Making Enlisted a Better Place №40

I would like an option to set a standard uniform for a Squad, like all my troops in this squad, even if I change them for another one, it will always have the same uniform, of course, if you are missing pieces, then it should show an option to buy them, but if only the helmet and pants are available, make the soldier wear them and put a “make me remember” option, so when you get new cards to buy clothes, the game would say “hey, remember this squad? want to buy more uniforms?”. Like every good game out there, Fashion is the real endgame.

I think I can sense a little sarcasm there at the end? I hope it is and devs realize it was better, and the idiots wanted the old that actually was worse back.
whoever asked for this clearly didn’t think things through.
just roll back this change please for love of god.
This was a good thing the separation of squad management and to battle. just roll it back and ignore the dumbasses who screamed for this. but seriously though why thell did they do that?
This is way worse, completely

To Battle Tab with just preview of squads and all daily tasks event and game mode on one tab was a good thing, with squad management on separate to free up space and remove clutterin and unecessary info when managing squads.

Cmon devs think one more step. maybe not always listen to everything a few want, maybe ask in polls? think for yourself? explain why better and you do things.
You guys did good the split on tabs, was much more clean and made sense.
reverting to this whatever is now was bad

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hey, not really something new but I was wondering where in the hanger I can see my daily missions with the new update, can’t seem to find it now and I really liked it where it was, was super convenient so surprised it is moved. Does anyone else have this too or is it just my end?

press to battle or battlepass icon… I know it’s stupid.
much better and clear ‘‘before’’ with new

Nice MEBP.

The AI has to be improved. Not only on their micro scale (individual behavior, like path finding, orders, markers, and enemy detection & reactivity etc…) but also on the macro scale.

In this first example, you can see some squad that appears to be stuck on the other side of the map, 150m away from the objective. It happen too often.

In this second example you can see that half of the bots of the team didn’t spawn. Could it be they all died at the same time and were waiting the spawn cooldown?

Letting the AI interact more with rally point could be a solution (Build some rally, and spawn on some rally).
I remember there was some game play footage about that feature, I don’t know why it has disappeared since then.


I will suggest once again, add a time lock to objective after a capture for invasion mode, also give a single big bomb to the Fw 190 D9 pleasee, also let the premium pilot get normal perks he cannot even get to use efectively those 31 vitality points

I personally enjoy most of the changes so far, keep up the good work!

Here is my small list of ideas for improvements:

-the old style battle menu looks better now that you changed it back and I again see the difference.
I’d say it would be better if we don’t have to scroll down and you make 2 vertical lines of 5 squads that are selectable + that slot for the premium squad. And make it 2 slots exclusively for premium squads :wink:

-people want customizable uniforms / soldiers, and price them reasonably ffs

-some fallschirmjager squads have wehrmacht infantry collar signs not paratrooper ones

-bouncing explosives pack, particularily bouncing from tank tracks to… under the map!!! and dealing no damage

-Also explosives packs sometimes feel like they don’t have enough weight to them and they bounce around too much

-some tanks like the Ka-Chi and Panzer Rakettenwerfer don’t allow the commander to peek out. I don’t know how realistic it is but come on, for balance reasons let people peek out! Maybe Pz Werfer commander can get out of the big hatch in the back but being unable to fire main weapon while he is out. If it’s a weird tank that has a weird design maybe make the commander take longer to peek, but don’t take the ability out entirely

-allowing you to use your inventory when peeking out of the tank hatch, maybe with a 3 times slower weapon switch but basically having the infantry interface so you can switch to pistol, weapon, grenades, binoculars in the infantry / simple and intuitive way. maybe limited arc of fire as it is now, slower movement or something, but I think it would be an improvement and it’s what people did back then

-shovels. who uses them even? I think they are so cool, and working on the AI / bots in the squad, to be able to order them to dig even one straight line at a time, let’s say just draw a line on the ground with a maximum length and only one active at once and they just dig up to let’s say chest depth, it would really make use of the awesome abilities of making fortified points that too few people use, it’s a damn shame having moldable ground and people not really using it

-being able to select vehicle munitions loadout before the battle / shell ratios. cut it out with the bs excuses

-mounting weapons needs serious fixing, it would be an important aspect but it’s so buggy, weird locking angles and shooting the surface instead of above it when mounted

-weapons with bipods should be able to quick mount surfaces

-I’d honestly want to see more premium squads but more adequately priced and available than to take them out of the game, even if they are similar. But I guess you know best, especially if you plan on selling them later on special sales

-the weapon icon in the squad upgrade weapon screen should be interactive and send you to the buy weapon / see stats when clicked

-bots should see targets that are further away, be more aware of their surroundings, maybe shoot less accurately in some situations, like no lazer eagle eye vasily zaitsev sight target lock and sniped with the handgun from 200 m away but miss targets when they are further away and if moving around more the further away they are; see moving soldiers from further away than stationary ones

-have a box to check in the squad screen out of battle if a weapon should start in the game with the grenade launcher attached

-also have bots switch weapons if they have for example an SMG and a bolt action rifle, some basic situations and weapon switching, maybe have “prefered weapon” box check for dual wielding soldiers

-Daily tasks on the main menu was actually helpful, I easily know how to tailor my squads / playthru if I’m trying to get them done quick. place them back on the front menu page somewhere

-someone said, make arty/ bombers and smoke screen have separate cooldowns so they can be used togethere, I agree

-maybe another AI soldiers stance option, to autobuild or not engineer schematics, as in if checked and you have other engineers in your squad the bot engineers will automatically start working on what you placed down without needing to give them quirky direct commands

-game doesn’t need 10 tiers, 5 are enough and playing + / -1 tier shouldn’t be horrific, unless literally every. single. cheezelord. sweatlord. on the top tier team pops tear 4 newbsters with whatever OP niche T5 wunderwaffen Fedorovs

-fix bots holding weapons weirdly & postures visual bugs in the main screen

-being able to check an “opt in” button for a challange, that is always being paired with higer tear opponents for a challange and extra XP or something, flashy account icon

-simplify the event missions chain tree! maybe give weekend buffs to gained required EXP or whatever points, for working people to get extra action

-work on fixing bots swimming, it’s sad right now seeing them struggle


It would make more sense to separate the nations and make them fight in cooperation (players with Italian army and players with German army would fight at the same side). Also, that would help prevent nonsense situations where Italian soldiers are fighting in Moscow due to the same low battle rating as they have with their early war weapons in Tunisia.


Some suggestion top of my mind, Keo :fox_face: :

Scoreboard - Show squad performance

If you quickly want to check how your squads perform you can only get detail stats about individual soldiers, not about the squads as a whole. I’m personally more interested to see how the squads performed rather than a single soldier.

Friendly artillery/bombing strikes - Make them blue instead of red

Make friendly artillery and bombing strikes blue and not red on the mini-map!

Melee animation for shovels

Would be great if you make a melee animation for shovels (charge and swing)

Active medics even if they’re told to stay put

Give us the command or option to tell medics to always be active/supportive and do their job even if they’re told by me to stay put/hold position. I suggest they operate actively and support teammates in a radius around the position you wanted them to stay put.

Paratrooper loadout (show in UI)

It would be nice if you could see in the menu screen what loadout the paratroopers crate got.
Like if you hover over an icon (:package:) the inventory of the supply box would pop up.

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Could you rehaul how Gold troop order works? Currently it is the most useless currency. I think a simple change of allowing all past, current and future Gold troops to always get maximum amount of perk points for the class of soldier. It’s really frustrating that a GOLD TROOP order is not giving us the best soldier. (They have medals irl for being the best of the best :frowning: )

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i have controversial idea… fix bugs instead of adding new stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

also introduce soft veto map choice. short version is this: players vote their hated modes/maps in main menu. MM doesnt choose map before it matches players for match. after tier and players for next match are decided, you take preselected votes from all players and select random eligible map from maps that got least votes from players.


Actually I just remembered one. the little weapon drop you added to stop bunny hoping…

can you make it ONLY apply after having jumped (pressing space)

Soooooo annoying trying to walk down stairs or over a pebble and end up shooting myself in the feet.


Can you improve Molotovs? It would be nice to fix them such that any soldier in the burst radius upon impact is set ablaze, it currently seems to only incinerate on direct hits.

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Yeah, but there’s ±1 spread anyway. Meaning whole this balance is purely just artificial. Not even counting enlisted doesn’t need this level of vehicle balance in my opinion.

man this happens too frequent

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Maybe not, but it would be nice to zone everything so that every dog may have its day.

If they are going to all the trouble of making a BR system anyway, might aswell do it as well as possible.

And i would prefer tier for tier…but warthunder has never budged on ±1, and enlisted has said no cap…without capping it, i dont see it working (or being any different than now), and if it were capped, it would dictate how many tiers you need.

So…something really key is missing

Vehicles might be one of the bigger reasons for needing BR seperation, but strength of vehicles also affect strength of infantry AT weapons needed. And then theres asymmetry, one team has stronger vehicles at one BR, while having weaker infantry At weapons etc etc.

I went on about it after they posted first draft

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That’s impossible either way, BR spread would prevent good balance in match. And it would be completely based on RNG.
Making progress less satisfying.
Why? Because even now, everytime you’ll get new level campaign you’ll get better equipment. It feels rewarding and progress is actually rewarding.
If BR spread would be a thing, this wouldn’t be a thing anymore. For 9 BR levels there would always chance you’ll met guys with whole setups one level better than yours. Making progress actually way less rewarding, depending only on RNG.

If there’s a just little chance 5 BR levels would prevent ±1 BR spread in matct, I would sacrifice a lot.
I think this is way more unhealthy and frustrating than anything else.
Yeah, 5 separate BR levels would create meta on each of them. But meta things would be a thing even with 10 BR levels. It will never balanced so it’s most effective to use basically any weapon or vehicle.

If there would be only 5 BR levels with option of ± 1 BR spread in match, then yes. You are right and 10 BR would better (if it wouldn’t have influence on matches like 4 vs 9 real players, otherwise 5 br levels would be still better)

And don’t forget low BR levels will be most probably pointless to play. I am pretty sure you’ll not be able to rank up, doing BP tasks and events on those.

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Thats why i said something key is missing. You have to quantify what the BR spread is, or if you even have one.

Once you know what that is, its pretty easy to place equipment so they can or cant see each other.

Having no lock makes BR next to pointless. Dont even need to work on it, unless the only intention is to relate it to maps.

Guess i dont know what their intention is

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Even ±1 BR would make it pointless.

Your setup will always reflect only one certain BR level. And if there’s chance to encounter guy with his whole setup one level higher.

Wouldn’t meant a much, since it would be still unfair and frustrating as hell.
And it would depend only on RNG. Balance would look good in tech tree perspective, but in reality it would be extremely frustrating.

That’s why I want locked BR levels. Not possible to encounter different BR in match.

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Id like that too.

Im used to ±1, thats why i like more tiers than 10. It allows you to spread out stuff so that its not within 1 br of something you dont want it facing.

But yes. Tier for tier is so much less of a mind fuck to organise.