Losing motivation to play for the German faction

ou yes, quite misery all over, only communist regime was quite like : hey maaan you cant really have more than the other folks around and if you do , you are suspicious

So you’d rather stick to hordes of brainless AI being mowed down by a single player for easy XP. Gotcha.
The core uniqueness isn’t exactly appealing.
Atleast at the moment.

Are you so against the idea of people wanting their own gamemode where they can do more than just mow down waves of braindead triggerbots and aimbots?
Where they can actually play against each other?
LF Mode is so unsuccessful right now because the playerbase is already diminishing, and they never removed the bots after CBT ended. We wanted them removed, they didn’t remove them.
Whats a PVP mode where they forcibly add bots even when the match is brimming with players?

Stalin and Tito agree :sunglasses:

Incompetent idiots running sectors they dont know anything about… such an awfull system in practice.

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Holy crap man, we get that you prefer LF, but the point is that there’s a shitload of WWII FPS out there already. AI squad is like THE main thing that’s supposed to make Enlisted somewhat stand among the crowd. You start sounding like someone who enters a sushi restaurant and then complains because there’s too little burgers choice.


Point taken, but you seem to be so much against the idea of people wanting a gamemode for themselves, what harm is there in it?
You sound quite agitated about it.
You can’t really compare themed restaurants with game genres either… thats a very asinine comparison.
Just keep to your bot slaughter grind, my opinion stands that I don’t want any bots in LF.
You think this is specifically your first person shooter because you want it to be this niche and special game? Its still a first person shooter. There is room for every type of gamemode in it.

I just don’t like the tone of your posts implying that players who are happy with the squad mode are dumb.

You can advocate for a better LF without discrediting Squad mode players.

Yes, I don’t like your preferred gamemode. I think i made that pretty clear. It’s a very frustrating gamemode to play, a very broken one to boot and one that i don’t see a very shining future for.
My opinion stands that there should be none of that bot garbo in LF, people get tired very easily of mowing down bots, and your kind who plays the game casually isn’t going to sustain the game, you’re prone to leaving the game after a miniscule amount of hours after you’re satisfied. So far alot the people coming over from Squadmode left LF quite quickly again because they couldn’t handle getting dunked on, they bring over the braindead gameplay of mowing down bots and it has been a very frustrating sight with people doing nothing to achieve any objectives but to herd together bots to shoot at. If you want to play Squad then play Squad, but your type also tries to shit on LF players for wanting a more competetive mode in their little bot farm game.

If you can’t stand having your feelings hurt and want for someone to coddle you then im not your guy to argue with.

Don’t misunderstand this as some sort of classwarfare or me calling you stupid, but I know of very few games alive today that made it interesting enough to keep playing over a thousand hours and sustain a healthy playerbase even 4 years after launch with their game’s premise being to shoot at a bunch of disobeying, aimbotting, unrealistic and stupid AI that I don’t see the technology now, or in the future, improving for to make for an enjoyable gameplay.

Your discussion reminds me of the similar one we had few years ago in WT about Historical battles. I will elaborate more later, I am not a fan of long posts on mobile.

And also doing some important things right now:


I remember your name from somewhere.

Looks like I really struck a nerve there :slight_smile:

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Could you elaborate? I don’t think I’ve talked to you before on this topic.

You dont listen to the market, son (and to the description of Enlisted).

Your point? Trying to make yourself look wiser than you are? As if you knew anything about markets, then you wouldn’t be here.

The devs created a game where people should lead bot squads. Its not their fault that you cant read. The devs dont wanna waste time and money for changing their concept cause five people on the forum cant read.

Is there even a demand for a LF mode in a game with AI soldiers as a main feature?
No. Not really.

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You’re really trying to hard to deny the fact that LF is full most of the time are you?
You really like to think people are content with just killing AI all day.
And you really like to think because a game says “Squad based” it has to be solely focused around that gamemode, if there hadn’t been enough people that wanted to play without the AI baggage that you drag around in your precious mode then the devs wouldn’t have introduced it.
Besides, squad based can mean any kind of squad, fully AI controlled, Player controlled by AI, Squads of individual players…


I can’t get any of my numerous H&G friends, HLL, PS or even CoH2 buddies to get interested in this game, they heard about how the game makes you lead a group of stupid disobedient AI that do more harm than good. So you tell me if there really is such a demand for a Squad-based Player-led AI Squad Game?

Lone Fighters is a (currently) dogshit mode filled only by scummy players and refugees from other dead games
There is no debating that
It was added as an afterthought because said refugees begged for it
It is not a priority nor should it be in any way shape or form until the rest of the game is fleshed out a lot more
At that point it could be brought up to snuff and not be an awful experience for all involved

Wow you literally proved my point in real time lmfao


Cause they use bots there to make the mm quicker.

Since they are playing a game with bots as main feature, I somewhat guess so.

Well. At least more than in LF. If people wouldnt like the bots then the devs would most likely change the concept. Yet they didnt aside adding a mode which isnt really sucessfull.

Taken from the Enlisted page.

our personal army

Each squad consists of several soldiers who can be trained, equipped with new weapons and items and then taken into battle. You control one soldier personally while others will be handled by AI and obey your orders. You can switch between soldiers and stay in the most interesting point in a battle even after some of your soldiers are defeated.


“Each squad consists of several soldiers who can be trained, equipped with new weapons and items and then taken into a battle. You control one soldier directly while other soldiers will be controlled by AI which obeys your orders. You can switch between soldiers and stay at the most interesting point in a battle event after part of your squad has been defeated.”

That hard?


Your opinion on other game’s players who are also interested in other World War 2 based first person shooters has been noted, your sub-par social skills have also been noted.
Get some friends please.