Make Germany suffer lesser in BR V

Ammo box is definitely not comparable to big ammo bag xDDD

Yeah, so we can just wait a few weeks. People will forget about this para squad and it’s no longer going to be a problem, lol. Ez

when you build it, it is even better than ammo bag.

ppd40 isnt even that OP, not to mention mg42 early even on BR4. type hei AR is OP on BR5 and type hei LMG is type hei AR with shield that gives 20hp more on BR4. ffs i think that type hei AR should have been nerfed, not to mention type hei AR with shield.

Well, if you are camper without any need of being agressive. In that case, yes.
Of course, if you managed to build it. With squad that can’t even have reliably an engineer.

Nope, they are overpowered in comparison to their free TT equivalents :))
Prove me wrong, lol.

Yes, the weapon is powerful and should be on BR5. The shield is an extremely overrated gimmick that is mostly only pointed out by people who haven’t played a single game with the squad.

Plus I’ve already proposed several ideas how to meaningfully nerf this weapon.

None of those are BR5 material, German mgs trade mag size for rof, and you don’t really even need more rof than 660-800 on any of the guns except maybe smgs, RD-44 has the perfect rof of 830 with not bad of a dispersion and nice recoil it only lacks in dmg but since it has very low mov speed penalty it can be used like BAR.
Germany don’t really have a true MG that have high rof and high capacity just like M2 Stinger, M1919 in game fires slower than irl so should receive buff, Vickers lmg should receive some buff to the recoil since it’s too high.
DF also for some reason balanced German mgs as a counter for soviet overpowered smgs so by taking them away you are left with zero counter at BR3-4.
And besides the point, mgs should be left alone while all BR5 smgs should go down in BR with exception of super high capacity smgs like Thompson 100, Conders and LAD.
MG42 Early while being super accurate if you burst it quickly loses it’s accuracy during prelonged fire due high dispersion it also has only 50/50 ammo without ammo bags it’s painful to play as an engineer since you need to instantly build an ammo box instead shooting for a while and then doing your ritual to summon that box.

It has 0.2 higher dmg, same rof, 2 point better recoil, 0.2 sec faster reload, 0.02 better dispersion.

I wouldn’t call those tiny increased stats OP, they don’t batter at all you won’t even notice them.

But still premiums shouldn’t have those free p2w bonuses and DF should harmonize bonuses of the premium guns to match TT level.

that is such a min-maxer thing 0.2 higher damage wow

but i understand some people dont like it when something is 0.01 better

0.2 damage more, slight recoil decrease and bayonet compared to PPD 34/38. 0.2 damage doesnt matter cause both guns need 3 bullets to kill and on both guns you can easily control recoil. only major difference is presence of bayonet, but it is kinda useless on gun with 71 bullets meant for CQC.

i would still be for nerfs on both type hei AR and type hei LMG with or without shield. shield is just gives extra flavor on why it is OP.

MG34 PT is better. Stat-wise the MG42 Early is not that impressive with like 4 lower recoil or so and that it shoots a bit faster.

You can’t be serious, lol xD prime example of intellectual dishonesty.

Bayonet is definitely way more relevant than some small gimmicky shield

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“You are initelectually dishonest because you don’t agree with my prefference”

if you have high capacity smg you will in 99% of cases kill enemy before he gets to bayonet range. if you have to kill enemy with bayonet cause you dont have enough bullets in your magazine, you are doing something wrong.

shield on another hand reduces normal hitbox and gives you extra 20hp if you shoot it 100% of the time. would not call it gimmicky exactly.

I don’t know if you were there back then to see commieboos whine about:

“Mp40 does 0.1 more damage! It’s vastly superior to drum Ppsh41 which is GARBAGE! It wastes bullets!!!”

I’m not even joking, those commieboos were serious with their whining :laughing:

Just some old forum stuff, that keeps coming again and again. Only difference are the sides and weapons that differ.


“Boos. Boos never change.”


i did seen something about M2 hyde doing like 3 or more damage or something while i browse old post looking at it now it pretty ridiculous tbh

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I don’t have this one…

I got the gold order m33 prototype with twin magazine, thought. It’s not super good, but I keep using it because it got style.

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dont worry i have none of those old stuff :sweat_smile:

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Id add the Mp40 has higher dmg at 100m which is definitely useful for smg.
Smaller mag & rof of mp40 & Beretta 20 mag allowed more “tactical use” over ppsh41 which was my favorite argument.


well if soviets have body armor, damage is somewhat similar on 100m :stuck_out_tongue: maybe mp40 has damage advantage on 200m? that range is highly relevant for smg.

And in theory with slower bullet & more curved trajectory ( if its a thing in game ) you could shoot people behind obstacles easier.

Just no idea why german players never used these insane advantages, skill issue I say.

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The jap squad is fine balance wise except for br 5. The only problem is that it is very dumb and not accurate from multiple angles.

lol, it is an apc, it is not a tank, the 75 is a plus not a must. There is only one apc with a cannon, can u guess which one?

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