Make Germany suffer lesser in BR V

Meserschmitt 262 Meserschmitt 262 Meserschmitt 262 Meserschmitt 262 Meserschmitt 262 Meserschmitt 262


And you deserve it, JU-188 has biggestested bombload, let me repeat BIGGETESTED bombload.
Bombs are OP as fk in the game, one could argue only reason US faction doesnt use them is because its true gentlemans faction known for non-toxic gameplay.
They use hvars only because they are much inferior.

shut up

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Add tiger II with a 10,5 cannon and soumi kp with flametrower

No, it does not

MGs? Beaten by the Stinger now, before then and still heavily contested by RD-44

ARs? no, beaten out by Fedorov and AS-44

Select Fire Rifles? Againā€¦no theyā€™re beaten out by the AVT and now T20, ignoring the starting in auto situation, both have superior dispersion and recoil stats

CAS? attacker? Ju-188, very potent aircraft with a good bomb load which easily beats out everything Soviet yes, but contending against American aircraft with the Corsair and P-47 being able to be flown at onceā€¦ ouch, their fighter based CAS is also lacking at that br compared to those equivalent planes

Tanks and AT? Yes actually the Tiger 2 H and Panzerfaust 100/Ofenrohr are incredibly potent ATā€¦ ignoring the fact the Russians use the faust aswell(which is good mind you)

Soā€¦ I askā€¦ in what categories is there remaining for their dominance at br5? The only things that you can really consider I suppose are SMGs or Auto-Snipers but besides that they are average at best, which when combined with their lacking recent editions has led to their current state


John Jonah Jameson Lol GIF

If it is OP why Americans dont complain about it and only Germans do anyway time to use my 8 non-planes with rocket against Uberplane Ju-188

P.S. those 8 planes being : p-47(HVAR)/P-47(M8)(EVENT)/P-38G(M8)/A-20G-25(Tunisia if you got it you got it if you didnt then its removed)(M8)/P-38J-15(M8)/AP-4C(HVAR)/Beaufighter MKX(RP-3)/FP-5(HVARS)(EVENT)

Oh this reminds me nobody uses A-20G-25 the one in tech tree even though it has 2000 ponds of bomb around 1000 KG which is only 500 KG less than JU-188 I guess because its OP


As much as an interesting concept WW2 jets are as additions I fear their usefulness will be limited due to their comparatively low bomb loads and turning radius, something which becomes an issue in the relatively small maps of enlisted where dive bombing is the norm

:popcorn: Good stuff indeed

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Nothing except a single tank (King Tiger) and a few planes are better than Soviet and American equivalent, if someone needs to get gud itā€™s the creative team of DF since they donā€™t know how to balance their game.


AS-44 exists and is superior, Fedorov exists and T-34-100/IS-2 exists.

There are zero point in playing as Germans even common rifle like FG42 is inferior to AVT-40 and T20 or Hei Automatic, you get outclassed by SMGs too at least if you donā€™t own MP717(r) at top tier or four Conders if you want to spend that many GOs.

MGs all suck for the Germans not only Soviets have better mgs but Americans too - m2 stinger completely ruined BR5 and iā€™m not even playing it at all because there is no point.

Our paratroopers all suck, event apc is at unfavourable BR3 even tho it should be at BR2.


Oh yeah this one it hurst APC which is worse than tank is on higher BR than the same tanks that use its gun

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Make germany great again

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you had it mostly right until the APCs, the 75mm halftrack is fine where it is, doubly so as it is the only vehicle of its class to possess such a cannon

That short barreled cannon is extremely weak and canā€™t pen anything at BR3 and would struggle against a lot of tanks at BR2.
In WT you have Heat rounds even weaker one would be a huge help at BR3 vs T-34 and KV-1 spam, but in all honesty i would just remove itā€™s cannon and put mg there just like premium do you really want to bring even more attention to your spawn point on wheels?
I spawned that apc maybe 30 times in past few months itā€™s that bad when compared to the truck itā€™s also slower by the said vehicle, only premium apc is faster.

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Ah, the weekly Germany Suffers thread.


Seems to be daily by now


give me some kvass

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It dont comes out of nowhere

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Body armor and helmet affects nothing, its like a myth at this point

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Aha in your world maybe