Make Germany suffer lesser in BR V

Maybe you should ask your teammates what they are doing?
To me they’re fine as long as they don’t use hand-pulled rifles and low-level tanks

and japan simply don’t get a single one even if we have

Hey the japan suffers topic is somewhere else, oh wait i have never problems playing japan

So tell me exactly why Fedorov and AS44 outperform STG44, or why AVT and T20 outperform FG42 II.

Lets have a discussion.

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Mabye about FG 42

  1. Point bayonetts
  2. Point damage
  3. Point target optics
  4. Point autofire at start

2/2 Wins in BR V Germany matches tonight, was not even a challenge. Solo queue too.

Boys, BR V is bullshit.
Join BR II, its fun (even as axis). Facing BR III can sometimes be a pain in the ass…
Seal clubbing soviets, like the good old Moscov days.

Didnt notice I met him twice. Sorry for the 2nd slap.

Fedorov has better dispersion and damage then the STG at the cost of 5 rounds(which is rendered redundant by the aftformentioned increased damage more then compensating)

The AS-44 while statistically much closer possesses a higher rof and a bayonet, which bayonets reduce recoil universally,

As for the T20 and AVT, I had already said why in the original post(Lower dispersion and better recoil)

Russian and US crybabies did win the war. :rofl:

there’s a million 75mm cannons in BR 2
and we get EVEN BIGGER because BR 3 seeps into every low tier match I play. which means I fight 76mm+ cannons accompanied with ridiculous armor

I do, I do, it sucks. I’m at the top of my leaderboard almost every match and my winrate has plummeted because I see only BR3 equipment in my BR 1 games.

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I miss Moscow, BR was never a problem and the game was just amazing, then they merged everything.

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The difference is those cannons are mounted on dedicated tank vehicles, the cannon on the APC is more intended to defend against infantry or to clear an objective for the infantry it will thereafter spawn

Irrelevant if it puts me in a BR 5 match filled with explosives.

Not the fault of the APC nor it’s ranking, more the fault of the MM’er and it’s systems, it belongs in BR3 as it is simply unsuited for BR2 with its current characteristics in comparison to other APCs in the game

Matchmaking aint gonna get fixed anytime soon, so rip

But exactly 0 other APC’s with a 75mm cannon in BR II
BR II APC’s either have nothing or machine guns
so it’s completely fine at BR III


As a German br V - br 2 player I don’t see what they could do great points though not fun getting curb stomped

Make me. They can give you the ray gun from Cod Zombies and yall will still complain about losing 1 match out of ten.

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