Making Enlisted a Better Place №36

Okay, those are great, now can we roll back these horrible UI changes from the last big patch? I increased the number of clicks 3 fold to upgrade and equip my squads.


I like that the light MG is getting better traversal. I think in addition the Heavy MGs should trade Horizontal Traversal for Vertical (they are also AA guns after all).

That way you have two clearly defined build options,

  • Narrow field of fire, high elevation
  • Wide field of fire Low elevation.

Perhaps improve Depression on both (at least LMG)


I really appreciate the efforts devs have made so far to make AI better. Here are some ideas.
Since AI act awfully in water if they have to swim (e.g. in a river full of trucks in Moscow) , is there any idea to improve it?
Also, I noticed that AI cannot move as players do when they face complex buildings, like attics or open floor. If there is a significant height (attic to the ground) or the stairs were broke down, they ususally fail to get to the ground floor correcly and get stuck.
I know that fixing these problems need a lot of work and the meta is still the main point of devs. I would appreciate it if devs could pay attetion to issues above and try to improve them in the future. Thanks.

This small update is really a blast for me. The behaviour of the AI is so much more realistic and it is a pleasure to see how the AI takes really good cover in most cases. The atmosphere of the battlefield feels much more authentic now.

Keep up your great work and a big thank you to the devs!


The only issue I have is with paratroopers…we were sold on being able to penetrate deep into enemy lines but in actuality you can only go a little past the current objectives and no further than any current ground troop in the area can go. I can understand not having an engineer with a deep striking unit but this really isn’t a deep striking unit. We drop so close to the objective that most of our squad is dead before we even land and what isn’t dead before landing is dead immediately upon landing. We’re lucky if we have more than 1 squad member left on landing to do anything with.

Do you want to be spawncamper or what? How is that even an issue?


Among the myriad of topics suggested by GuardianReaper( @61839981 ), the rare really good suggestions included are worth your perusal.


@1942786 AI definately seems to be a bit better.

On an side note, has there been any progress at all with Bipods?

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I’ll give credit where it is due, a lot of good steps in the right direction.

While this is a nice change, its still quite lacking.

  • Vertical angling is still a major issue on all MG nests except American. This is crucial especially when setting up in an upper window.
  • Since the change that removed the stacking of sandbags (which obviously the exploited instances needed to be fixed) players are no longer able to build improvised windows around the MG to protect the user. While I think the ability to stack sandbags needs to be brought back, I do think that a unique opportunity has presented itself.
    Engineer 1 squad could get the current MG nest, while Engineer 2 squad could get a windowed sandbag wall with the MG nest in it.

Again, while this is a step in the right direction, I still think one major change needs to be made to the Paratrooper squads: Remove the engineer hammer option.

  • The whole idea of the paratrooper squad is for THAT squad to be dropped in and take advantage of the positioning. Unfortunately, with the ability to build a rally with them, all too often I see players land, build it, intentionally kill off the squad, and bring in flamethrowers.
    For balance purposes it is crucial this is removed.

This is EXTREMELY appreciated. Definitely a step in the right direction!

Additionally it would be very appreciated if you could make them try to avoid getting in front of you when you try to shoot either with handheld weapons or with fortifications.
Also, I often have the issue where they try to run in front of my tank when I push forward (I enjoy playing a breakthrough style with the Hellcat) and with the recent update that brought back impact damage of tanks, it results in a lot of unintended teamkills.

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instead give the engineer the heavy machine gun and the light one to the MG-squad…would make more sense

According to this logic engineer squad should get heavy AT weaponry etc.
It would made it into the strongest and most versatile squad in game, especially Axis engineer squads from Stalingrad that can equip Mkbs.

Paratroopers need some (or all) of the following nerfs:
a) longer flight time, similar to a regular pane spawn
b) longer jump time, in line with that of a regular pilot
c) removal of ridiculous weapons like 100-drum heavy tommy gun (jumping is heavy, that’s the whole reason wire-stock carbines were developed) (of course won’t happen because $$$)
d) removal of 100000 perk points (because vitality + recoil reduction meta so nice mmm)
e) removal of rally point and mg building ability

Otherwise they are just universal soldiers with absolutely no downsides

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German paras were dropping with MG-42s late war, they were instructed to drop their guns at about 3-5 meters height above ground when landing.
Us paras used M1 garands as main trooper weaponry, M1 carbines were issues as sidearms for “at-gunners”, machine-gunners, cooks, clerks, and commision officers instead of M1911s since captured data from German and italian hospitals from Tunisia show almost zero Axis casualties from pistol fire.

Intresting. Source?

Afaik Belgian fortress drop was a success, then Crete a the big blunder when they dropped without weapons and with crates and got bonked by farmers with pitchforks, then developed FG-42 but never really jumped again (because Russia did a super bonk and they needed to defend now), haven’t heard about MG-42 jumps.

I am no expert on American firearm but M1A1 Paratrooper carbine sounds like exactly that, a lightweight carbine because jumping is heavy

So idk, jumping with 100 drum Tommies looks ridiculous

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I like that some things were improved, but imo, they could have been lower priority. There is a few massive oversights I have seen and experienced.

  1. It’s hard to shoot from cover. The gun can be well above the cover and the end of the barrel can be way past the cover, but the bullets hit the top of the cover as if the guns are pointed directly at the top of the cover.

  2. XP scale is horrible. Even with 50% or 100% XP rates, it has taken me several hundred kills to get from campaign level 4 to 5 and it is taking almost 2x more kills to get to lvl 6. It doesn’t have to go so fast where you can get to max campaign level in a couple days, but it would be nice to have it go fast enough where it feels like you actually get something for your games.

  3. Balancing of teams and their equipment is horrible. As a low level and having access to only bolt action rifles and a single highly inaccurate SMG and being put with and against teams full of LMGs and Semi-Auto snipers isn’t all that fun. Those guns are so overpowered while I only have pittance compared to their guns.

  4. Getting guns and classes set up is so slow and tedious. I can unlock a weapon, but I only get ONE at a time, Then I have to wait for so long before I can even get the resource to unlock another of the same gun that I already unlocked.

  5. Just a personal thing but I absolutely HATE being forced to have a tank or plane squad instead of another on-the-ground squad that I actually use. Why can’t I just use the Assaulter, Sniper, Support, etc classes and have only those in the list? I don’t even use the tanks or planes since most of the maps that matchmaking puts me on isn’t optimized for those vehicles so those classes end up simply wasting space that I can actually utilize.

  6. When I am playing, there is a 25/75 chance that the game will randomly put me into a match on the opposite side that I actually have selected. I don’t have a need to go to one side when I am trying to grind out a single side since it takes so long. And when this happens, the game shows that “Any Team” is unchecked before and after the match takes place, and the one side I always use is always shows before and after.

  7. I tend to have problems with the game supposedly “losing connection” or having “connection Interrupted” every single match I play. NO other online PvEvP game that I play does this. And the forced rubberbanding and the game forcing my character to move on its own almost never happens in other games. I’ve even downloaded a Network Monitoring software and it never shows that network usage changes or is lost when the game acts like it was.

  8. I have set my region to only US as that is where I live, but I am constantly being put into China Region games full of bots and chat spammers without fail. Does the Region select even work? Region select seems to be in the game, but does absolutely nothing at all.

Personally, I think the engineer squads should be more heavily oriented toward defense and actually fortifying an objective. I would really like to see the MG nest get a sandbag window around the gun making it much more valuable as a more defendable location. In addition, the engineer squad should get stronger defensive fortifications to make use of.
IF they got these updates that I am suggesting, I am completely fine with keeping the HMG on MG squad.

Please fix RPGs. They deal no damage if you use them when you are close to the tank (10-20 meters away, but even further away in some cases.

Please fix the AI from sitting on the place you try to build on. It is extremely annoying to deal with it, since some of the AI soldiers refuses to move when you tell it to move some place else, and continue to sit exactly on the spot where you try to build stuff.

Please fix TNT charges. Most of the times they deal no damage to tanks. in addition, you made them bounce from the tanks as if they are tenis balls. According to your stats, they weigh over 1 kilo. They should not bounce like a tenis ball from a tank. They are virtually useless.

Remove AI ability to spot through bushes and tall grass.

Why not all?
For example, mine- and TNT kills are not counted during the battle.
I see no reason why not.

Parachute Brigade fg42 Ammunition:20/40→20/80。

Adjust the problem of premature parachute jumping of Axis powers paratroopers (there is no such problem for allied paratroopers)。

Secondary:Change the fg42 of the paratrooper team to default fully automatic。

shit balance,mutt pacific war,Japanese superman,lol gaijin your father or mother are Japanese?