Making Enlisted a Better Place №36

It’s also nice because they will look more human like… We always knew the primary target was the only guy in the squad activity seeking cover and shooting while leaning on the side.


Would be great if you could also fix the Wz. 35 kills not counting as anti-tank rifle kills.

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I like the horizontal adjustment though I think we need all stationary machine guns to be able to have a bit more vertical adjustment, because it’s really unfair that only allies (especially with their heavy machine gun) have that much angle to aim down and up slightly higher than the rest, since you cannot place them on the first floor of a house for example

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wow, that’s pretty acceptable. I thought it would straight up doesn’t work as it has been many times with allegedly update AI features


It’s trully glorious

(Maybe aside of being prone near a wall but well, ironing.)


With improved AI features like this, I for one am eagerly anticipating the addition of a PVE mode in the future.
Enlisted is going to be a game that can be played hot & hard or chill & relaxed.


Great news.

Any chance we will ever get Hispano cannons fixed? Or 40mm Vickers S Cannons?


Indeed does look and feel better.



since 1 week explosions are bugged, especially explosions aimed at tanks and grenade launcher explosions, which barely deal any surrounding damage anymore.

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devs are really [Making Enlisted a Better Place], great job!


The up of the horizontal angle for MG nest is a good idea but you need to up the vertical too, you can’t put a defensive MG in a house because it doesn’t go down enough to kill infantry below you and that is not normal at all.

By the way this need to be looked for HMG nest too, some like the German HMG can’t even be used for the air or in a house for killing enemies below you since there vertical is so badly limited…


Great update! Especially the AI and stationary machine gun improvments.


Hopefully you can also include event tasks in the future not just daily and weekly ones.

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The horizontal firing arcs feel like they’re still worse than the arcs made by HMGs.

Also. Why couldn’t they retroactively make Engineer Is build MG nests?


What does ‘crate’ mean in the dev blog? I use Chinese client so I don’t know what it exactly refer to.

Currently Paratroopers as a class are still much too powerful, particularly on invasion. Would it be possible to implement a timer on their ability to paradrop next to the new objective after the previous one has been captured? Too often have I seen paratroopers arrive at a new objective before the defenders.

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crate = 彈藥箱

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Thank you. So crate = ammo box.

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Finally competent AI.
Hopefully this means that they have more than 2 brain cells.


Yeah this is a game changer for the AI if it does work, really glad to see it.

I’m sure some people might be annoyed that the reaction time was reduced, but I think it’s a necessary change.

Edit: didn’t see the pictures or the fact that we’re getting weekly updates! Great news!