Losing motivation to play for the German faction

A combination of dumbing down, a move to competitive play against other people (for money reasons of course), statistics showing, progression (for better retention of the cash cow dedicated players), and an insistence that gaming is for everyone and not just for people who wanna chill (definitely for money) probably did it. Shame I didnt grow up in the good ol days when games were for fun


This is a good thing when it comes to listening to opinions on game balance actually


I 'member the good old days playing Battlefield 1942 for HOURS without so much of a hint of unlocking anything or even levelling up. Granted, mods experienced a golden age in those years and we got things like Forgotten Hope that constantly added different theatres and more realism.


I miss Halo Custom Edition, myself since I didn’t have internet growing up
Would download cool maps to explore and a whole bunch that had AI and then just play those for hours fighting the AI and what not
And then there was Bad Company 2, BF3, and BF4 all amazing multiplayer games
Such a shame how they completely moved away from what made those games great into the spastic twitchy mach speed running shooters BF1 and BF5 were


To some extend Twitch. Especially the last kill event before Berlin became a soft OBT was cancer.


Yes absolutely
The devs NEED to stop doing those
It’s a waste of our fucking money we’ve given them and just generates such a shit playstyle for many of the players


Actually, Berlin is the most boring one.

Could you explain what that is? Twitch I know, but the other thing :slight_smile:


“The best argument against Democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average Enlisted forum member.” - Winston Churchill, if he were alive today

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Dude, Im sorry but listing Osprey as source proves you are not historically accurate. In recent years in historical reconstruction forums Osprey books have been bashed for being “artistical impressions”. I dont do Germans, so I cant recommend better books except photo reference and actually buying the original stuff.

Level 30 moscow Jerry and still loving it.


They had cash prizes for the most kills in a 24-hour period


Please introduce „captured PPD with 71 mag” german assault team :slight_smile: i will buy it anytime


You get a point here. Besides the load of threads about improving AI (nothing wrong with that), in several discussions I couldn’t but notice that “farming bots” tends to be referred to as a despicable, filthy activity only skilless peasants would indulge in, and unworthy of consideration from “pro” players.

Except, since (supposedly) we’re all here to have fun, what’s wrong if someone is happy shooting bots? That’s what they’re there for, after all. I, for one, appreciate the fact that a large amount of the soldiers in a match are AI, because they make the whole experience less hardcore.

That means I can play (somewhat) more relaxed and still have the chance to get some fun by shooting stuff, even if I’m not that good vs human players.

But I’m going off topic.


And to add,

Reminder that the CBT bots made for better teammates than the majority of OBT players
I miss them


I get that. And in fact, my point is that as long as it’s funny, who cares if the virtual target one pretends to shoot is moved by a player or an AI? Regardless of the game.

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It’s the implication that the bot is worse than your average player (which we’ve been shown with OBT is entirely untrue) so it means less to fight 10v10 with 6-8 bots following every player compared to playing Lone Fighters which is entirely full of scummy players which makes it more high skill


Not an argument, try again next time please.

You’re completely undeserving of a single reply after you tried to make an argument in bad faith and had the balls to try and be catty about it with the “oops” shit.
The premium weapons included in the squads usually weren’t even at the battle the campaign is after
The Hyde certainly wasn’t
The PPK wasn’t
The MP-40/1 certainly wasn’t
But you know that so you made that claim in absolute bad faith knowing he couldn’t prove they were there because they weren’t.
Pop doesn’t deserve you wasting his time nor do I


Anyone want some popcorn? I bought some extra


well thought-out and structured response

Zeno: “nuh uh you can’t say that”

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