Making BR more reflecting of a player's equipment strength

After fixing so many problems on profile converting. And just forget about how BR changed the game’s playing purpose.
It’s time to warn about what problems current BR can have.

Just a repeat of an older thread:
Especially if dev is doing the WT’s way:
Only counting the highest BR of player’s loadout.

And in Enlisted, it unlike WT , where a single high BR weapons (or squads) will work.
In WT, you only need one tank of that type is enough.
In enlisted, you need to issue the more powerful equipments for all soldiers in all squads. Having a single STG with rest of soldiers using K98k is not working at all.

It can create situation for newbies purchased a late war premium squads, but rest of his squads are basic squads. When he may be get crushed really hard.

Also, doubt dev having ability to actually get enough and even amount of same BR players for both sides. ATM, game can’t even provide basic team balance (or having same amount of humans for both sides.)

Lastly, why it’s not based on players’ ranks? Shouldnt this be a much better indicator (if dev fix it properly) for balance? Most mobile games use player’s win/lose ratio for how powerful he is.

Actually, if dev dont wanna think about it, it’s totally fine for me.
I can already set up an entire 6~10 squads all with same BR2 equipment. Not wasting a single equipped weapon/tank/planes strength under the limit of BR2.

Well for newbies. Goodluck after you finally getting a single BR3 weapon while the rest of your squads are still lower ranked stuff.


While there are flaws to how it will be, there are also flaws for what you are suggesting for ranks too.

The ranking system needs to be overhauled as it is, as a player doesn’t even need to do particularly well to be a high level, they just have to play a lot of games.

I for one think the route they are going is ultimately better for the health of standard play. Why? Because it separates the strong equipment from the weak equipment more effectively.
Just because someone fights well with low grade gear, doesnt mean they should have to play in games they are outmatched, like what would be with ranks.

Ultimately, it keeps noobs from having to fight end-tier players, and prevents end-tier players getting stuck with noobs for teammates… in theory.


While I agree in spirit with what your saying, there is, in my opinion, no way the devs are going to do another pass of major changes to the system being implemented. They are certainly tweaking things with this third test, but nothing else.

What you are seeing in the test server, is what you’re getting.

I would definitely expect some basic form of skill based matchmaking to be patched in at some point, hopefully not in a hidden way like WTs’.

Not every game is supposed to be met with a high level team and noobs need to know that the game has it to where you can one tap anyone with a bolt action rifle. So just because you’re fighting a guy using a bolt action while he’s using an smg or battle rifle doesn’t mean the guy with the higher level will curb stomp hands-down. And most people talk about noobish teammates, then let me ask this question. Why are you not even playing with teammates you can trust? Even if you don’t have anyone, you can always make a looking for group post to find some good teammates. There are solutions outside of enlisted to find ways to get good teammates who will help you fight high level teams. We don’t need some merge because even if or when the merge happens, sweats are still going to be annihilating noobs like now. I know you merge praisers hate hearing it but it’s true. You’re never going to separate noobs from high levels.

The reality is that we have to accept that players must refrain from equipping a single high-tier item because they don’t want to wait for a full loadout of comparable equipment, OR we have to deal with people purposefully abusing the system and sandbagging with level zero equipment to drag down their high tier gear.

Just take people with 10 (soon to be 11) squad slots into account. What if I roll 8 barebones BR1 squads and 3 maxed out BR5 squads? What rank would your system think I deserve to match in?

unless you purposely make such squad, this will almost never happen. by the time you have access to stg44, you will have unlocked berreta m38 extended, kiraly, mkb, mp43. you would have leveled up at least 1 if not 2 assaulter squads that have 4 assaulters that can equip those weapons. not to mention you will have grinded other tech trees.

and here one tank is also enough. imagine having KT(H) in low/mid match. or in match with similar skill level but most of the players dont have access to anything to counter it.

lol. is this serious sentence or sarcasm?

and this is not mobile game, nor it is competitive game. this is casual shooter.

that is why i am for reducing grind significantly. problem is not in newbies having only one weapon in t3, but having to grind other branches for long time to get to t3.

The issue that I predominately run into is that I DO have friends that I play with, but it forces us to attempt to carry the rest of the team which consists heavily of noob players.

No but 99% of time this is pretty much what happens

After the merge its pretty much impossible to face end game gear with low level gear.
Sure, some “good” player can switch to low BR stuff and do what he wants but id say this is yet again not happening 99% of time.

So if the merge & BR does what its supposed to do 99% of time its quite effective.

So simple. Only making max 1~3 exemptions for what he carried. Like if he only carries 1~3 PPSHs, while rest of the whole squads are at LV2. Exempt PPSH’s ranks. Or making it only +1 BR than the normal BR.
Not for tanks. Tanks higher BR are OP.

You’d be surprised but it will happen more often then you’d expect just wait for when the merge comes out, you’ll see. Because have you not seen the stuff you get at tier 3? And grenades and flanethrowers, white phosphorous, etc can still be spammed at lower tiers if people wanted to. The aoe weapons can still be spammed like never before even when the merge comes. And you can ask some people on the console community too, more players than you think actually enjoy getting curbstomped by coordinated teams repeatedly and they’re actually friends with me and the group of friends i constantly run with.

the final weapons to what BR and how many BR there will be aint locked yet.

Dont think the intention of merge was to reduce usage of anything.
Rather just make sure the BR5 wont be slaughtering singlehandedly a team of BR1.

Sounds very healthy.

And I mean do they really have to merge the campaigns when they can just make it to where they just merge the progression system to where once you unlock the mp40 in one campaign, then you can transfer it over to where you don’t have to unlock it again but instead you just have to unlock it to buy more in the other campaign?


You can already transfer certain weapons to different campaigns.
Didnt really solve the problems.

Yeah but I’m talking about once you unlock the same weapon in one campaign, then you can transfer it to the other campaigns without having to unlock it in those campaigns too. Right now you have to unlock it in the campaign you want to transfer your gun to as well. What I’m talking about is a simpler one and done deal.

which still wont solve any of the issues what for merge is coming.

Yes it will, matter fact it will fix the one sidedness you guys complain about. So if you unlock a weapon in one place you won’t have to grind for it again. But no everyone wants to go “all hail gaijin all hail the merge” and not consider a simpler solution. There’s nothing wrong with the campaign system. It’s just the progression system that makes some campaigns one sided, and I’ll say this now. Talk to some of the console players, they will tell you they enjoy the game for how it is now, just simplify the progression system and leave the campaigns alone.

No it wont, axis people that play berlin mainly wont play moscow and the reason isnt because they would have to grind mp40 again but the fact its blatantly unbalanced campaign.

Because majority have figured out the problem with current system aint simple as people grinding same guns all over again.

No, just in campaigns itself and the fact that there isnt enough players.

Mmm, no.

Tbh if it was up to me id block console players entirely out of the game.
Or grant them theyr own server or something.

Well that’s just going to take away a good chunk of the playerbase right there as I’m a console player myself and trust me, we make up a good fraction of the enlisted community. We should have a say about the merge as well.

And yeah as soviets struggle in Berlin they’re allowed to have their flex in Moscow. It’s only even when one faction gets stomped on one campaign is where they have an advantage in another.

Dont really care since only difference between console players & bots is that bots might be useful sometimes.

Sure u have

Doesnt really change the fact that soviets dont play berlin and germuts dont play moscow.
Thus the playerbase is splitted to campaigns in which they have advantage.
BR & Merge is supposed to deal with this issue.

Well all the Germans who play Berlin will be stuck in Berlin because they’ve unlocked all the high level gear in Berlin and they’ll probably keep using them as Soviet players will be everywhere or stuck in Berlin themselves.

Well that just goes to show how ignorant PC players are. What a shame. No wonder why this game is going down the drain.