Losing motivation to play for the German faction

It has been legal for “artistic” purposes for a couple of years in Germany now.

So you have just told me it is not banned and never has been - and yet you said it is?

It is restricted - pyou seem to have a perfectly adequate command of the english language, so you have no excuse.

Pretty sure it’s a different one. It seams that law worked really well, if people can’t recognize it :wink:

Unfortunately the devs never wanted to remove the bots from LF for some reason, they made the scummy move of naming them almost indistinguishable from real players.
And since you can only see the names of your squadmates its difficult to tell how many actual players are in the match, giving the illusion that the game is full when in fact it is not.

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These bots are present in Squads too.

From this statements filled with gun knowledge that no one was asking about. ive noticed that you obviously like your playstyle kicked by a russian SMG that doesnt suffer from any kind of jamming, overheating issues or malfunctions, yet you respect to be constantly getting damage from it ? This is ridiculous. Too much realism in the game is not always fun except for simulators which is totally different category altogether i admit, but PPD had its cons that are not showned in the game currently. If you want to be historically accurate then this is something to consider… PPD is by now one of the best SMG in the game… it doesnt need to be upgraded nor does it require any skill to play… its meme gun …. if it was so good then why russians stopped using it overtime ? It wasn that perfect.

This game is primarily about fun factor by now and players should care about fun factor of the game as well, without this: who knows more about guns challenge. Main question is whether game wants to be more realistic or rather more fun to play … if it wants to be realistic then problems and malfunctions that accompanied these guns should be added… if it wants to be more fun to play, then all effort should be put into balancing of game which would result in making some weapons maybe not that much OP or realistic only partially. Either way PPD should be fixed.


To my understanding, in closed alpha there was weapon malfunction but it didn’t worked too well so was removed. Adding it back and weapon overheating could be a nice way to balance out some of the guns. Like all drum mags had issue with reliability + it was cumbersome to carry a lot of drums with you. Volume wise you can always carry more ammunition in box magazines than in drums, these are two main reasons why everyone in the military abandoned drum mags on SMG. And added weight of the gun of course.
Then if we take something like Bren it had very reliable box magazines because of the vertical feed, an easier way to reload gun by assistant, but of course you lose some vision. In the game you just lose vision, no benefits from vertical feed.
Overheating mechanics can help with this too, like for example small mags on Bren and Bar help a lot against overheating, on MG31-MG42 you get replaceable barrels and have to use them as barrels where not heavy enough as on later or heavier MGs.


they introduced malfunctions to bolt guns and pro-sports MLGer swag lords started crying about RNG runing their high skill gayming.

Basically if there’s been a degredation in the quality of the game, you can assuredly find it being requested by a loud vocal minority here on the forum.


Yeah, even when I play on the German side, I feel bad for the Americans, to be honest. The Ju-188 is just nasty. Then again, the A-20 can be just as devastating, if not moreso; it has similar bombing capability plus cannons the Ju-188 lacks. Both of those planes should’ve been acquired much later in the Normandy campaign.


couldn’t say it better myself also a-20 gets MGs not cannons, all guns above 15mm tend to get labeled as cannons while below tend to be HMGs and small arms

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Well. The reason I just play Germany in Moscow is that there is simply no difference between the three campaign in terms of arsenal. I mean you get like two new firearms (not counting gold squads and guns and BA rifles) and maybe one or two new gadgets (flamer or launcher).
We can argue about the planes and tanks but aside payload and that the other campaigns have no biplanes on the grind I dont see that many differences. The tanks are like the thing which actually changes.

Only if this guy was heard;


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