Making BR more reflecting of a player's equipment strength

I knew it. You just need to believe in yourself and you will frontally kill the Tiger with the Stuart or somehow remove greyzone.
Use the force.

The reality is different because it mostly doesnt work in the game, at best in Normandy.
Moscow for example: Soviets have better tanks, their planes have rockets and weird armor stats, they have better SMGs, better MG with DT and better AR and automatic rifle.
Germans… ehm I think thex 250kb bombs and the Granatbüchse.

But RPS…
well… tanks wrecks infantry, infantry kills tanks only if tanks are dumb and goes out of greyzones, planes kill tanks and questionable AA sometimes kills planes or planes but most of the time planes commits suicide.
But what about tanks themself? Light tanks cant flank, med tanks are only usefull on US and SU side because their heavies are either too slow or have 75mm cannon, heavies can do everything but better (especially Tiger IIs) and tank destroyers are useless because they are meds without mgs and turrets.

I dont know why this approach didnt work in the long run.

No shit, mate.

What above? T-34? Yeah sure, just flank greyzone bro I guess.

Greyzone means no inf or tank flanking.
And suicide bombing… lol thats the sign of a good game if you need to waste planes to stop spawn campers ground forces cant kill.
Thats balanced.

I dont know but suicide-bombing doesnt sound really intelligent nor really healthy and flanking greyzones is also not really ideal.

Because imagine people dont want to rely on Alahu Akbar tactics to take out a stupid tank all the time.
Thats not good game design or balance or sign of a healthy community.

Just flank greyzone lol


Suicide bombing is a toxic tactic commited by people that dont even want to fly but just getting tired of the team not being able to take out Tiger-Wehrmacht Kenobi.
If this and together “lol jsut flank greyzones” is the best the current meta offers, I am wondering why this game didnt die last year. In all of my gaming expierence, I have never expierenced people actually suggesting to do such toxic tactics to counter toxic matches. This is just another reason why the end result of campaigns sucks.

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Like I’ll always say, it’s not always about Braun, is about using your head and having strats too.

You know some people just want to use good weapons every now and then without like I said the gaurantee of a nightmare of a game, right?

And if not unlockable items and then you can always buy explosives and bunker busts points with those if you truly wanted to or even use a flamethrower

And that’s Berlin, home of the king tigers so what did you think would happen.

You just proved my point about the grey zone, if they rather expand the maps boundaries or get rid of the grey zone altogether then you’ll have no problem flanking such tanks. Thanks you for proving my point.

Just goes to show how much of a difference greyzones really make

Whats there to proof? Everyone knows about the map issues but I also rarely see people saying that and at the same time coming up with “lol just flank, bro”.
The queue issues also wont be solved even without greyzones or a lot of grind stuff still being useless aginst End Tier or slow lights and US TDs.
And it also doesnt change the fact that many maps are just designed to be COD-like kill tunnels with no real flanking possibilites even without greyzons.
Certain maps such as D-Day, Ver-Sur the Berlin Brigde or the Seelow Height would still suck because the maps are either open as hell or have the high ground everyhwere which would only be solved by not fighting on the beach.

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You just sat here and told me how much grey zones mean even though you’re saying suicide bombing is of inconvenience. But if grey zone was removed and then we wouldn’t need to suicide bomb in your case.

If you honestly believe that could you please tell that to the Soviet players in Berlin which have copy pasted parts of our arsenal for some reason especially when it comes to the iconic weapons.

??? What are you trying to say ?
First you say merge is bad noobs get slaughtered by high end gear.
I point out that it is exactly what is happening right now as we speak AND merge and BR is to prevent it happening ?

Now you are offering Braun & strategy ? Okay which Braun are you going to bring to battle between
pz2 and t-34 ?
A blender ? Perhaps a shaver ? Braun Electric Shavers and Razors | Braun

Do please enlight me how this Braun strategy of yours is preventing pz2 vs t34 battles from happening?
Or even better explain me how your silky smooth shaver is helping you in battle with pz2 against t-34 ?

Which they can do in customs if they are so afraid ?

Ah yes the flamethrower, I bet that combined with some serious braun silky smooth tighs will help me to deal with KT2

Well pointed out your argument is wrong didnt I ?

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It is toxic, most people dont want it in the game because its just ridicilious and also drains tickets.
And it also shows that one side has a significant advantage because they dont need to play 911 just to take out a tank.

No. People would spend more time killing people in their spawns now and people wouldnt even bother to play the weaker side at all.
Much better.

What I was saying is that Berlin is no campaign for solo players. You need a coordinated group to constantly win in Berlin russians. Really a coordinated group can win against anything if they use the map to their advantage. Matter of fact there is ways to flank i grey zone and get out without having a single tuck of health taken away. And if you give experienced players the same equipment as noobs the experienced players will stomp anyday. Simply because we’ve spent enough time to master all the guns even the bolt actions.

Reading this makes me feel a twinge of pain in my body and all the horrible matches I’ve been playing as a solo player in that campaign.

I feel that pain all the time I’m playing against some sweat Lords in Moscow when I’m just trying to level up that campaign it’s not fun and especially when you’re a solo player.

So all the suddenly this current system you are so keen to keep isnt good after all ?

Im quite sure majority is solo players.

Ah the classic flank it.
So first you bash BR & merge due to its not being balanced and now you offer “flank” as substitute for current situation ?

Oh no ? Really ?

Yeah I can tell you sir are a master.

not to mention player may not even have planes cause they took out tank in vehicle slot.

yes you are the smartest player alive. tell me about strats that pz2 can use to counter t34 that is killing enemy infantry and has line of sight to enemy tank spawn.

now we are getting somewhere. you just want to sealclub.

maybe search forum for last 2-3 years about gray zone and see how that went. not to mention it still doesnt solve AR vs BA or flamethrower 2 vs BA etc. high tier weapons are simply that much more effective at killing enemy faster and farming kills compared to BA rifles. not to mention hight tier tanks and planes.


It is by far worst of all campaigns considering balance.


Drinking plenty of bleach and any XP glitches I can find to do that campaign it’s so much fun

People are forgetting too that the campaigns were set up the way they are for a reason. Take Moscow for an example, Moscow wasn’t supposed to be balanced, it was supposed to swing towards the soviets favor because the fight was on their own soil and they know their land better than the German invaders knew it. The Japanese were behind on their tech so the Americans were supposed to have the advantage in tech however the japs had better bolt actions and would be fun for a skilled marksman to use those bolties. And campaigns like Moscow Germans and japs on pacific are supposed to feel rewarding to win games as. Also for Berlin it was supposed to be a nightmare on both sides. And Germans especially due to the fact they we’re fighting in their own capital and they were using any weapon they had. And Russians were supposed to struggle too because they were entering urban combat in territory they don’t consider their home. Normandy is truly supposed to be balanced because both the US and Germans had more advanced weaponry. Because people say the Sherman jumbo is a nightmare to fight against and the tiger is complained about as well. Honestly Enlisted did right by their original intentions. If you guys complain about Germans at a disadvantage in Moscow or japs at a disadvantage in tech and then the devs went about it the right way. Because it wasn’t supposed to be all accurate weapons but they just wanted the idea of what happened in all campaigns down.

Okay ? So USSR wasnt struggling during operation barbarossa and technically did not lose its entire active army worth of soldiers during it ?

Yeah, thank god soviets wasnt in same situation during operation barbarossa they just had stalinium armory & weaponry laying all-around and had very well trained army.

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Oh yeah no doubt soviets took a ton of casualties along the way. But at the same time like I said if people are complaining about a side in a campaign that wasn’t supposed to be at any advantage because that’s the way it is, then the campaign system was executed in the right direction. They weren’t looking for balance. Like I said, they were just supposed to show an example of what happened in it. It’s not supposed to be down to detail they just wanted to give a feel of the atmosphere as dying was a prime staple to how the atmosphere was felt. So suicide diving in planes is called for in this game rather if people like it or not in any campaign