Making BR more reflecting of a player's equipment strength

And atmospherical accuracy should never be of any debate or controversy as this is after all a game based off a historical moment and not some fictional sci-do game or even call of duty or battlefield 5

Oh right, I can totally get the atmosphere.
Just roll in t-34 & few fedorovs and all the sudden 6million casualties are on german side.

Totally immersive just like it really happened.

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Yeah there is every campaigns’ prototype weapons but at least they are kept in their appropriate time zones. The mkb arguable but they can go off a couple months and still get away with it.

Not by YEARS or different or later time periods into early but just by months at most

Which wasnt the point, so most likely you never played moscow.
And yet here you are offering “flank it brah” over balanced games which merge will bring with br.

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Well flanking is the way to do it. Balance isn’t going to fix everything like you praise it to be. Even if somethings in the grey zone, you rather stay focused on defending your designated objectives or decide if you want to take out what’s in the grey zone. Besides if you do take out grey zone campers it kind of feels rewarding. And yes I have played Moscow matter fact me and my friends all play it the most often of all the campaigns. Once again, good guess but you missed.

Good luck flanking with that pz2 a t34

Well I dont think anyone ever said its perfect, will solve majority of issues which will be a good start.
You are the onlyone here doing strawman arguments about how merge & BR wont solve grouped players stomping solos ( Just for example )
Like this silly example of yours would somehow magically downplay all the other things merge & BR will fix.

Dont really think anyone asked how to deal with certain issues, we know probably better than you.
And we still know the current system is broken af.

Good for you, I guess in future you and your buddies can have fantastic parties in customs killing each other to grey zone.
And just feel & touch that sense of achievement.

Yeah, you havent.

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Pz2’s are not the only way to flank and I’ve made that clear a while ago but ok whatever.

Nah it’s safe to say you’re just bad especially if I gave advice earlier on how to deal with different situations in games but you all are still making excuses.

And now you’ve made it clear you’re just thick skulled and it’s kind of sad and funny at the same time. But wherever the merge isn’t gonna solve anything as coordinated groups can switch tiers and still kick noob teams’ teeth in with any weapon even bolt actions. And noobs are still gonna keep playing the victim card instead of watching replays to learn or ask for advice from the winning teams like me and my friends had and how noobs and new players asked for our advice in return.

Did I ask that ? No I didnt.
So can you flank with PZ2 vs t34 ? Since you are the onlyone here considering current situation better than what merge brings

Irony here is no one really asked for your help and if I did ask im quite sure you would be last one id ever ask.


I mean onlyway we could have explained this in more detail and a way easier to you understand would be if we made a coloring book for you about the subject

Current nonexistend balance vs how merge & BR will help with that issue
“juST flANk It BraH”

Will solve majority of current issues.

Well I highly doubt you and your 3 buddies can cause so much havoc that it will be actual problem.
But if that was the case, simple solution is to make BR consider what gear you have regardless have you chosen it to be used or not.


Next you gonna tell me how you won 4th grade running contest by far “Its just matter of skillz” conveniently forgetting to mention you also happened to be 20yr by the time.

Good luck with your esport dreams.

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I have no problem it was actually skill based but the T34 is borderline immortal because they’re Stalinium on it for some reason

Please do tell that to players in end game with all this logistical problems and nonexistent stuff which we’ll be seeing everywhere

Very reasonable suggestion, and quite appropriate for a squad-based game like Enlisted