Losing motivation to play for the German faction

Nothing is more intellectually lazy than this argument.

“Games perfectly balanced all german players are just retards hurhur ”


If German players didn’t make the argument so easy we wouldn’t make it.


They are though, there’s no denying that
The balance across moscow and berlin is pretty even all things considered.
But the German playerbase is so full of trogs that you have to solo carry them in insanely aggravating matches time and time again to even have a chance at victory because they play worse than the bots they replaced.


Bis zur letzten Patrone!

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LF was a mode which wasnt planned by the devs but rather introduced cause some people bitched around for it on the forum for no reason.
Understandable since Enlisted advertise the game with bot squad mates and its just logical that people play the game despite this fact and later complain about the existence of bots.
Logic I guess.


I’m maxxed out in Normandy so when Berlin came out I was like no thanks. I’ll wait for Africa. Why they released the final stage of the battle before the others? Who knows?

Anyways, back when I played Moscow, I could play against the Russians just fine. Their tanks were really annoying and the ppd was pretty strong. Other than that the mp38/mp40 has better control than the early pp-smgs, so it goes both ways.


Same for me
I have fun
Mg13 and Mp38/40 combo bring victory.

I can’t wait having some semi-auto rifles to increase the rate of fire of my squads

Plus they have the hammer and sickle plastered everywhere involving the Russians, yet wont even put the actual eagle sitting atop the swastika. Even more noticeable in Berlin. “Logic”. Dont call a game historical, if you intend on censoring history. That is a very dangerous rabbit hole.

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Haha, because freedom like that is illegal especially in Europe

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Absolutely ridiculous. There is a saying. “He who censors History, wants to see it repeated”

Well that’s because we have liars in charge, but as you can see, they’re being caught right now. The virus was a ploy to test new pharma tech. The vaccine isn’t a vaccine.

CBT was a lot more fun playing germoney

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i’m curious.
Just finish a game with more than 130kills without planes or tanks.
For a lost at the end but it was total krieg.

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Im talking about soviets in afghanistan, often the artist didnt clearly see the item in question so he imagined it. Cannot really blame him with the lack of information back then, but nowadays, Osprey has become obsolete as source.

Agreed, this requires more attention

Because it yields more XP/time. We just lock the bots with the sandbags.

There are too few players per match, so 2 braindead teammates on one side and 2 RGBsocks muh cybersports in the other tips the balance such a way so its either a deathslog or a steamroll.

Its about money. Swastika, as well as historical japanese flag display is forbidden in many countries, so they just do away with troubles and just remove the texture.

Thats more about the laws of the country. If they dont censor some stuff, the entire game will be censored.

Hey, 1930s’ was really bad for everybody lol Great Depression everywhere, stock market crashes, etc lolol Germany had hunger riots. US was going through Dust Bowl, and quite massive hunger, and Depression, etc. Imperial Japan, Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, etc. It was miserable all over lol 1930’s were no fun, for any country.

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