APC should kick player out after 30 sec or 1 min (new topic)

(new topic now since i didnt know it was suggest before) So yea changing this to player should get kick from APC after 30 sec or 1 min after sitting in there for too long kinda like how getting kick for being inactive work


oh and while we are at it any player that spawn in APC should get auto kick out in 30 sec or 1 min since i literally just have a game where some random asshole just leave the game while in my APC causing it to be unusable

and yea i could spawn one but that mean losing a good hiding spot cause someone decide to be a griefer (this is a respond to the old topic before i change but im gonna leave it here)


lmao it should kick the player I think that might be a bug actually.


idk guess we gotta wait till the helper arrive to answer this otherwise this might become a very annoying griefer tactic

They don’t even have to leave, they can just sit in the vehicle which prevents another player from spawning on it.

i know which is why there need to be some sort of auto kick after sitting in it for 30 sec or 1 min at least

Same idea have been forwarded previously.
Make apc squads be able to deploy as infantry similar to paratrooper - #17.


oh i didnt even see that topic oh well

So do u still need the topic or should it be closed ?
maybe any other ideas to further improve it.

i mean i did suggest the “player should get kick after 30 sec or 1 min” under the main one so should that just be a new topic? but i guess someone made that one too yesterday so i guess it a close

Yea if u want to add more ideas on the post it’s also okay.
Can also probaly change the title to fit the new topic/suggestion.

ok i will change it to “APC should kick player out after 30 sec or 1 min” then