Make the German Uniforms more accurate

While playing Enlisted I noticed that the German Uniforms looked very off and are not really accurate. In this thread I would like to post some suggestions on how this could be reworked. This thrad only covers Infantry units.
I will start with the uniforms themselves and they are not that wrong as a whole. The Feldbluse looks like a Model 1943 (Straight cut pockets and 6 buttons) which is wrong for the battle of Moscow. Furthermore, the colour also seems to be more blueish-grey than greenish-grey
The solution to this would be to simply recolour the jackets in a proper shade of Feldgrau and to make rounder pocket, like on the models 1936/40/41. Some variations could also be added by using all 3 before mentioned versions of the Feldbluse.
Now to the trouseres which I cosnider to be the biggest error of all uniform parts. The obvious error here is the colour, a kind of olive green that could only be used for the tropical uniform and not the eastern front.
The solution here would be to recolour the trousers to a proper shade of Feldgrau. If some variation is needed their could also be some stone-grey pre-war trousers.
The equipment displayed on the soldiers is lacking quite a lot.I will get to ammo pouches later, for now I will cover the equipment actually displayed on the soldier.
The spade, Klappspaten, on the soldiers was introduced in 1938, but the normal Feldspaten was commoner and would probably be a nice variation that could be displayed on the uniform. Usually the Feldspaten was worn together with a bayonet frog which is missing from the models. The bread bag is okay, maybe adding a canteen would look good.
The way the zeltbahn is fixed on the back is wrong. The Germans used a special assault package (A-Rahmen) to hold it.

This is the end of the section about general changes about the uniforms. My suggestions follow now.

Rank insignia could be displayed on the soldiers accoring to their current level (Squad leaders NCO ranks/ Soldiers EM ranks).
I would imagine it something like this:
For soldiers:
Level 0: Soldat
Level 1: OberschĂĽtze
Level 2: Gefreiter
Level 3: Obergefreiter
Level 4: Obergefreiter 6+
Level 5: Stabsgefreiter
For squad leaders:
Level 0: Unteroffizier
Level 1: Unterfeldwebel
Level 2: Feldwebel
Level 3: Oberfeldwebel
Level 4: Stabsfeldwebel
Level 5: Hauptfeldwebel
The insignia corresponding to the rank would be shown on the model of the soldier.
Shoulder boards could also receive their proper piping colour:
Assault/Infantry: White
Pioneer: Black
AT-Gunner: Pink
Mortarmen: Red

The equipment displayed on the soldiers could change accorindg to their acutal equipment. This applies especially for guns and their ammo pouces.
If a soldier just has a primary weapon (e.g. Kar89k), then both pouches should be displayed. If he also carries a sidearm (e.g. P08), then the pistol pouch should be displayed aswell.

If I have some wrong inforamtion in this guide, feel free to correct men but I think that these cosmetic changes could lead to a more in-depth game experience.


Maybe u could use some pictures as a reference for us, for the devs as well :grin:

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I hope this works!

Feldbluse M1936
Feldbluse M1940
Feldbluse M1941
Trousers M1940 (Feldgrau)
Trousers M1936 (Stone Grey)
Example Webbing for K89k

22: OberschĂĽtze
21: Gefreiter
20: Obergefreiter
19: Obergefreiter 6+
18: Stabsgefreiter
17: Unteroffizier
16: Unterfeldwebel
15: Feldwebel
14: Oberfeldwebel
13: Stabsfeldwebel
Hauptfeldwebel: Stripes around cuff
Shoulder board piping examples:
Infantry 1940 model:
Artillery Model 1935
Basic 1938 Model
Infantry 1935 Model


The Squad Leader picture did not safe properly


I think the soldier rank was in there, on his left shoulder iirc… It was appeared in first open pre-alpha test

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German Army Ranks 1939-1945 - YouTube Here is a video of a more detailed explanation of the German rank structure in ww2, but it doesn’t show a lot of the uniform, but still, it’s pretty good, i really hope that the devs add it to the game

The Americans need an overhaul big time lol. The uniforms look ridiculous. Yellow leather gloves in combat ? Come on now. Plus the uniforms are for the most part very inaccurate and lazy looking.

It’s still a beta, lads. Nothing is final until we leave it. They changed gun models in the past, I’m sure they’ll change these as well. They’ve got a lot of ground to cover with a small team.

“this button was 1mm off… Game ruined”

It has nothing to do with a button being off. The uniforms are years newer than anything else in the battle of moscow and are missing “vital” rank indicators / other insignias that would be present 100% of the time on historical uniforms.

Also the equipment (ammo pouches, pistol holster, etc) doesn’t match equipped stuff.

That is not an excuse. They could have realised they overscoped and could have gone for 1-2 campaigns only. But they decided to go ham with 4 campaigns planned atm so they have the responsibility to complete those.


You do you.
I’ll just consider myself fortunate that I don’t have severe enough OCD to lose sleep over the tiniest details. I see a German soldier, it looks like a German – I see a Soviet soldier, it looks like a Soviet.

i would agree, and i do agree for half… but when they say:


eh… i don’t know about that. uniforms are a bit off in my opinion.

through 4 stages, berlins and normandy have the same exact uniforms.

re-used assets and some of these, not even closely accurate.
they do have some sort of tabs and stuff, but it’s to the bare minimal.

i just saw some wehrmacht divisions with SS uniforms ( which it’s not accurate since the pea dot camo was only assigned to ss divisions and stuff ) and they ( that division ) were also using hats insthead of helmets.
they didn’t normally used hats if not for certain divisions ( such as the ost ) for it’s idenficiation. but during those battles at those period of history, germany and it’s divisions/regiment and stuff weren’t short on equipment.

or on the ally side, an entire divisions of NKVD wearing officers clothings, and on the american side, an infantry regiment wearing paratroopers uniforms.

so eh… that’s a bit of a yikes for me.

but on the other hand, it’s too earlier to say. since we are preatty much still in a beta.

i’m sure and confident in one of the next huge updates they will change uniforms. just like war thunder after a couple of years of it’s realease. meaning that those temporary assets will be changed later on.


That’s a problem with their marketing, so I would find an alternate choice of words, but nonetheless that will not stop any sane calm rational person from playing a video game.

Once marketed as such, one can not simply “find an alternatice choice of words” as there is a risk of lawsuits.

Just because you don’t mind does not mean that others should not be allowed to mind.

i explained my self bad.

i don’t mind ss units. but i understand it’s legal problem with it ( depise their trailer at moscow with a swastika… but eh… ) so i’m fine with avoiding them.

but what’s the point of including uniforms that were only assigned for them as another branch?

or just like i said on the ally side, an entire squad made of officers? or paratroopers gears on normal infantry? ( and most of the time, “naked” them selves with just a few poches or strips )

That’s perfectly fine pal. If you want authenticity, Post Scriptum is right around the corner for you.

No, literally.
They marketed the game as realistic.
People can file a lawsuit if the game goes too far towards the arcade side and have a good chance of winning what effectively would be a fraud cause. Idk what they’d benefit from it, except for forced mass refunds which could very well kill the game due to taking away all available funding.

Besides, realistic is not the same thing as a milsim. But I guess you haven’t played enough of either to know the difference.

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“realistic is not the same thing as milsim”

the game was supposed to be asymetrical with more attackers vs less defenders more tanks vs less tanks with anti tanks this words were exactly marketed in thier faq 4 years back after the cbt began they threw away that page and right now focus on normal capture the point games like any other games

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Neat. Hopefully they can do something interesting with conquest, it feels way too small.
Invasion is my preferred mode right now.