Losing motivation to play for the German faction

Listen, you up for a couple games?
I’ll even play Squad.

Sure lemme add you
I’ll play whatever so long as it isn’t N*rmandy

Same, although i love the Schmeisser.
Any Discord? Teamspeak perhaps?

Oh give me a moment then, I’ll have to join the official one first

…and when they not die… they play together right now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
… my best Round was 370 Kills Beach Normandy… got no Screenshot, thought i will do it again but my second Most Kills was 320 sadly :sleepy:

Everyone, please respect each other. Seen some insults thrown which is against the rules.


Actually, Germany lifted that ban, so swastika is allowed for artistic purposes (such as games).


Yet many other countries did not

As far as I know, “many” countries actually follow the same pattern. Of course, any nazi symbols are usually prohibited to use on public display or with any political meaning. However, that is not the same as educational or artistic purposes.

Totally unrelated to the thread, but why not use the print screen button? It puts a timestamped image somewhere in the Enlisted folder, if your keyboard has it.

Related to the lone fighter part of the thread: I enjoy lone fighter mode (I play there 10-20% of my very limited game time), also I think this is an ideal place for devs to test out various bot “designs” and see how well they perform. I’m a real loser in this game mode btw, in LF games I usually get like 6-10 kills at most. In last game I got butchered by same person same place for various reasons like 5 times in a row, but he was so creatively delivering death that I would be really disappointed if this mode gets removed.


  • I’d like a way to distinguish bots in the final ranking some way or other, is it possible apart from noticing their movement patterns during game?
  • When I’m put in a squad with some random others (numbered allies 1-4, we see their names), is there any way to communicate with them directly - i.e. will F2 voice chat work or they are just my moving respawn points?
  • Why is it not possible to select a “I don’t mind waiting 3 minutes” flag so matchmaking favours less bots, more real people?

Thx for not going melee after some of the confrontation above. :slight_smile:

The real problem with Berlin is that everything you unlock is NOTHING BUT OLD THINGS. This is boring, disappointing, and demotivating. If they don’t introduce Stg44 in the next major update I would have lost any interest to touch this game.

they will likely add it but it likely be called it’s official designation of mp44 or mp43 depending on the year

“wah soviet PPD is overpowered” Please stop complaining there not overpowered.

Germans are actually pretty good. I personally love the weaponry they get access I wouldn’t call any of it bad.

I’ve played all the factions on each campaign and wouldn’t consider the Germans “weak” or “unplayable” as you put it.

Besides you can reliably play any faction on any campaign and be effective even if you have the basic
starter squads.

Also I don’t see how any infantry weapon in enlisted can be seen as overpowered when all the weapons are extremely easy to use and get kill’s with.


Soviet main says PPD is UP…more news at 11

PPD in Moscow is fine as is
PPD-40 in Berlin needs more vertical recoil
Neither are underpowered by any means

Contrary to the point you made, 9mm became the modern universal round due to a few factors, including greater wounding potential at close range (as 7.62x25 has a tendency to icepick through an unarmored torso), having a shorter OAL (which means it can more easily fit within a pistol grip), and it being at the sweet spot for the average untrained - or minimally trained individual in terms of recoil vs power, e.g. being as powerful as you can get in a one-handed pistol before you start seeing major reductions in accuracy.

This follows then with logistics that it is the general round used for SMGs, as it’s the round used for pistols. Certainly, a round like 7.62x25 is arguably a better round for a SMG platform, in a similar venue to where 5.7FN is today as a niche PDW cartridge, but logistics tends to trump performance where small arms are concerned in the long game of military planning and development.

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Going to be hilarious when this guy (OP) tries the “Allied faction” and get’s bombed to kingdom come and complains about 110 rockets and stuka bombs…


I agree. I want to play not without squads, but without AI. Asolutely without AI.

Nope. Played latest Zombie Army (German Version) and it inculded swasticas.

Well, after a huge victory streak on the defensive maps I had three absolutely derp German teams in a row who sat around on the edges of the map and failed to both build spawn points and even go close to the point, which was incredibly frustrating - but I think that’s just a ‘there are a lot of terribly stupid people’ rather than a ‘germans are underpowered’. Germans are fine on defence as long as at least 2-3 people are decent, in fact i’d still go as far as to say the defenders on many maps have a significant advantage unless they’re almost completely useless. If I play in a premade with 2-3 mates, we win 99% of our games on defence, because we have a solid core of people who arent terrible, which is usually more than the other team has.

Did I mention that I doubt there are many people who play this game that are capable of putting on their pants the right way around first time? It’s frankly ridiculous how rare it is to see someone put up something as basic as a spawn point, which really is the most basic level of team-play you can get without basically being afk.

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