Making Enlisted a Better Place №3

Each update of “Making Enlisted a Better Place” focuses on a particular aspect of the game or a particular mechanic, where we fix bugs or add interesting features.

The realized improvements mostly or even completely are based on the feedback you leave in the special topics and discussions on the online communities.


This issue regards balance at the start of a battle, and how to use all the available tools to win.


Great news for those who like to fight enemies while using their weapons! The mechanics of picking up weapons from the ground now works much better. We’ve dealt with a bug which caused the actual position of a weapon to differ from the position of its model on the ground. This is why you were sometimes unable to pick up an enemy rifle.

Like before, you will be able to pick up a first-slot firearm from fallen enemies. A weapon which has been picked up comes with one loaded mag, and another mag from the enemy’s inventory.


This improvement was made following your suggestions to introduce a pause before a battle starts. Here you go!

Previously, any Enlisted battle started from the moment the first player joined the battle. Due to this, some commanders found themselves in battles that were well underway, and while the ability to get into a battle before others may have been very impressive, it was unfair to the players with less powerful gaming devices…

Now, from the moment the very first player joins the battle, a 30 second timer will begin in order to allow the majority of a team to enter the battle, shoulder to shoulder.

Artillery and aviation timers have also been optimized by the battle start timer, so they start counting from the moment players first respawn in battle, which will also allow all participants in the battle to get access to these options on equal terms.


Our team regularly checks the most important forum topics for your feedback, and reports back to devteam when we notice issues with gameplay mechanics and ideas for improving the game. We watch our communities and other Enlisted sites so that one day you’ll see your idea in the update notes or in this weekly series.

So share, suggest, and report!


Added silver orders for troops and weapons in the free reward tree of the battle pass for level 60+. Prior to this, the only rewards following level 60 were experience boosters. Now they will be mixed with silver orders. In the premium battle pass reward tree, changes in the order the rewards are given following level 60 have been implemented.

The overall new rewards are as follows:

  • 61 & 69 and on — 2 free silver weapon orders ;
  • 62 & 70 and on — 1 premium silver troops order;
  • 63 & 71 and on — free booster;
  • 64 & 72 and on — 2 free silver weapon orders ;
  • 65 & 73 and on — 1 free troops order;
  • 66 & 74 and on — 2 premium silver weapon orders;
  • 67 & 75 and on — free booster;
  • 68 & 76 and on — 1 premium silver order for troops.

The new rewards tree will be implemented right after this update. Previously obtained battle pass rewards will not be affected!

  • Fixed flickering which would occur on the custom matches list when selecting a battle.
  • Fixed the chaotic camera rotation in the respawn window of some missions.
  • Fixed the placing of some tank respawn points in mission ‘The Maisky Forestry (Invasion)’, where vehicles could previously spawn inside of buildings.
  • Now, players of the attacking side in the ‘Destruction’ mode will get 0.25 capture points (rounded to tenths) when near the bomb as it is placed and not later disarmed by the defending side.

Regarding the bullets of the gun that I picked up, I think it’s quite unreasonable. To put it in extreme terms, you can get up to 142 rounds when you pick up a PPSH41, and you can only get up to 2 rounds if you pick up a Berdan 2 rifle. Obviously a gun with a high bullet capacity has a great advantage. I think it should be allowed to pick up all the magazines, or allow ammunition to be supplied through the ammunition box.


you are right, the ppsh41, PPD38 / 40 should only have one mag


it’s somewhat good now that when you pick up enemy weapons with one weapons already in your hand, replenish the 2 mags. but yeah, just 2 mags isn’t good for BA rifles or SMGs.

i guess beggars can’t be choosers xd

now speaking about the thread,

today while making some match against bots,

i found out that they can drop rifles.

such a missed features from the alpha and improved even better now :smiley:

i wouldn’t call it trophy, but perhaps just a translation error :slight_smile:

the battle start timer is also a welcome addition so that more people can join and log in. 20 secs are not even that " long " and i’d say it’s perfect.

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overall, nice change :+1:


There are 3 bugs in this patch :

  • As an engineer if you die while building something the construction animated icon remains on screen even if you are downed or swap to another soldier.
  • On Tunisia campaign if you try to vault inside windows sometimes you climb the entire window and not go inside. You climb the wall when you vault window.
  • Sometimes when you build Rally Points, when the building is finished instead of appearing, it dissapiears. You finish the build but the rally point is not there.

A few things would love to see from Enlisted coming:

  • More frequent/aggressive updates. By the time the good changes come a lot of players leave the game.
  • Some sort of faster progression for same faction in same campaign. I would love to use ‘Join any team’ button. But now there is little incentive to do so, on the contrary it’s punishing. This would also address the issue with Axis having very little population, especially on Tunisia.
  • More balance on maps, on Tunisia for example there are two maps that is impossible to pass first base in invasion. Never seen it done. Others are too easy and spawns of defenders are too far, you lose base before you even reach the objective. A rebalance. You have the stats you can see the win/loss or capture ratio or each maps bases etc.
  • Axis on Tunisia are undertuned, MP28 vs Sten for example. Italian weapons are basically the same weapon with different model. They all straight up suck. Too many bolt action weapons. Too hard to play axis on Tunisia. Maybe add MG34 to lower ranks to compensate for lack of fire power.
  • Better first person and 3rd person animations, rightn now they look indie, low budget. You see your weapon and hands 24/7 that should have top prio to animations as realistic as possible. Here is a little video on what I am talking about : The New Animations Of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare - YouTube
  • You fixed the soldier rank up, with removal of academy, now ranking up soldiers is actually in a good fun spot. You should give the same treatment to weapons too. Make things fun not a torment.
  • Focus on the fun and not on the punishment. You punish players for playing a lot by, limited battlepass stars per day, you halt progression. You should not be punished for puting a lot of hours into the game. Remember they chose your game over others, you should reward players for it.
  • Vault animations should be faster and more responsive/fluid. Movement in general could use a little work as its a bit cluncky, feels like underwater at times.

Sure about mg’s? Many (most?) get 2 mags by default so enemy should not get ammo for captured weapon then soldier who carried it

Yeah, but it seems that devs want us to value our weapons more and pick up “trophy” weapons from fallen enemies/allies only in the direst situation when replenishing ammunition from the engineer box is not possible. And I have to say that it works, because even those two magazines in Bolt action rifle are godsend in some situations.


i meant the SMGs ( forgot the s :upside_down_face: )

it’s not even possible to grab an enemy weapon, and refill it by an enemy ammo box because:

" you can’t use enemy ammo boxes " :upside_down_face:

if you pick an enemy weapon = death soon or later

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Yes, that is why I said:

Sure, you are going to have limited ammunition, but that is what pistols and ability to pick up more weapons is here for.

i know

So for players like me, who play only at weekends, nothing has changed. Basically f2p players and those who play from time to time are screwed. Not nice.

Other than that, the update seems good.


Hardly any news on the latest update, a delay to battles (I’m on ps5) so was lucky, I expect last gen took longer so they have balanced the time, I guess I’ll have time for a tea now.

What about bug fixes, Tank spawning in building on Omer, FW flight model, these are supposed to be bugs / updates.

Thank you for fixing the weapon pick up bugs, and the addition of the silver orders to the battlepass is a step into improvement. To be honest why not just make it experience based like the bronze orders, instead of 3000xp it should be 10,000xp or even 15,000xp. Slow but a steady way to get silver orders.


I really like the

Played a couple of matches and only got one that had already started!

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We are aware of these problems. We will release a fix soon.


Just five months later.And maybe a little more.
Thank you very much for so speed update.

If you play as a rat.
If you are on the front line, then you always have a lot of weapons.