Losing motivation to play for the German faction

It was more people just sniping from the most obscene places to the point it seemed very sketchy. There was a couple other things, but its been more than a month so I can’t really remember.
Nevermind that teammates never actually attempted to dislodge anyone and wanted to do the same shit to farm kills instead of win.


Did VERY good in SPITE of the enemy and teammates. Try again

The devs gave people too many freedoms for people not to be absolute scum with what they’re given, for example the artyspam.
Then I’ve also met a bunch of hackers already who weren’t even hiding how they headshot through 3 log-buildings on district without line of sight whatsoever using Rifles/MGs.

So how many bots did you kill?
Do you even know how to tell bots from players?

I do that with MGs on my tank since after you play the map a few times you know where they’ll bunch up or hide
It’s avoided by going prone for the most part.

That needs to be addressed as soon as possible, it’s actively killing the game.

He killed mostly players since NA LF is filled with them and we were playing together


Yeah I know it myself all too well, most people don’t know you can just spray the building down, but im talking literally getting sniped from Bunker B all the way back on North of C spawn inside through 3 buildings. The guy ended up with 60+ infantry kills by onetapping people in buildings who he couldn’t even see, with all the winterfog and darkness in those buildings.


And that’s why I don’t play LF, that’s where most of that sketchy shit is situated (for now)
I’ve only seen one maybe two genuine cheaters in Squads since I played the Berlin Alpha and the Moscow CBT. There’s been some sketchy shit I’ve seen, but nothing like that one guy who was lasering people with his MG30 through entire forests and the village on Volokolamsk Village.
Nothing comes close to consolefriend aim “”“assist”"" though which is outright disgusting


Absolutely agree, I despise crossplay.

They do that in LF because theres less people reporting them.
Imagine doing that shit in Squads and ending up with 400+ kills.
Best I did in squads was 380 kills and that was in a tank

I wouldn’t mind it if the aim assist wasn’t a literal snaplock like in Call of Duty campaigns
›pull left trigger
›snap to nearest enemy whether he be 100m out or through foliage

Look at this shit

I don’t even think a lot of people are aware you can even report people and with the dumbass “r-record all your gameplay or you have no PROOOOFS” attitude a lot of people have there’s nothing that will be done
Sketchy gameplay is sketchy gameplay and some people know the tells, but don’t feel the need to record hours of gameplay just on the off
chance they run into a cheater.

Jesus do you have the scoreboard?
I think the best I’ve done is just under 200 on Volokolamsk in my T-28, but that was attacking

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But where is other factions *counter’ to mg13 or fg42?
German faction isn’t any weaker. Only bad thing about german faction is… ONCE AGAIN… BAD PLAYERS

Maybe squadlock the FG-42?

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The PPDs which is funnily enough what gets cried about a lot.
Berlin PPD could use more vertical recoil though

It makes me so mad when we’re a nut hair away from winning but these things can’t get on the point much less shoot the right way. Even further they’ll actively be a detriment with molotovs and blocking movement with tanks


I pretty much already told people why the PPD is as it is, it would normally be even more powerful, but they kept the damage at 5.5 stock because the firerate already does the trick
While I main germany in moscow and barely play USSR, the PPD is a bane to me but i respect it still.
Thats what the MP35/1 is for with superior stats(but not ROF) to it.

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Unfortunately not. I would have, but I tend to immediatly skip through all End-of-Battle statistics out of force of habit. It was a really enjoyable game I played with 2 other dudes and it was one of the most fun matches i had, i was in my Pz IV E. 6*. I remember like 32 tank kills aswell, around 620 assists.
Whenever I tried to use snipping tool in Enlisted i only had a black screen lol.
So i had to set the game to windowed only and then snip out pieces individually rather than cap the entire screen.

You wouldn’t happen to have a link to that video? it doesnt work on the forum for me for some reason

This is what i do on average though when tanking in LF.

Then again its really not that hard when people don’t know how to use explosive packs and theres mostly bots, unfortunately…

https://www.reddit com/r/enlistedgame/comments/mp66yi/is_this_intended_for_there_to_be_this_much_aim/
Just remove the space between reddit and com and put a . there

And I’ve played with my controller on PC which gets no aim assist and still was in the top 3 :joy:


I’ve been wondering but why’s your name a random assortment of numbers for me?

It’s the birthdates of my children lol

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Oh. Nice.
About as old as my nephews and nieces.