Making BR more reflecting of a player's equipment strength

Pretty much, untill merge.

Well not really, its quite often spoken topic and genuinely asked feature to lock crossplay off for PC players as well.
Currently just consoles can do it and unfortunately they dont use it that much.

Even when the merge happens they’re still gonna be at tier 5 meaning they only play Berlin and Normandy and then they’re gonna complain about p-47 spams and demand for the campaign system to come back lol.

At least they wont keep killing newbies with PPS42s and the same applies to Soviets who farm Panzer II and IIIs with T-34s.
The only real issue is currently how to deal with Tier III and giving US better tanks and At weapons which I think is far easier and realistic than “saving” a doomed and toxic system nobody really wants anymore at this point beyond HA 2.0 clownd and console super clowns.

Wouldnt make it more sense to complain about the P-47?

Must be this superior console logic. Always choose the lesst successfull way.

Iirc console players dont even make a big minority of the players and DF earns way less money with them than with console players and I highly doubt those masses exist even for console player level of stupidity. So from a market perspective, whi cares?
Also, similar to HA 2.0, it is amazing that those silent masses are so massive that they dont want to show up at all beyond one person which is a mathematical wonder.

Have you not seen the multitude of people who spoke out for a simpler system than merging the campaigns together and to just merge the progression system only?

Yeah and it was like zero people who liked your posts.

Maybe different definitions of majority or masses.

(And it still doesnt fix queues and gear imbalance)

Screw gear balance, honestly you can outplay anyone with any gun. Hell, even a grenade can outplay an entire avt40/fg42 rifle squad

And even some people have said they don’t mind a longer queue

doubt the weapons will be map locked but dont really care even if they do

And ?

Like how is this current system protecting people from the p-47 spam ?

True, but unfortunately I havent really seen any so good players that they single handedly would outplay high gear / BR players with just BA.

But I do see daily people with that funny controller icon nexto theyr name that gets out played by bots.

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I think most people said in regards of getting fair matches that dont last seven minutes or do.
Excluding console mains.

So can the AVT dude with grenades except he still has ton of automatic rifles and the newbie not even a semi-auto.
Also tanks but lol flank greyzone I guess.

Ok and then ask for them to take grey zones out then, I’d be fine with that.

And something else too. We used to be the noobs with nothing until we grinded through the progression system. So when the newbies complain about having to go up against experienced or high level players, then why shouldn’t they have to go through the same grind we went through? It’s just not fair they get to have an easier route and gaijin gives them all the power to change the game through complaining which is a luxury i or no one else who started out on any game matter of fact ever got from any game developer.

And then and then and then and then and then…

When I played as noob, the biggest issue in Moscow were T-28s I could kill with a Panzer II and the Jumbo in D-Day which sucked.
Now you face T-34s you cant pen and the Jumbo highground turned into Tiger-Wehrmacht Kenobis which Stuarts cant pen.
Its not the same at least for Moscow and even Normandy you could argue both sides back in 21 had enough time to eventually grind the other side out.

Now thats selfish.
We might not get new playets because current game is toxic in terms of gear imbalance but at least I didnt feel like I got not treated well enough.
Pretty sure stuff like keeping all old squads and SG is not enough I guess.

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Gear Imbalance is just a recycled hollow excuse, and it’s because this game is a Rock Paper Scissors like game. You’re not meant to fight fire with fire every fight. For example

Because t-28’s were mainly built around taking out infantry from a defensive position, not tank hunting. And a panzer 2 you can easily kill with a bt-7, t-26 and above. And a tiger isn’t meant to be took on by a Stuart. Instead try to flank with a det pack/tnt or suicide bomb or with a plane or just normally bomb it with someone marking it for you in advance. Like I said you’re not meant to fight fire with fire every fight you get in, your have to use your head. And if you can’t think outside the box and then you’re screwed. So all I heard so far was excuses excuses excuses.

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Also about the Moscow t-34. You’re not meant to take it head on unless you have a high velocity panzer 4. But besides that, flanking the t-34 and putting a tnt on the engine deck will do the trick just like I would say about the KV. Basically turning both the KV and t-34 into immobilized ovens if not outright blowing them up.

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And your ancestors did just fine without electicity why should you use it ?
The fk is this logic ?

Im quite sure majority of us who asked for skillbased matchmake in past for example have been playing this game quite some time.
Sure il grant that I could have never even dreamed about merge & BR but still im all in for both.

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Nice analogy but not falling for it because my logic still makes sense especially when I can back up what I’m saying and just did a message ago. And I sat here and gave advices for the examples given.

And you’re gonna be disappointed as it only looks good on paper but in reality the progression system would be more difficult for new players as they have to grind through 80+ different weapons if it’s entirely the same system as war thunder to get to a preferred tier 5 gun/vehicle. And even if it’s easy, you guys are really speaking up for gaijin’s signature slap in the face for veterans like myself and maybe even you since you said you’ve been playing for a 1 and a half to 2 years plus.

And I believe the only increase in players you’ll see is then new people come and once they find out how much more they’d have to do than this current system to unlock a tier 4 or 5 weapon and then they’ll quit the game and playerbase will plummet down again.

No it doesnt, unless ofc you are a teenager whos every argument is based on “but mom other kids too”
But then again that would make sense and explain such childish argument in first place.

Well we dont know how the progression tree will be at the end.
In past it was compared to skill trees where you can just jump over certain points which you have no intrest to.
So I highly doubt it will be like you say, grind over 20 BA rifles before getting first SMG.

What slap ? Getting what we have been exactly asking for ?
Balanced & populated games instead of botfests ?

Or are you now referring again to some egocentric issue how next players might ( Hopefully ) have easier grind road than we had ?

Or are you afraid that in next BR system you might come up against players that will actually give challenge ?
If so just play against bots in customs.

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You really don’t understand my point of view. You think I want every game to be easy when I made it clear that I understand The game is meant for you to think outside the box. And you can take out any player squad with any thing. And I run with a group of friends and we all enjoy an occasional challenge. But now the merge will make it insufferable for new players too. Especially when they get tier 3 guns and it’s a gamble that they run into tier 4 and 5’s and when they get their first tier 5 weapon and want to test it out, they’d have to go through a shitfest of ppsh, white phosphorus, IS 2 tiger 2 stg44, fg42 rifle spam and even worse for them apparently, top tier vehicle spam. So they can’t test out their first tier 4 or 5 gun with any potential to do it without getting wiped the second they go close to the objectives. Trust me they’ll be complaining. Because at least now when you unlock such weapons, you can test them out without the gaurantee of a spam fest every game you use that one gun.

What point ? The one everyone should have shitty experience because you also had ?

Yeah man, It must be horrible to face equal equipment. Totally not like we have currently pz2 vs T34.

And if its too much they can always stick to lower BR

Yeah that totally isnt happening as we speak.
With that exception the so called noobs dont have a single weapon capable to deal with them.

Like they currently have any chance ?

Im currently doing the berlin and so far I havent had a single game without atleast 1 axis having the end game gear.
So there goes the guarantee of soviets peacefully trying out anything.

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