Making Enlisted a Better Place №1

AT guns in ww2 were more ambush type weapons. They are not tanks so once spotted they were usually easy to take out.

  • You won’t move an AT gun by yourself. You have squad full of AI soldiers to help you.
  • They won’t be moved over long distances, only to reposition it 10-20m and rotate. You might try to cross a map pushing it but you will be deffenceless and really slow so good luck.
  • It would be realistic to move them

No you didn’t - still happens.

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It would be nice to know, but i usually put them about 60m, as if i put closer, 50-55m i get battle active etc, and can not spawn there, also if you stick RP under a tank, seems good, but people that spawn will be on the top of tank, so i stopped doing that, and try and find a ditch, where they can spawn safely.

Very welcome updates. Especially the new message options!

The rotation of buildings is kind of wonky. Rotating the anti-tank hedgehogs does not really accomplish anything, because they sort of flip around or something, and they turn red and cannot be built.

Also, for everything else, it would be nice if rotation would have a bit higher level of control (rotation would not be just left, right, up, down, but rather, if you push left and right and the object would turn a few degrees at a time, and accelerate the rotation the longer you hold down the key).

Hi Keo. Nice patch.


  • Could you make it so if I’m using the engineer and start building something like a rally point and swap away from the troop that engineer would continue to build the item?

  • Reason. This would be a real aid to people building rallies because at the mement, you need to stay and build each object unless there is more than 1 engineer in your squad.

  • Bug. Also there is a bug with the AI that causes them to move too far away from you when building rallies often results in them leaving cover and dying so by the time I’m finished building the rally half my assault squad is dead.

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Yes please take a look at the flight model as well as the guns. It’s currently the highest tier fighter but has the worst handling of any fighter in the whole game. The handling is way too sensitive and it is too prone to flipping over.

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100% Good engineers and rally points are a huge factor to winning matches.

If it was easier to build without losing half your squad because the AI scatters to get out of the way for you to build then it would be even better. Or if I could just start building the object and leave the engineer to build the item I could defend my squad and continue pushing.


Actually I’m thinking this would make a good future anti-tank unit. An AT-gun pushed around by infantry. But probably better to give capability to engineer built ones.

true, but this is a game and it has to be enjoyable. Right now spending all that time and resources building an AT gun just for it and the soldier using it to die the moment someone looks at it funny isnt enjoyable. Needs to be addressed. Plus as you said ambush weapon, its impossible to ambush anything in any game because games cant support real life distances and players respawn when they’re killed.

Well maybe we disagree on what it means to be ambushed. I have been ambushed quite often in this game as well as others.

To me being ambushed means being hit unexpectedly. And this happens quite a bit when I’m looking in the wrong direction.

And of course the key to a successful ambush is making your first shot kill or at least significantly cripple the target.

And the problem with manning an AT gun in this game is the same as maning an AA gun or flying a fighter with MG’s only.

It’s boring to sit and wait for a target to show up and leads to low scoring games with little to no progression …

I do have some solutions to some of these issues … in some other posts

Its still not an ambush though, because in a real ambush your victim stays dead. Because we cant reposition guns, and because this is an attack/defense game not a guerilla warfare game the fragility of these weapons needs to be addressed. A simple fix would be that these weapons are refunded in full when they’re dismantled. Still not very fun but it wouldnt be as punishing as it is now.

Note: I solely have experience with the Tunisia campaign and the PC-version.

Couple of QAL additions that could be neat further down the line:

  • Expansion of squad formational organisation: e.g., while having the already existing spacing commands “wide”, “standard” and “close” in tandem with formational commands as “Row”, “Column”, “Double column” a.o. This would make it easier to synchronise squad exposure when peeking over a crest or further ease movement through trench lines or even moving the squad covered behind armour. This would also simplify movement in formation as I of now would have to walk the AI into position manually with personal orders which in of itself is only valid within a certain distance to a given member. If one could order a defensive line with whatever spacing for example I could then for instance as an engineer build elsewhere or improve the defensive position without worrying about being too far away from the AI as it seems squad orders are valid regardless of my own distance to the squad.

-Personal dig orders for shovel equipped AI:
Could work with something akin to the ordering of artillery but would perhaps work the best as a personal order where you could give a rough dig line for the AI to follow with a specified depth such as “to prone”, " to crouch" and “to standing” (for example selected with the “R”-key). This could of course also be used for the AI digging fox holes. With it again being a personal order it would at least stop the exploit where you could send the AI on its merry way to build the Maginot line somewhere on the map as the player would at least have to remain attached to the AI. This would improve the feeling of usability of the squad as they now also can assist you in that aspect if all other actual players with shovels are occupied with fighting.

  • Squad fire discipline command:
    A rather simple one: “Weapons free”, “Return fire if fired upon”, “Hold fire”. I have been in some instances where I for instance hear or see another squad drawing attention knowingly or unknowingly creating covering fire for my squads movement. Sadly in some instances the AI are trigger happy enough to break cover if we are crawling beneath a crest/birm to exploit a flank.

The last one I have not personally seen a prompt for when attempting it in game but ordering AI to man machine guns have not been obviously possible for me at least, correct me if this is the contrary.

As a footnote and aside to the former I suppose VR/headtracking support and further joystick integration/identification would be nice in the far future as well as my own “logitech extreme 3d pro” as of now is identified as a xbox controller which in some instances has led to some shoddy axis/key-binds as well as the UI switching between the console version and the pc version when moving between keyboard and joystick.