 rifle


Fix all bayonets that are crippled like this*


It was way better with a different tab to do squad upgrades than it is now that we have to do weird shenanigans to collect the BP rewards

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why is there a picture of an AA gun the first thing we see and they don’t even address it or the problems

Still waiting for actual buffs to engineers and defenders.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:
Pistols really aren’t very valuable currently.

SIMPLE FIX- Allow us to use pistols when we are in a downed state to defend ourselves!

The sheer number of times that someone knocks me, walks up, T-bags, and executes me with melee is absolutely absurd.
What is my option currently? Drop a grenade and kill myself in the process? Why is that an option but using a pistol is not?


Are you going to optimize Pacific maps performance? All the Pacific maps are significantly more demanding on gpu than maps of all other campaigns.

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It would be nice for these updates to mention the more popular bugs, such as tailgunners and give an update as to status of these, just a thought, I am not talking about release date but just still working on this etc

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I appreciate most of the changes, but I don’t understand this one with the Battle pass button:

  • UI improvement: There is now a “Battle Pass” button in the drop-down list in the upper right corner, which will immediately open the BP screen for you.

This is just adding a second way to get to the battle pass timeline but with more clicks. There is already the banner in the main menu that still needs improving because we don’t see the tasks when we are looking at our squads which is frustrating because he adjust the squads we take into battle based on the current battle tasks. It was much better when all 3 tasks could be seen in the main manu. This can be done without sacrificing any screen space if the list is in a drop down menu like this:


It was better when To Battle with quests and Squad management were on different tabs.
That was how it should be

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No. Totally redundant.

You might also be the only one that thinks that.

My friend we already answered you on cbr that such issue will be fixed on one of upcoming updates :slight_smile:

Patience :slight_smile:

I understand you, I too want my tail gunners to fight enemy planes. :slight_smile:

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The split version was uncomfortable to use due to unnecessary extra clicks that this change added, extra clicks needed technically every battle, this felt so frustrating. And didn’t save much space anyway.
Also I don’t understand why this “saved space” thing is so important to you. Why not have an extra access to key features on one screen? Do you come to the main menu to look at it like on a minimalistic piece of art or to actually use it?

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What does it stand for?

community bug report


Thank you.

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really? unecessary click? one tab away. wow you are lazy in that case.
It was better since clearer view and 1 tab dedicated to either, not both and all cluttered all over.
When you manage squad had better view of squad and no unecessary shit on screen that had nothing todo with squad management.
Then on To battle when finished squad management you had all quests visible and game mode etc.
Everything on one screen looks like some arcade advert shit all over

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Not one click but hundreds or rather thousands, I’ll be playing Enlisted more frequent than once a year you know. And sometimes more than one battle a day.
Also, when I had 3 battle tasks visible when I managed my squad, I knew what weapons or what squads I will switch to do those tasks - I don’t know what unnecessary shit you are talking about.
And was the Battle button in the bottom right such a hindrance for your squad editing? There was an empty unused space in the squad tab anyway - and the squad emblems in the Battle menu were useless screen clutter after the menu split.


so when are you going to make the breda mod 30 useable, it is the most rubbish gun in the game and the only way to use the LMG is as a single shot

no man, you are just lazy convenient. that is what
But that’s up to you.
For me, I liked the split tabs, made much more sense and gave better overview

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