Making Enlisted a Better Place №41

I think this is a feature that could be enabled in 2 options to switch since this does not affect gameplay between the players and is only a matter of ergonomy.


Speaking about tanks, I would appreciate a fix to when you are trying to leave a tank but the soldier you control gets killed, you have to start the progress of leaving the vehicle form scratch again on the next crew member.
When you have a disabled tank under fire, this basically leaves the enemy able to pick your crew off one by one, and it’s even worse when the tank is burning.


Wow I’ve been playing for years and never knew there main tasks and side tasks, and that sime were more difficult than the others

Yes, you answered me, but the wider pop might well benefit from such updates, not everyone reads every CBR ticket, so top bugs could get an update on MEABP…

As for patience, I have shown a lot of patience with this amazing game, but I do feel progression has meant that bug fixes such as tailgunners have been deprioritized… just expression and suggesting Devs include a bug bulletin for wider pop.

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There’s this perk that reduces healing time by 75%, if that’s such a issue to you try using it, no one ever had time to t-bag and melee me before i could shoot them in the face


Im just wondering, would it be okay to ask for customization of the Radial Menu for more specific team communication . Like REGROUP or Flank or Request AA Built or Enemy Flanking? Especially Regroup or Fallback. Its hard to tell your team your getting over run and outflanked then ending up with no literal defense in your reinforcement which ends up you having to make reckless decisions to save your team just because you cant say hey get over here or stay close. We dont have the text communication here even on the Series X like PC has i think. No custom Hangers, No LONEWOLF MODE, Nor any way to get ScriptMods for Custom Games. RADIAL MENU CUSTOMIZATION PLEASE ATLEAST. Take Forza For example. We’d Appreciate it Thanks.

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i think you can bind certain buttons for (leave out of tank alone) or all at once. Check your vehicle. Binds. Unless they changed it.

There is a delay when the crew leaves, if u die immediately upon leaving the tank, the AI seems to cancel their progress of leaving the tank and thus stay inside the tank. Also for some odd reason, the loader, gunner and driver love to stay inside and not listen to commands. A lot can be done to improve the QOL for tankers

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Could we also fix the bug of when throwing an explosive pack at the tank tracks, the grenade clips through the floor and falls into a void, not destroying the tank. Really annoying bug.

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I’m aware of the perk. However, I don’t think that it should be an absolutely necessary perk just because Pistols can’t be used when down.

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Everyone is wrong and only you are right, continue going like this pal

I’m curious: Why are YOU against using pistols when knocked down?

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Just like your fortifications… useless

very true

Well yes, you can, but it changes nothing when the soldier you control gets killed. The same instant the rest of the crew stops leaving, and you have to start over.

Comrade Chucha @ChuchaDrucha can you confirm that players that will have both Normandy and Berlin Tigers unlocked before the Merge, will be able to field them both as Unified Germany in the same match?

If you want the game in a better place, try to do the game more balance. You are doing the same mistakes like Heroes and Generals…