Making Enlisted a Better Place №36

Would´ve been great if regular stationary MGs also had less recoil. Some kick a bit too much for my liking.

excellent changes, any chance the tank crews shooting with personal weapons from within their own tanks might get fixed?


Could you please fix these 2 annoying things as well? Explosion charges bounce back from tanks like rubber balls. Also sometimes it is impossible to build stationary guns (AT, AA) even though the surface is flat. Maybe it is a bug or something but time to time I am running around staring the ground try to find a spot while I am being killed by enemy.


Very good job!
nice to see that bugs get fixed quickly and developers listen to the community :smiley:

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they haven’t been able to fix the premium Tempest from Normandy for half a year now (it doesn’t deal damage).
as well as the Norman Kirally are bugged and have a greater return than the Kirally from Moscow.

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also Fw190 is drifting more than AE86 in Initial D, but at this point, its a feature not a bug

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Or the guy running 30 feet in front of their squad.


and fighters getting stuck in windows is also a feature, not a bug lol. Maybe enough to justify the developers? they just don’t do their job.

I came here to say I love these changes. One of the most important of them is increasing the angle of engineer squad MGs. Their angle up until now was unrealistically and uncomfortably small - after the MG nest nerf there was no point in building it because there was too high a chance that my MG will not turn enough to aim at a soldier running from the flank and I will get shot before I escape the stationary gun and hide. Now I am motivated to play with engineer squads again.
The AI soldiers improvements are also a big thing, certainly in the right direction. I hate loosing my soldiers from standing and waiting for shots.

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Have you noticed a difference after a few rounds?

AI is less obvious (still is but not as much) and they tend to survive longer in gunfights (explosives still slaughter them though).
I noticed much less targets standing in the open like scarecrows.


I like the idea of that. Gonna try a round or two soon :slight_smile:

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Does anyone can’t see engineer’s blueprints or it’s just me?

Please fix the AI to:

  • stop trying to sit where you are building stuff. Especially rally points. It is impossible to build anything without telling the AI to go sit somewhere

  • please fix the marker function for telling the AI to go somewhere. I aim 10 meters away, and the marker is either set next to me, and the AI does not go anywhere, or it set on the other side of the map, and the AI starts running into enemy fire.

  • Prevent the AI from spotting and shooting through tall grass or bushes. I cannot see the enemy AI at all, but it can see and shoot me just fine.

Thank you!

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Thanks a lot for the Task progression

The AI hide in cover but don’t really fight from cover, though it’s still WAY better than standing in the open. Maybe let them see sandbags as cover because they ignore sandbags as cover.


Kind of. I noticed while playing Stalingrad Axis that two of my guys were guarding either side of a doorway after I told them to guard a hall. Quite successfully, the two of them got a combined 9 kills from doing so (they were armed with Kiralys, so that might have been a factor)

So I guess that counts as them fighting from cover?

Keep up the good work on AI, glad to see one of core aspects of game still improving


It’s great to see that you liked the change in AI.
We are still collecting your ideas, what else to pay attention to.


Many thanks to the devs for all the fixes they are doing constantly to make this a great game. I can’t wait to see this improvement in the AI of the squadrons. I hope our community continues growing up and support you in your work. My best regards to you :+1: :love_you_gesture:

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