Make Germany suffer lesser in BR V

This is what I’m talking about… So what? You want the King Tiger to be indestructable? Get real.

I dont understsnd your point here… so you want to be able to kill more P47s with your own planes?

Are you shitting me?

MP43, STG44, Sniper STG, FG42, FG42 II, Sniper FG
All Panzerfausts are better than every other AT launcher. None of thid is gold order

You dont face the Type Hei auto so whats the problem? Are you just mad that the Japanese got a better Auto Rifle than Germany. Is this some sort of superiority complex?

The Cönders was disgusting and I’m glad people dont use it as much anymore. I have one and tje only reason I got it was because I hated the LAD even more.

No, its fact actually. The only thing youre missing is a 100rn MG, which I want for Germany(yes I play germany). But everything else is true, you do have the best stuff. Name a better tank than KT, a better AR than Sniper STG, a better auto rifle than Sniper FG.

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MP43/STG44 are inferior to AS-44 (it has bayonet too)/Fedorov, FG42/II and especially Sniper FG are inferior to AVT-40 and Sniper AVT-36. Sniper FG has insane dispersion (0.35) and bad recoil while AVT-36 sniper can just shoot one after another with zero issues because dispersion is non existent (0.04) and recoil is much lower 35/10 vs 52/10.
And Soviets have Panzerfaust 60/100 in their arsenal so i don’t see the issue, Americans will get your better upgraded launcher hopefully soon.

It’s just simple fact that all other nations get better guns but not us we are stuck on outdated crap that doesn’t even have a bayonet, while JP got not only Bayonet but also Bipod and P2W shield that has 20hp and you spawn with 6 of them and can land anywhere.

it has too low of the dmg per shot to be usable at BR5 and already got power creeped by m2 stinger

Still you haven’t listed the best stuff because you have no clue what you are talking about and i just showed it to you above, just by saying that Sniper FG is the best you just embarrassed yourself even further. Mkb42 sniper is better than STG44 sniper due x3 scope instead of x4 you don’t need such a big zoom. You should look at the stats for once and compare it against your competition their guns are vastly superior and there are ZERO point in playing as the Germans unless you are a tank enthusiast. KT is the only really good unlock that Germans have. It’s also convenient how you ignored paratroopers that are just worthless on the Axis team.

Conder gets power creeped also by LAD MG which so happens to have 150 round mag


Well, but LAD has significantly smaller amount of ammunition.

It can have max 150/150, meanwhile conders can have 100/300.


My meme contribution to the post. I skimmed the rest :blush:


The AS44 (AK47) is ridiculous and should not be in the tech tree, it has zero recoil and crazy damage, the Fedorov has also very little recoil so yes I think some balancing and nerfing is in order but saying they are better than All STG variants is crazy.

Bro do you hear youself? Are you saying that a 100rnd belt-fed SMG isnt good enough for BRV when most factions cant even get close to that amount of capacity.

Also comparing rhe M2 Stinger to the Cönders is crazy. And yes I agree the stinger is disgustingly OP.

Do you at least acknowledge that all these weapons you say are better than the german ones were put into the game because the germans had the best things at one point. You must be delusional to think germany is suffering in any way, yes russian stuff is better, RIGHT NOW, its a gaijin game, there is bias. And they will eventually balance it and it will turn the tide against the soviets/allies.

Ok so are you mad that you have the two best auto snipers? Again your delusion is showing. Assault Rifles with zoomed optics is something that was not mainstream until the 80s but enlisted players get to experience it in the ww2 setting. This shows the entitlement.

You dare touch our bias… errr… superior Soviet engineering???

To gulag you go!!!


I have not yet made up mind about Allies vs Soviet vs German Select fire rifles, AVT has indeed a smaller magazine, but is from my experience more accurate, FG42 deals slightly less damage and seems to have gotten kinda kicky compared to other rifles, but still very controllable and in the end its rate of fire and reload speed makes this weapon still excellent. T20 seems overall just better than the AVT, but this could change by giving the AVT a 20 round magazine.

To me T20, AVT, FG42 all seem more or less fair game - 30 round type hei however outclasses them for having a 30 round mag, the squad wipe power is much higher.

Just one look at that rifle and it is clear that it is the best of those.

I need to test this out, to me STG44 seems very good, obviously it should not perform worse than Fedorov or AS44, but I still need to check these things out to make up my mind.

StG has very similar to stats to AS-44, it’s nearly 1:1.

But what makes AS significantly better is bayonet. A thing that StG lacks in comparison to AS.

Its a select fire rifle locked to assaulters, its where all of them should have been in the first place and not given out to every conscript.

This is very true.

IMO they shouldve given it it’s 20 round mag isntead of the 30rnd mag and then they shouldve added an LMG variant with the 30 round mag in the tree as an LMG. It was called the Experimental Ultralight Machinegun after all.

Also it was not fully put into service because it had too much recoil, something that is not accurately reflected in the game.

My hope is that they give it more recoil, reduce the mag capacity and add an LMG variant to the tech tree. It wouldve been way better than KE7.

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Doesn’t bayonet still give recoil reduction?

Could benefit the gun slightly.

Also, there are swords you know, which give even faster charges than bayonets, I feel like you give them too much credit. Are those hatchets on par with bayonet? Does anyone know?

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Yes, it does provide bonus to recoil. But that’s not really that important. Both weapons have zero recoil if you have 4/4 perks for vertical recoil. And there’s really not much reason not to have them.

The main advantage is just more comfortable mobility via charges, as you don’t have to use axes and so.

Btw. And then there’s AT-44. A very overlooked AR as I see it.
And I personally prefer it over both AS and STG. It has best sights and even better recoil. This gun definition of laser gun.

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Usa can get the churchill avre


But for some odd reason when stuff like T20 & Stinger came to US magically the skilled player amount increased rather significantly on US side.

Could say the same about old campaigns as well.

It would be overperforming squad even without shitty shield additions.
And generally thats absolutely idiotic argument, while yes japan TT is least filled its also by far easiest to get the BR5 good stuff.

Sure they could, then again neither MG42 / 45 squad isnt something you meet frequently probably because they arent even close to being OP as the new jap squad.

Could say the same with that gaslight attention seeking.

How can you get your German teammate off Tiger 2, build respawn points, and participate in attacks?
No matter how hard I try, there’s always no one to help, they don’t even want to win.

i really never saw any MG as OP (besides maybe stinger, although i havent played soviet and japan high BR MG) and ppd 40 being on BR4 or BR5 really didnt matter before they recently half implemented ±1 BR.

i really want DF to stop the power creep, specially if they are premium weapons/squads. type hei AR and t20 are OP considering alternatives in other nations and type hei “LMG” with shield is just stupidly OP on BR5, not to mention on BR4.

solution is not to introduce stupidly OP weapons cause they lack stuff. either they need to introduce other stuff, or they should not have introduced japan on BR5.

Truly weird argumention. He’s literally not even consistent with time periods. And he just picks the one that fits his narrative.

I could say the same thing about weapon that cannot be paired with big ammo bag. So what?

it can be paired with ammo box, so what?

well idk about what time period you are talking about. we just recently got ±1 BR MM so ppd40 DSZ didnt matter if it was on BR4 or BR5 when they all saw same MM.