Make the German Uniforms more accurate

This is how large the maps are in total. They just didn’t unlock all of it for the different game modes yet. This is obviously the moscow campaign map, and you can make out every single one of the smaller skirmish and conquest maps on it. The monastery and most of the Invasion maps are in the center for example, while the surrounding villages host the conquest maps.

Once the game releases, all of that will be the playing field. And that’s by far large enough.

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We do not know if we ever get the full map as a playable area, or even bigger maps than we have now. We all hope for it, but there was no 100% confirmation.

All locations are on the same map mostly for planes and other technical issues. It was probalby easier to make one giant map and cut it for different smaller zones than creating said giant area for every map we have in the game.

Excuse me who said that the whole map will be utilised …if whole map is utilised you need 30 vs 30 players atleast not including the bots!

The original Plan was to have up to 100 players per map. And this looks just fine for a 50v50

I doubt the game would ever be able to support that with the ammount of players online at odd hours.
Need 2min to find a 10v10. Don’t feel like waiting 15+ for a 50v50.

Just saying what I found. I don’t think that’s too realistic either, or even feasible as that would mean up to 700 agents on any given map at once. It used to be their ambition however (New WW2 shooter promises 100-player battles that are not "sports-like" | PC Gamer, and I sincerely hope they’ll try and commit to it. It would be epic.

But sadly not sustainable.

It might be sustainable if they use a system like that of foxhole or Planetside 2, with persistent servers that run 24/7 and reset once one side has won instead of the current matchmaking based model.

Perhaps, but that is way diffrent from any of Gaijin’s games so idk if the engine and/or the servers would support that very well. Will have to see to believe I suppose.

Enduring confrontation works exactly like that, and it’s pretty stable and fun. The only thing that sucks about it in War Thunder is how its economy works.


I see what you mean with that whole map. It does almost feel like a waste of resources to make a map several kilometres wide, only to use a handful of little chunks for a standard conquest mode.
Of course i would prefer the larger map, but i’m good with either path they decide to take

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I’ll bump this post.

Still to remind how top and bottom pockets shouldn’t be 2 types. Either both with the central extension or both flat. For Battle of Moscow it shouldn’t be flat.


For Battle of Moscow, the infantry Regiment have this white outline on the collar.
It makes look like everyone in the squad has the NCO silver outline


For Normandy campaign, there is the M44 vest. But this vest was officially delivered in September 1944, so after the battle of Normandy (yes, some units got to wear it before as a test but on a very small scale, and it was on the Eastern Front)


This seems like a good thread to repost my old idea for German insignia to make the uniforms less empty looking.

And the winter uniforms of the german soldiers are not acurate as well. Please do something. Pls.