Losing motivation to play for the German faction

Here are some points why me and I think most players for Germany lose interest in this faction and in the game in general. This is not all the problems with this faction, but here are the points:

  • Uniform. Outwardly, it is very sparse and monotonous in comparison with the uniforms of the USSR and America. The German uniform has a very few body kits and equipment items. In addition, the white camouflage uniform on the eastern front looks not quite historical and looks like a medieval tunic without sleeves, while the Germans had camouflage suits similar to the Soviets. In Normandy, German paratroopers wear a parachute helmet, but not a parachute jumpsuit.
  • Weapons. Many samples of German weapons in terms of characteristics are underestimated in comparison with the characteristics of weapons of the USSR and the United States. For example, the rate of fire of the MP 40 or MG 42, the armor penetration of the GrB-39, etc. At the same time, soviet PPD is OP with 700/800 + rate of fire and almost with no recoil.
  • Military equipment. Many German tanks have reduced armor thickness characteristics. There are also some complaints about the planes. For example, on the eastern front, a BF can’t twist a Soviet cornhusker, even though BF’s speed is 2 times faster.
  • Bugs. For more than a month, there is a bug with the inability of the Germans to take 2 planes in Normandy. The developers are aware of this, but they don’t want to fix it. As a result, 1 German plane is at war against 2 American, which rarely ends in favor of the first.
  • Problems of a different kind. In the battle for Berlin (the first open beta test on May 9), a new melee system (bayonets) was announced. At the same time, the Germans had only ONE rifle with a bayonet, and the Soviet soldiers almost all had bayonets on their rifles. I know that the Kriegsmodel rifles were without bayonet mounts, but where did the other rifles go? Also where is STG 44? Where is the MG 42 on the Eastern front? Where are the other German mortars?

All these problems suggest that the developers deliberately made the German faction the weakest and most unplayable. Developers, respect the players for the German faction! Otherwise, in a couple of months, only players for the USSR and the USA will remain in the game.



I don’t play as much as I used to and I have thought about uninstalling recently.

only players for the GLORIOUS USSR WILL REMAIN

some people would unironically like that.


Well it’s pretty much in the name MG 42 aka MG1942 the MG42 iirc wasn’t present during Moscow.

(Moscow ended 10 days after 1942 started…)




I know that flagging is abused but wow, hidden in less than a minute.




If it’s correct - i did’t find any info about using of flamethrower ROKS-2 in Moscow battle. But it’s in the game…

We are talking about Enlisted not War Thunder.

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Gaijin isn’t developing Enlisted.
“hurrdurr all german mains are stupid af”:
Crazy how contributing nothing to the conversation but flaming non sequiturs got flagged.

Wanna act like you have some objective opinion to add to the convo but you come out swinging like someone touched your grandma because someone questioned balance from a German perspective.

;_; muh nazeeesssss


I have to agree that:
a) german mains really are stupid
b) allied mains have some kind of elitist “we are the good guys, f germany”


Difference is that the ROKS-2 was actual gun (well flamethrower) during the battle of Moscow, the MG-42 as it’s name suggest was made in 1942 and I am 100% sure it wasn’t present in the first ten days of the year…

And it’s pretty hard to actually find out what tanks/guns were present during battle with the MG-42 it’s kinda easy cus it’s in the name…

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It was introduced late 42 / early 43

Ok, let’s say it again in a more pertinent way:

My years-long experience in another war game from the same company taught me that people maining a single nation are much more likely to have a biased perspective, and in turn complain because they feel that the game is biased against their faction.

This is often noticeable with German mains, but not limited to them.

So I say: unless you play a significant amount of hours on the other side of the barricade as well, your point of view is biased.


But ROKS 2 wasn’t in Moscow battle: ROKS flamethrowers - Wikipedia (it’s wiki, anyway!)

There’s literally 0 mentions in this wiki page of at what wars/battles it was present only the time it was used (1935-1945)?


For all of 3 types - yes, since 35, but we are talking about ROKS 2.
On that page:
The ROKS-2 was used, amongst other engagements, during the close-range fighting during the first days of the Battle of Kursk in 1943.[[3]]

Сan you provide a source to defend your point of view?

Yeah? It was used during 1941 aka the time the battle of Moscow was going on?

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@88676899 @81161750 It’s out of topic so I suggest you continue on priv to not make a mess here.

Any source?

Yeah, its possible. The second faction what I played most is USA. If I felt something to not normal for me is Ju-188 carpet bomb, what destroys everything in the map…If I see the A-10 its okay (kills me cause the bombs are powerful , but not the greatest threat in the world. Its fine to me)

From the German side the Ju-188 is an absoulte beast, and a lot of times i felt myself too much powerful against land units…jeez…25 kill and 2 tanks with 1 row bombing…someting is not right… still feels bad