Make apc squads be able to deploy as infantry similar to paratrooper

reson being,

it would both allow players to reuse their own apc that was deployed, but died a couple of times, and no longer are able to move it with other squads without the needing of respawning a new one too.

( or… remove the apc driver restrictions like riders )

and as secondary, would allow players to grind the base squad without having to use the vehicle
( be it because it’s slow, or in closed maps like berlin opera / tritler offices )

as said, just like the paratrooper squad.


Completely reasonable suggestion


Immediately people would love the same for tank crew.

Ka-chi assaulter squad in 3… 2… 1…



wouldn’t be too bad af an idea.

after all, would be realistic too.

( more like, for germany was. )

and since the limitation of tanks active per time is on vehicles, shouldn’t prevent actual tankers to use their own tanks.

( medic 2.0s for how they get used either way )

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more and more squads are becoming assaulters, that is: medics, engineers, paratroopers… why would we care at this point? just let everyone run with assault weapons and turn this game into one big pile of trash.


Yea I was disappointed to find out I can’t use full vehicle squad (aka 2 transport 1 bike 1 tank) in the test server

Imagine if the Soviets and British had a similar approach during WWII.

I had to read your suggestion a couple of times to try and understand what you actually meant.

So in the first instance, I think they should allow an Assault squad in the APC owners line up to take over the APC, that’s IF the APC is fine/repairable and its just the crew that died.

Given that the driver is a “subclass” of the Assaulter, stick the driver option into the Assault Squad upgrade tree and I can chose the driver as a soldier slot (same as Eng or RO etc…) and effectively promote any of my 21 currently owned Assault Squads to Armoured Infantry Status. So if your original squad dies then your alt squad can pick it up.

WRT the second part of the suggestion, I’m not sure what the point of it would be… its just another assault squad. IF you don’t want to use the APC then park it near the objective so others can use it as a spawn point and fight on foot.

i’m afraid you’re the only one. that had to do that.

personally, i don’t mind the limitation that you need an apc driver to drive apcs.

i just find annoying that when i have the apc squad ready, and one apc already being deployed, i have to spawn another when i could just use the one i already had on the map.

that would make them even more meta

and too convinient.

so no.


because if i already have one halftrack placed, i can’t simply spawn with the halftrack squad on foot on my already parked halftrack.

i’d have to drive again, park it, dismount, and might give away my position.

matter of fact, the strat that i have used in berlin would be, go around the gray area with the fast truck, and my idea was to then use the premium halftrack squad on foot.

but once you spawn with the premium, the older halftrack will be destroyed and you will be forced to drive a new one.

hence, i don’t see why i can’t just use the halftrack squad on foot if needed to.

would allow me to reuse the old one too.

is what this suggestion is about.


Well in that case I still didn’t understand what you wrote about because your latest explanation deviates from your original point :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s… in the title.

the descrptions adds two cents and situations where one might need to deploy on foot.

i did sayed:

but now that i think about it,

perhaps those should remain.

… or… remove them.

i mean, i get both views really.

As wise person once said to me “you just don’t know how to use them”.

i do know how to use them.

and they make wonders especially in berlin by holding the fountain / plaza.

even better, use the free one and go around the gray area and park them in the outside part of tritler office.

problem is, i cannot grind this squad on foot when i already have an halftrack well placed.

it was more of a suggestion for those people who don’t know how to use them ( and i’m starting to see too many of them for my liking )

p.s, if you remember, i stated that you can use them everywhere, and i stand firm on my statements :crossed_swords:

Yes, this is very relevant issue!

After next squad rotation, you can’t spawn this APC squad without destroying the previous APC that’s already placed somewhere on battlefield.

You should be able to spawn with this new squad into the apc that’s currently functional. Rather than be forced to take new one.

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Forwarded, thanks for the suggestion !


Forwarded topic closed.

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