A question and maybe a sujestion about APC

I think they just wanted to add in the driver role, there is potentially a method to their madness sometime in the developmental future.

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you would be correct.

but at the same time,

other vehicles do not have rallies incorporated to them.

like, it is somewhat game changing.

also this.

something new i guess.

guess we could call it,

DF consistency pattern :joy:

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Yeah thats dumb

I fail to see correlation. I guess they’re just too scared of this rally point mechanic. So they made up this completely illogical decision.

i wouldn’t call it illogical.

because from a certain point of view,
it does make sense.
similar to pilots etc.

you wouldn’t normally use what you aren’t trained to do
as one might not know how to operate it.

but it then just would become like riders.
where, what’s the point of using a new class, if you can then replace it with something else / anything else?

i guess just a different approach.

but you are correct to point out.

if x and y are like this, why should z be any different.

because as said in the other thread, you could then just keep using the same halftrack etc.

but wouldn’t be very beneficial as you would make your grind endless for the apc squad in question. ( as, you have the halftrack, but will risk it’s location as the previous one will respawn. and if you keep using the old apc, you will not gain any experience for the apc squad in of it self because no members are alive and you are using other squads instead )

dunno. depends from your focus on the matter.

personally, i’m fine with it either way.
even though i think:

which defines what i said above too.

This is also why I suggested changing the driver to a squad selective role for certain squads - ie those commensurate with a “armoured infantry” concept - eg Eng Squad, Radio Squad, Assault Squad…

So if your actual APC squad gets wiped out fighting on foot, you can still make some use of the vehicle in subsequent spawn ins.

You can easily use any plane that’s on map with any class.
For example:
Hydroplanes in Pacific, planes on airfield in Normandy.

So obviously that isn’t the reason. They somewhat thinks it’s good idea to have only one soldier per whole 3 squad rotation (if you dont own premium) which can relocate something as important as is mobile rally point.

And nobody cares if enemy sniper will kill your APC driver 20m away from the spawn. Effectively making your squad useless. Plus as bonus you have to run 100m to objective on foot.

Definitely player friendly mechanic “for the sake of balance”.

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I haven’t really had my driver sniped though, most of the other positions yes, but not really the driver. Unless you move him to man the MG, he should be fairly safe from small arms.

i should have been more precise.

like, i was trying to use real life logic into it.

which… doesn’t often apply to it as it’s a game after all.

and as you pointed out, you can use tanks, and airplanes on foot.

even without the specific class.

so, an oversight from me i guess.

definitely something strange.

you can’t even have 3 apc squads at the moment.
nor relocate your existing halftrack.

i’m not precisely sure why.

but someone came up with :joy:

as i said, i think it was more of the halftrack rally point within.

which you will effectively replace the apc squad as soon the vehicle is spawned the first time with any other class really…

i’m not sure if it’s an incentive to keep the vehicle alive along side your squad… or an incentive to keep using the squad so you can grind it better.

dunno. could be bloody anything.

that’s not quite what happens.

for some reason, the apc squad, even if your driver dies, you can still drive the APC with other members.

because i noticed that by default, the APC driver is actually the gunner.

so, even if he dies, you can still drive.

it’s only once you jump out, that you lose the ability to drive it unless you are using the apc driver.

which definitely it is:


Obviously, that was just an exaggerated scenario used only as an example.

That wasn’t the point.

Yeah, I guess your soldiers can do literally anything on battlefield. But for some unknown reason they’re scared to ride trucks.
Smh :man_facepalming:

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Ah ok I didn’'t realise any of the Squad could drive the APC.

I noticed the driver was in the gunner position and just moved him…

I assumed it was a bug, but didn’t think to test the other crew as APC drivers. Ok so now what @Adamnpee wrote makes more sense.

Yeah ok I’m tracking now, the driver was always the last crew member in the vehicle for me. I never moved him out. I dismounted the rest of the squad individually and just left the driver behind the wheel.

found out yesterday the hard way.

i pissed off a panzer II and half of my squad included the driver and gunner were dead.

so i just switched on the driver as an assaulter and i was able to reloace it even if the driver died.

but lost it’s ability once hopped out.

otherwise if your driver dies and you would be stuck in the middle of nowhere might have been the worst that could happen. and hence, devs at least though about that.

Lol, that’s even more illogical and inconsistent. I guess they were just scared of paratroopers v2.

So they made up all these weird artificial shenanigans. No comment.


he casts a spell on the vehicle and grants the power of being able to drive it to everyone inside the vehicle, but the effect vanishes once everyone goes out :joy:

like a magic wipe memory

it is dumb.

but i truly believe it was done for balance purposes i guess :sweat_smile:

also, as said, maybe that’s for the best so that you can grind the apc squad faster while keeping your vehicle near i suppose.

but undeniable cumberstone and somewhat time consuming…

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I think I’ve exposed their logic.
Because if you have a rally point and you want to build a new one, you need an engineer. So they just used the same logic here, if you want to move this “mobile rally point”, you need an APC driver.

Completely ignoring the fact APC is so easier to spot. APC driver just weird hybrid of rifleman/assaulter, definitely not so versatile as engineer which can build structure to solve basically any problem.
And mainly, you can have only one APC driver. At least if I remember correctly.

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but worthed to note that you can have 2 rallies at one time. ( one, by the apc it self, and the second through an engineer )

making engineers AND Apc a valid strat
( detrimental in assault if you ask me )

Make the squad spawn withaut it as normal infantry like paratroopers easily solve this problem, aslo this should be applied to rider and tanker to, just for the sake of option

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