Losing motivation to play for the German faction

Yeah you’re still stuck on the whole “Game is only about controlling AI squads” premise aren’t ya.
We’ll see how successful the game still is with that premise in a year.
The MM doesn’t solely run on bots either, it has to find atleast 5 players for each side to run, and fills in the rest with AI untill they are replaced with players.
But considering that its 32v32 and I complain a lot about bots i can see why you would say LF is unsuccessful.

My opinion on them being refugees is fact
The games are dead and not worthe playing hence why they came here
There is nothing to debate there

I’m not the one who has continuously been arguing in favor of an unpopular mode going on two days now

We play in a full squad or two daily, m8
Don’t project

You do know how to quote people right @5100343
You highlight the text you want to quote and then click the quote button that pops up
So you don’t have to shit out like a dozen posts to reply to a single post from someone else


You’ll also be nothing but a refugee if the game tanks, can I also consider you a refugee from other games then?

Don’t care, bite me, this is more real time than some of the other forums i’ve been on anyway.
Why would i quote you anyway if I can literally just reply to you directly.

I didn’t flee other games tot come here, so no.
I also don’t go to other games crying to try and turn them into what I left so again, no

I don’t know why you’re taking it so personally, it wasn’t a derogatory comment. Just a simple observation.

So you were projecting when you insulted my social skills.

Because your posts are practically spam at the rate you post them instead of condensing them.
It also helps to know what you’re replying to specifically because we can’t read your mind

That was your best argument?

Well. Better than you might think consider that you cant prove that the masses dislike the concept of AI except “I dont like it so the masses hate it too”.
Where are those people who hate the bot concept?
Not here on the forum.

›Attack mine
›N-no mine aren’t relevant

I was only trying to help you actually since I figured you might not have been aware of the quote function. And some people around here might start flagging you for spam since that’s what your posts look like

Nice argument, you want me to gather them all here together now? For all i know the game is 90% eastern european, russian, and probably martian aswell.
The language barrier is insane when you want to have some coordinated gameplay with people that don’t understand you.

That wasn’t an argument, that was a premonition.

Theres also the fact that I didn’t specifically say that people hated the Squadmode, i said that it wasn’t going to be popular for long, and people will quickly get sick of it.

Are you happy now?

Watch out bois


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So you have nothing. Too sad that translators are still not existing in the internet.

Told about the first sentence.

Coming with vague forcasts without having a solid database is pretty… strange.

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Played Moscow lone fighters when it came out. It was not good.

Played Normandy Lone fighters about two months ago. It was fucking HORRID. Scummy gameplay, camping, the works.

Just detracts from the game IMO. No amount of seething at me is gonna make me change my mind, boy.




They can flesh it out into a proper mode at a later date, but getting the AI and everything copacetic is an obviously higher priority

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Im not gonna argue that the people aren’t scummy, in fact I absolutely agree, but it’s not exactly different in Squad now is it? Human-shields, second lives, Bot-farming, camping is universally present (as in both modes) and artyspam and mortarspam on caps is also the norm in squads.
But thats kind of a playerbase issue, not a gamemode issue, well maybe with squads.

Then the battlefield and HnG refugees can get their little scummy playpen


I agree, they will eventually flesh out the gamemodes and AI but we won’t know how successful they will be.

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Which is a shame because it WOULD be a fun change from Squads if the people didn’t play like scum.

All will come in time, I’m sure. The AI has improved and worsened here and there since the CBT started, they’re still trying to get it right.