Losing constantly

Well that’s a nice thing to know you’re staying in purgatory land as well and it’s a German faction splendid

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I’m thinking that would be more SU speed. But yes.

you should not listen to wheraboos and biased guys like @Greyparrots @GasMasters and such.

The game balance between factions is absolutley fine.
the problem is - and always has been - the number of (good) players queueing for each faction.

Why I’m sounding so confident?
Well, I play all factions. All BR:s. And 99 % solo.

I Don’t listen to them anyways lol. And tbh, not impressed there, bud.

That’s great feedback!
The idea for a special shop with captured weapons is awesome!

For the leaderboard, I was thinking (after your valuable feedback) that maybe you could put up the numbers of factions vs each other and have a weekly winner. Some kind of reward could be handed out to top 50 players?

Have you put up a suggestion for the captured weapons idea? I know I’d appreciate the suggestion. They’re currently working on a lot, what with the steam and steam deck and a lot of other bug fixes and suggestions but perhaps they’ll think it’s a good idea, depending on the feedback. You post it, I’ll support it!

I read in some of the answers “it’s fun to swap around factions” and I agree fully. Which is why I mostly suggest some kind of weekly thing, so you can stick to a faction for a week and be rewarded for it, but you can still switch it up regularly.

This is getting to be an interesting/productive thread, thank you everyone!

personally, i find it too harsh and plain somewhat dumb.

because enlisted isn’t really a competitive game ( nor should )

as it goes for clan wars as i suggested, could be like crossout, where you just play against other teams, and you gain a special currency ( which there, is a material ) and can be used to research stuff.

like, very casual and basic.

because locking stuff behind top 50, would only increase toxic plays and even more meta around basic matches.

i guess you could do like older events with a separated mm, but to be fair, there is a reason why the last was made around 1 and a half year ago and never afterward.

i did not because people can be opposed to captured weapons.

( even though it could be justified through the captured gold order weapons of other nations )

as after all, those are my opinions. and do not reflect the majority.

eh… in all honesty, i’m not realling posting that much on the forum.

i’m more focusing on my own mods.

planty of time to spend there :sweat_smile:

sure, if we could find the perfect loop gameplay to fill the holes / gaps between content being added ,that could great.

but, it’s not entirely gurateed something will happen. or the way we suggested it.
after all, feedbacks can often be a " hit or miss ". and they miss alot.

but what can you do.

I’d like to reply to the separate point as you do, but I’m not a big forum guy and don’t know how to do that, but:

  1. leaderboard: You have valid points and it’s looking like a non-productive idea atm. Especially if they interpret/implement it differently. I’d like to add, that it doesn’t have to be 50 players or any special reward no one else can get. I don’t know how large the playerbase is, so I just put a number down. Let’s say top 15% of the winning faction (those who actually put in some time) and maybe have more objective focussed statistics. But it’s becoming a moot point, since it may indeed create a more toxic environment.

  2. suggestion captured weapons: I believe the suggestion forum is there to improve and survey the idea. This could be me being naive/inexperienced on forums though. Could be a good place to start and attempt to rally folks for the idea?

  3. time on forum: Good luck and much fun with your mods, Erika!

  4. hit or miss: to quote the Office/Wayne Gretsky: you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. I’m a firm believer in throwing idea’s and questions, however small or “stupid”, at the table and seeing how they grow or stick. It seems like the trust in the competence of Gaijin/DarkFlow is low in the community. It surprises me, but again, I’m not much of a forum visitor. This is highly unusual to me and will probably only last a few days, hehe.

Serial meta chaser and quitter detected

Ya think?