A question and maybe a sujestion about APC

found out yesterday the hard way.

i pissed off a panzer II and half of my squad included the driver and gunner were dead.

so i just switched on the driver as an assaulter and i was able to reloace it even if the driver died.

but lost it’s ability once hopped out.

otherwise if your driver dies and you would be stuck in the middle of nowhere might have been the worst that could happen. and hence, devs at least though about that.

Lol, that’s even more illogical and inconsistent. I guess they were just scared of paratroopers v2.

So they made up all these weird artificial shenanigans. No comment.


he casts a spell on the vehicle and grants the power of being able to drive it to everyone inside the vehicle, but the effect vanishes once everyone goes out :joy:

like a magic wipe memory

it is dumb.

but i truly believe it was done for balance purposes i guess :sweat_smile:

also, as said, maybe that’s for the best so that you can grind the apc squad faster while keeping your vehicle near i suppose.

but undeniable cumberstone and somewhat time consuming…

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I think I’ve exposed their logic.
Because if you have a rally point and you want to build a new one, you need an engineer. So they just used the same logic here, if you want to move this “mobile rally point”, you need an APC driver.

Completely ignoring the fact APC is so easier to spot. APC driver just weird hybrid of rifleman/assaulter, definitely not so versatile as engineer which can build structure to solve basically any problem.
And mainly, you can have only one APC driver. At least if I remember correctly.

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but worthed to note that you can have 2 rallies at one time. ( one, by the apc it self, and the second through an engineer )

making engineers AND Apc a valid strat
( detrimental in assault if you ask me )

Make the squad spawn withaut it as normal infantry like paratroopers easily solve this problem, aslo this should be applied to rider and tanker to, just for the sake of option

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that would be the optimal solution.

but at the same time.

why should we then stop our selves with the mechanized units, if anyone else can just use the halftrack/truck?

and now that i think about it, :fox_face: did specified that were considering the options to allow default squads to use vehicles.

i suppose what we got ( increasing the grinding ) was more … interesting.

Which is something they could have block “for balance reasons”. If you have APCs deployed, you can’t build a rally point and vice versa.

It would make both things more unique, not so spammed. And mainly, APC would be more player friendly. You wouldn’t have to stressed out about death of APC driver.

Just another odd game design decision.

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As far i read on the forum is considered the option to allow any soldier of the truck/halftracks owner use it

that wasn’t the point.

because that is partially how it works already.

i was more saying back then when keofox hinted at transport vehicles.

like, we were able to use our normal squad but with the addition of a truck.

of course ,things changed.

but… at this point, is it really necessary a new class?


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They are called “apc driver”, i dont want put my hand forward but… imo this hint something more in the future for this squad than a truck to drive

Are we going to get tech tree planes with fuel tank bombs, paras, or actual real APCs for free progression?

Who knows. We certainly haven’t got the tech tree paras for 3/4 year already. But maybe sometime in the future…

I didn’t even bother to mention Soviet/Japanese bikes, lmao.


I understand what you mean, there is still a lot of contenent to add from previus major update who is still missing and gived just though event

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Exactly, they need to stop this approach to things. I do understand it’s healthy for their financial income and so, but it’s definitely not healthy for the game overall.

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DLC content vibes

dear lord, my english sucks

let,s explain again.

the point is, can someone, drive a APC? to change position to a more foward place?

if not, then it,s a sujestion not a question.

exactly what i talking about.

cheers Erika,

I think they should let us move them, at least let the owner do it.

Anyone can steal a tank if the settings aren’t right. Anyone can fly a plane on airfield in normandy. Anyone can drive the busses in tunisia and the jeeps elsewhere. But, for some unknown and eldritch reason, only this one guy can drive this…bog standard heavy lift truck.

There’s no balance reason for it, either. Maybe, maybe the armored premium ones, but honestly they’re more useful as silent rallies than as gun platforms.


exactly, only the owner should move it.

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