Losing constantly

I don’t even bother playing germany or japan, half your team ends up being bots. It’s hopeless and not even remotely fun. Maybe BR3+ is better but I have no desire to grind up to there.


Maybe it’s because Germany and Japanese are stuck with nothing but Defender matches back-to-back if we weren’t I think it would be a different thing happening

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BR V kill feed

German kill feed:
Gewehr 33/40
MP 28
MG 13
Gewehr 33/40
MP 40
FG 42 II

Allied BR V kill feed:
M2 Carbine
M1928A1 (100 drum)
M2 Carbine
M1928A1 (50 drum)

no rant about weapon balance just that Germany is 90% SAFE full of bots which is no wonder why
playing Germany at the moment sucks

It wouldn’t be so bad to play Germany if we had an equal amount of attacker maps just like the allies in Soviets do

Aslong as its not Stalingrad OK since the merge i have Stalingrad PTSD when attacking with the Germans

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I don’t know why but when it comes to Germans attacking objectives we’re always attacking a fortified position and not flanking it really but when the allies and Soviets are doing it we’re always caught with our pants down or they’re going into our blind spots

The same players never run out of ammo they kill an entire 7 man squad without reloading I range -4 with smg with a LMG same thing german breda mg 3 shots its reloading they never reload the chinee n iii—iii the same player 100 plus kill artillery they never get killed either they operate behind the lines if I do that it wipes my squad out theirs can do whatever the fuck they want I’m done with this game german n japs pointless same defend defend even if u use barb or sand bags they manage to get in n kill the entire defense team this is either rigged or they are hacking the game nad PC v ps 4/5 is another reason why this is unballced ya need half the key board on a PC I’m comparison to xbox or ps platform it needs to be PC v PC or xbo ps4 v same

no matter what yoyu write theirs always a asshole who replies skill u issue so fuck them and fuck this rigged appalling game
br 1 v br 3-4 that’s why you can’t win fuck all cos its rigged

play i custom matches must be less aimbotor a hack hackers cos i do well in em here in reg game ya have guys one-shot wipes out entire squad or use artillery on them where their bunched up not a single one dies so the game like war thunder is pay to win any one whos says its not can go fuck ya self -the free games fun until you get prem players so why don’t prem play each other - cos they wanna slaughter the nonpayers - lol

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The people who are wiping out your squad in one shot it’s probably from a tank shell and if he keeps doing it over and over again it’s an experienced veteran who knows how to break the map if you shoot the right angle.

And if he keeps killing you over and over again with rifles and wiping you constantly it could be a hacker.

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This game is too hard to play with axis. But pairing has improved these days. As a free player my victories even though I have the two rally points. The rally points truck and the rally built by the engineers. The rest is knowing the maps

I have 2 suggestions to keep fully grinded factions interesting. Taking some inspiration from Heroes and Generals.

  1. Add leaderboards per faction (maybe only starting from BR III). Leaderboards tracking “wins”, “kills on point”, “longest winning spree”, “highest … squad score”, …
  2. Add weekly equipment tasks/events/quests, where the equipment will be made available and you can earn either some amount of silver or some number of the specific equipment (worth less than the silver reward) for completion of the task. Could have 1 for all factions every week, keep the equipment to iconic equipment maybe?

Keeping in mind, I’m not a marketer, developer or any kind of gaming industry expert. I’m just a casual gamer.
Do you think these could work (with or without alterations)? I may put them in the suggestions thread, but some input would be nice.

i don’t really see how is that really meaningfull

i mean, most people don’t care, they just want to play or get goodies.

not look at a stat in a pvevp game.

it could play in new players favor or casuals ( which would be a yes just for that ) , but i’m not sure it will tackle veterans or people who finished the grind for said faction.

as said, there aren’t many reason to stick around in one faction.
which i say that’s great, so that you can play other factions.

but once you reach all things grinded, what next?

i suppose clan wars, more options, etc.

i’d say, a special shop with captured weapons and what not.

example, for 5000 kills made with assaulters, you get a ppsh42, for 10000 kills with assaulters, you get a ppsh41 box, etc.

or, kill 15’000 soldiers with tanks to get an universal camouflage appliable for the faction ( or some camouflage order, so you decide what to get ) ,

stuff like that.

some sort of goals for people to strive for and get some goodies for the effort.

but that’s just me. or what i can somewhat gather around.




as much i don’t like those either, nor really are part of just like you,

clans can be an end goal for people.

Why would you laugh?, is already happening, when you play against stacks, they just need to have have a stack que, then solo’s would enjoy game a bit more.


and yeah, it would also sway some of those stacks elsewhere.


Because the last thing we need is more “clans” or whatever the hell around here. This is the problem. And I will admit, I could say I’m part of that problem, but not as frequently; That would be some jap players.

Also, I laugh, because this isn’t new news.

You want to stop losing constantly? Get a stack or “clan”, whatever.

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I not one whom made post.
my reply was just to you saying about the clans, is all
hell if i worried about loosing, i just switch to current trend lol,

I been playing, German faction, so yeah cowards way and at BR V, not at BR III, clubbing


Works too. But not for me. To me, that’s the coward’s way out. I only switch if there are too many baboons in one faction.