Make Germany suffer lesser in BR V

ignoring any of the actual genuine points to respond to that of all things…yikes

If you’re going to use Stinger in your arguments then we have to include G43k and Conders. Most of us all have more than 2 of each of those.


Then weapon upgrades also do nothing.

Not true.

I specifically complain about the new japanese Paratroopers for being completely overpowered despite not playing Japanese or US.

I care about balance, and there is zero reason why a faction should have access to magical Stalinium that makes you survive kne additional bullet without ANY drawnbacks.

Body armor is busted.

No, you don’t. You care about insignificant details. Equipment balance has never been as important as stack balance and skill differences between teams.

It’s really funny how fanaticaly you are crying about new premium Jap BR4 squad.
But you never even bothered to mention that Japanese BR4 line up is overall the weakest of all faction. But that doesn’t matter, from your perspective one single squad that overperforming is way bigger issue.

Not even to mention this squad isn’t first premium BR4 squad that should be moved up to BR5.
Few examples: MG-42 early, MG-45, PPD-40 DSZ…

You just want to cause unnecessary drama, not really a fixing anything. Because your approach will definitely not solve anything.

Stack balance hurst the game more - but it follows a fundamentally important principle: the better team wins.

Now obviously if only onw team win all the time it hurst the game greatly- but this isn’t even close to being as bad of an issue to me as if the actual worse team winning.

It is relevant, and again, if you believe surviving one more bullet doesn’t matter, you should be silent, since it doesn’t matter to you.

That’s cute i have lost only 1 time in 15 matches, and one desert because my team was so worthless and enemy team was full of tryhards. So 2 to 13 doesn’t seem like Axis are winning at low BR and at top BR they got kicked by both Soviets and Americans with their op gear.

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In my opinion in low BR germany performes much bether (pz. II, Puma, MP40, Kar 98k), and premium flametank (:kissing_closed_eyes: ) just a bether shotgun is needed to compare

Germany has good stuff literally on every BR.

The only problem is the quality of players the faction currently has.

But why is that? Maybe also because new premium items (including AS44 4/5 vs. StG 44 (M) or KV 2 compared to the flak 88) invite new players to go foor Russia or (compared by parachutes or sherman calliope rocket vs.Pzw 42 rockets) to USA

Only thing you need to do is stack up. Few competent players and you’ll win every match as Germany.

If you are solo player, than I feel bad for you. There’s nothing you can do.

I meen especially on Premium-Items you see the invitation for new players who want to buy in for high tier, into Russia/USA.

And than when they get expirienced they probably wont loose the use of there buyed stuff while staying in this factions

→ Tell me any premium item germany that compared to Russia for example is in advantage

PS: yes i am alone player :frowning:

USSR has pretty meh tank premiums overall. I would recommend only KV-2 and M-3 medium.

Didn´t seen this thing in the store but you say SU-100 isn´t good?

They removed JP some time ago with a promise that they would reintroduce it soon with a better look.
WT should get G2 jagdpanther soon, so they’ll maybe copy that.

SU-100 is in the first place a not fun vehicle to play. If you have managed to get event T-34-100, SU is just way worse and way more boring.
No MG, no turret and just slightly better armor.

Are you serious or trolling?

The reason we have all this prototype Bullshit is to balance the game because of OP German equipment. Its a videogame and it must be balanced, I hear you on not having a 100rnd MG but surely you realize that the reason things are the way they are is because Germany has the best shit.

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So where is that OP German equipment? Because i can’t see it anywhere. KT can get obliterated easily by the bombs, rockets and demo packs and Americans will get their powerful Rocket launcher in future along with Super Pershing.
Attacker planes are only used to take down occasional P47 but now it become obsolete since AA guns are working fine.
So what’s left? G43 Kurz? I have just 2 of those and they are inferior to M2 Stinger, T20 and AS-44/Fedorov and especially Hei Auto, Conders also got power creeped by the Stinger. Germans having OP equipment is just a myth spread by lying Soviet and Burger mains, only few vehicles are great but that’s about it rest is mediocre at best.

I see not a germans player here

Yes it is. This forum is proof of it. Every other day there is someone complaining that germany doesnt have everything. People unironically ask for the Me262 regularly they get angry when the latest event isnt all about germany even tho most of them have something for germany. Its honestly so entitled.

I understand this and you can find posts by me where I also talk about this. It is genuinely unbalanced and theres 2 solutions give everybody body armor or make it purely asthetic. Simple as.