Making Enlisted a Better Place №1

If you corrected every mistake in 3 hours, there would be no price to you.Although…

Wow that was quick!

Please fix premium jumbo’s APCR and easily damaged breach.

@Keofox I m sorry but I have asked this multiple times. No answer so far.

Will we ever, have more soldiers on current 4 soldier premium squads exacly like normal squads?.

Is this planed or said squads will be always limited to 4 soldiers with no specialists?

Example : Premium squads need a change - your opinion?


Hi Keofox,

I have some ideas, if you don’t mind.
Engineers need to be rewarded more then for Rally points and such. I’ve seen people play engineers, and have Engineering scores in the 100’s, but be rewarded next to nothing in XP because they focused on helping their team instead of killing for their team, and your game penalizes them for this. So your XP and reward system needs to be adjusted to compensate players for doing it. It will also incentivize others to do it more themselves. I do it regardless, but that is because I want to win, and you know what, 90% of the time at least I do (as you can see from my streams).

In addition to this, you need Dedicated AA. Most things in this game have 2 Hard counters.
I.e. Tanks can be killed by other tanks AND by infantry.
Right now (with some fluky exceptions of people taking out Bi-Planes in Moscow with AT guns, which is not realistic to the average player) planes are only countered by other planes, and some of the fighters (FW190) are bugged to make it hard to do.
So, if you add some dedicated small caliber AA (like the modified MG34/42 with AA mounts) or 37mm / 40mm AA (Axis and Allies respectively) it will allow infantry a Hard counter to planes. And its not out of the realm of realism either, since there were a lot of Mobile AA options for both countries during the War.
Nothing will ruin a new players life more than being absolutely knocked around by A-20’s and Ju188’s etc with n o way to take them out if your team doesn’t take to the sky for whatever reason.

Lastly, you need a Match Maker. You need to shield new players from veterans for at least a dozen matches if not more. That way you can hopefully retain more people in the long term, instead of having them get knocked around by us veterans.
I’m a decent to good player here, and you can watch my feeds to see that . I do NOT want to be killing new players. I’m not here to pad stats, or play easy. I don’t want new players discouraged by going in a game and having me stomp them with my high end gear and 5 star soliders, plus my hundreds of games experience.

My thoughts for now. I am sure I have more to come.


So my thoughts about Engineers basically boil down to: Engineers are just rally point builders. The only other semi-useful thing they can build is an AA gun inside a building, which feels pretty silly imo. AT guns have limited ammo, and what ammo they do have often isn’t effective vs the strongest tanks in the game like the Panther. Stuff like sandbags or barbed wire can be sorta helpful but often times just gets blown up after a few minutes, and barely rewards any XP whatsoever. MG nests can be good but theyre incredibly fragile and take forever to build.

I’d like to see Engineers having more powerful uses outside of just rally points. If I’m investing 30 seconds into building an AT gun, then that AT gun should be able to effectively destroy any enemy tank regardless of what it is. AA guns should actually be effective tools vs planes, not against infantry. I’d like to see more options for sandbags, like the larger sandbag walls with the hole in the middle that are on maps, longer walls, U shaped nests, etc. Engineers seem to me like they could be a playground for interesting and fun buildables but right now are a huge missed opportunity.


If we are really leading a squad and not playing House Flipper/Foxhole, then getting rid of that 30 seconds should be possible, as I suggested a few hours earlier:

There’s a chance it already works based on a hint there.

lol so many angry people here. Chill out people, it’s just a video game. Make Enlisted Great Again! Or Mega.

Russians - write on Russian forum, your crude google translations are out of place here.

My concerns:

  1. Bots running away, when engineer builds something near them - fix that asap
  2. Moving AT guns - not necessary. You can dismantle, and rebuild, same thing. Tanks are already weak, don’t OP AT guns.
  3. More maps
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I’ve gotten good results out of everything engineers build.

Sandbags- I mostly build them inside to break up line of sight, obviously provide cover, and act as an obstacle but not a barricade. I give enough room for bots and players to pass through them, but such a way that it slows you down having to navigate them

Main complaint about sandbags is that they’re too fragile.

Barbed wire- I mostly build outside either spaced out in open areas where infantry usually try to advace (to slow them down either directly or by making them think about how to avoid the wire), or alternatively I set them up around corners or at flanks so that, even if the wire is destroyed, you can hear the rattle of someone trying to traverse the wire, and they don’t surprise you.

Main complaint as well is that it’s too fragile. Also smoothbrains on my team who place them on the innermost layer of fortifications.

Hedgehogs- funny they barely get used anymore because they used to be the meta in the Moscow CBT and everyone just stopped without them getting nerfed.
Used for forcing tanks to take longer routes, or become vulnerable trying to dismantle or waiting for infantry to dismantle them. Combined with AT weapons they can be extremely effective against tanks.

No downside to them.

Ammo crates- shouldn’t need an explanation, HEAT-based AT weapons, SMGs, and especially LMGs benefit substantially

No downside.

AT guns- best counter to the Grant in Tunisia, but definitely overly limited by ammo and how difficult it is to place them in Moscow and especially Normandy

Machine guns- never should have been made exclusive to engineer 2, but they slap regardless

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It is not same thing, tanks move and sometimes you are unable to reposition gun due to deployment area issues, if you can move it, we could deploy in set area and push down / up within reason where we want it.


You ever tried lifting an AT gun? It’s not weightless, at all lol And was never meant to be transported over long distances by hand, they had trucks for that. You could only deploy and move them a bit. So would be unrealistic, if you could fling them around.

Also, tanks already get pwned pretty hard - mostly urban environment, lots of bushes, ditches and cover, to approach. So not sure OPing AT guns more is a good idea.

PS thats just my opinion, one of many. So I don’t mind changes to AT stuff, if community wants that.

you made me remember when I was playing the first blitzkriegh (pc), the hours that were lost just to reposition the artillery and if you lost a truck you were fucked up, what fun


BTW it is a great game, just going WT style greed, is not a step in the right direction atm

As a Engineer, in game, in every squad i run, these are some nice additions to the class, and can see myself getting very busy with these new commands, i need ammo here, i need ammo here, i need ammo here, kekeke

Try and listen to your older player base, or ones that pay, that have been asking for fixes, and not just those f2p who complain, about everything, ofc this be hard to separate.

I was this close to walking away from game, after 5 weeks of playing, after removal of academy,
(i actually liked that feature, i do understand, that others did not like it as the time it took up, from game playing)
and after spending, $350 USD in game for the first 3-4 weeks.

Then you post this thread/post, which gives me some sort of hope, that you do care about the game, and just not USD, saved by the bell.


“Each update of “Making Enlisted a Better Place” will focus on a particular aspect of the game or a particular mechanic, where we’ll fix bugs or add interesting features.”
Focussing the updates on smaller aspects is a good concept. I like the latest changes at least.


In order to make the game better, can you quickly fix the bug of shooting with the left button, no bullets are fired, but the ammunition is consumed? It is too annoying. A German assault squad in Berlin brought 4 VG1-5s. This bug occurred in 3 of them when we received the enemy. :scream: Is this to allow players to experience the end of the Third Reich? Of course, this bug does not only appear on VG1-5. :sweat_smile:


What I like:

  • smaller micro patches that focus on fixing and improving specific aspects of the game. (LIKE THIS VERY MUCH)
  • more control when building objects
  • more information regarding team needs with extra chat functions
  • building overall with engineer is much smoother aiding the fighting experience over the entire battle thus its more enjoyable

What I don’t like:

  • The Axis experience for me in Tunisia is horrible and not very enjoyable. It is very one sided most games. This has impacted my ‘Operation’ effort.
  • AT guns are too fragile. Whilst I very much enjoy thinking outside the box to deploy them in a way that makes my competence valuable to the team, sometimes theres no option to be clever and as such they are easily defeated by tanks, too easily.
  • It would be nice to have visual feedback about the radius with which you can build a rally point near a capture point so that you can make a more informed decision about its placement.
  • AT and Flak gun resupply. It feels clanky to have to dismantle and rebuild guns when they’re out of ammo.

What I dont understand:

  • The role AI can take in regards to gun emplacements
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Some great changes here. I would love to have more immersion in the campaigns by having unique structures based on faction (other than the AT guns). Here is a general idea:

USSR: MG42 ----> Mounted PM1910 or DS-39
FlaK38 Flakveirling ----> M1940 25mm 72K

Germany: MG42 ----> MG34 on Lafayette tripod
FlaK38 Flakveirling ----> FlaK38 (Single)

UK/US: MG42 ----> Vickers HMG or M1917
(I actually don’t know what AA to put here, single mount oerlikon or M2 on an AA tripod?)

Italy: MG42 ----> Fiat–Revelli Modello 1935 (8mm)
FlaK38 Flakveirling ----> Breda Modello 35 20mm

US: MG42 ----> M1919 on tripod
FlaK38 Flakveirling ----> M45 .50 Quad (Krautmower)
Germany : as is

USSR: MG-42 ----> SG-43
FlaK38 Flakveirling ----> 37mm M1939 61K
Germany: MG as is
FlaK38 Flakveirling ----> FlaK 37 3.7mm

It would definitely add to the flavor and variety of the game if faction specific mounted weapons like these were represented. It is rather boring and unrealistic to have the same engineer buildables for each faction.


I feel like a boost to XP gain is much needed. The max I’m getting for a good match without boosters is like 30k and getting minimums of like 4k, and that’s with premium! I feel like that should be the normal amount. The minimum XP gain should be like 5K to 35K WITHOUT premium time

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I guess that format belongs to

:slight_smile: But some belong here as well for the engineer theme, I like this one especially:

And when we can change all these soldiers we do not use for bronze soldiers?

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