Let us move our APC with another squad

APC’s are supposed to be mobile rally points - however, they are no longer mobile if the APC squad is killed off. It should be possible for the player that spawned the APC, to go onboard and drive it with any other of his squads. This way, the APC could make a true mobile respawn point for the next objective, instead of uselessly staying behind when the front must advance - just because the player doesn’t have the permission to move his own vehicle.

It’s ridiculous that I cannot just switch to the driver’s seat and drive to the next objective. Tanks, for example, let even other players jump on board and take any seat if it’s empty (which I like). For APC’s, such feature would be even more helpful for the team. There should of course be an option to not permit other players from driving our APC, to prevent exploiting this feature and stealing our vehicle by malicious teammates (to drive it into a river for example), but all the squads belonging to the player that spawned the APC, should be allowed to drive it.
Plus, as ZebulonBVance suggests, we totally should be able to spawn the APC driver squad in the same vehicle again, instead of annihilating it (imagine being another player trying to spawn in APC in a good tactical spot and suddenly the vehicle blows up just because the owner had to spawn in another one, far away from the objective)


or we should be able to respawn inside said apc with the base ( or another apc ) squad without having to respawn the vehicle twice.

similar to the paratrooper squad option where you can spawn through rally points instead of from the air.


One of my biggest pet peeves with the APC system. You can’t even spawn the APC squad into the same APC to drive it again, you have to spawn a new one and the old one gets blown up


Very good point, I edited the post to mention it


We’ve needed this since they added mobile spawns to the game. Right now they are just rapid transport for the attacking team, but they could be so much more useful if they could fulfill the usual role of a mobile spawn by allowing them to move with the front lines.


PERSONALLY, I don’t think being able to move it with “any soldier” would be a good thing. ESPECIALLY if it meant other players could move it too.

That said, I would like to perhaps suggest the OPTION of being able to put additional “drivers” in the squad.
Make it a perk that any soldier can equip (cost of like 4 green perk points) for an ordinary non-driver type to be able to drive the vehicles.

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I’d love to see a perk called driver’s license:)

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There is an option to allow or disallow other players from taking over your vehicle - but it is only effective for tanks now:

I wrote in the post that this option to stop other players from driving your vehicle should be available for the APC as well.


I think the implementation of APCs is lackluster and halfbaked. There’s honestly no point to them when people just dump them somewhere. Why bother when you can just build a rally point

Even motorcycles are more actively used because they’re a machine gun nest on wheels

At least the armed APCs have more versatility because you can actively support with firepower, but even then most people just dump them

I think they should remove the research tree APCs and replace them with armed variants, then make it that you can spawn on APCs even under combat but they have a longer cooldown. This would incentivize actually supporting the team with them instead of dumping them on some corner

APCs and transports in general really could shine in a giant map+mode where objectives and spawns aren’t a few meters away and movement is actually important

Yes, this is especially true - when we have a grey zone that eats up the attacking side 250m from the objective, an APC is awkward to use. I would love to see some maps stretching along 2 km, that would be wild, and the APC’s would have the importance they deserve


Because when they are parked, they are 100% silent, so if you are smart, you can hide them far more effectively than rally points.

They need to highly incentivize using them to actually push with them.
Things like:

  • Assist points for kills by soldiers riding in your APC
  • LOTS of points for dropping off soldiers INSIDE the objective point
  • Etc.
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It is weird that any soldier can fly the hs 123 in airfield but they cannot drive an truck


i don’t know if i agree with anyone being able to move the APC’s they should make APC drivers a new class like the difference between attack fighter and fighter pilots. Something like the Studebaker would have 2 APC slots, the 2 people in the cab