Losing constantly

Okay, sure, let’s go with your solution then. Let’s see here… Ah, the answer is: Nothing is wrong and it will randomly fix itself in the future. Good, I was worried there for a minute. Germany doesn’t need a smaller, streamlined tech tree, that solves nothing. Germany doesn’t need to be fleshed out with new event-turned-premium or TT gear, it won’t bring back Vets, or pull in additional players, because there isn’t a problem currently. We should all just ignore anything we see, cause nothing is wrong, this is just the normal ebb and flow of the game, where newer players don’t play the most often opposed faction, and instead we should wait for the Vets to get bored grinding the Allies for the up-and-coming tanks and the Soviets for the easy wins at lower BRs. Right? Good, thank goodness we can agree on something…

To disagree. We can agree to disagree. Can we at least meet in the middle and agree the Squad AI sucks?

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It really doesn’t need small tech tree. Especially since you can skip any equipment that’s in folder.

If something, they can always merge more stuff into folder.


i don’t have much to say about that beside that,

Devs tried to do just that countless time.

and you know how?

tweaking tickets of a faction per each mission.

which it didn’t worked out.
and now devs them selves are reverting tickets to being similar for both factions.

now, at least in the merge, is more about having somewhat of a fair play ( for how fair br III are treated ) and the best of one team can get over the other through skill and … essentially mowing down more of the enemy team while securing the objective/s.

howver, fixed in the future?

i’m not so sure of.
because once again it’s based on players.

you can’t tweak players.

you might give xp bonuses like H&G did, but you’re just shifting the playerbase left and right.

and not gradually.

personally, makes 0 difference to me.

so i can’t say much beside, it certainly could, i’m not sure devs will do just that.

that is, partially how you regain some of the players back into a faction because of new niche toys such as the apc stummel.

is it enough though?

i’m not sure.

i don’t think.

ignore it?
perhaps not.

give some proper solutions?

but beggs the question, what solutions.

solutions that have been suggested before, and went in the bin.

so… you tell me.

well, some people should learn how to deal with defeats and make the most out of it.

partial of the grind is about losing and improving your own tactics.

otherwise you’ll learn shit by just winning.

which the merge bringed many of those individuals.

so sure of them selves, the started complaing when the opposition was actually made of players rather than bots.

granted, influx of bad or questionable players came too.

but it’s all about learning gradually even if that means facing veterans.

that’s how most of people learned.

either that, or separate the game into pvps and pves.

so that at least " newer players " can play at their own pace.

and after all, the appeal of enlisted is being able to play all factions without dlcs and what not.

so everyone should play all factions and then suggests or make implementation in defficiency and what not.

at least, in my honest opinion.

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I love your camo/skin set up, dude.

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Thanks man.

It’s a nightmare right now. Stomp after stomp. Almost every game is a top few doing all the work and the rest burning tickets. So many losses when playing Germany, and Japan too.

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Don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade but that Gneisenau sticker is from Leopard cold war tanks.

Just started playing 2 weeks ago as Germany. Im definately not a top player but tend to end in the upper half of the team. A typical evening of playing consists of Lose, Lose, desert, desert, lose, lose , lose, desert, lose. Maybe 2 losses are remotely nice because there was somewhat an even fight. All deserts are because of the team getting steamrolled beyond belief. Losing 2 points in 2-3 minutes. Tried pairing with my newphew who is more into shooters, there is no turning around. Time to find another faction or another game, this is getting boring fast.

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It was always their plan to kill off our new bloods and our future

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Yes, you can’t play as the Germans solo now. It’s terrible.

I tried and my WR was something like 20% for duration of that session.

Obviously, even 2 queues do not solve anything. There’s no reason they should not have introduced ±1 MM already instead of this 2 queue system.


Same here in the BR2 bracket. This trend started for me about a week and a half ago. Before that it was really pretty balanced overall, with a slight lean towards a 2 wins / 1 loss ratio but recently it’s like this:

15 matches played, 3 wins.
12 matches played. 2 wins.
13 matches played. 1 win.

With half of my team not even managing 20 kills in 10+ minutes of game time.
Most of those matches you spawn in, enemy is already capping your point. Within 3-5 minutes in the game, 2 invasion points are lost. If you play attacker, the enemy spawn camps you right at the beginning…

It’s really sucking away the fun rapidly at this point. Not to mention that horrible SMG spam of the Soviets. You encounter almost nothing else on the battlefield… and their accuracy is so crazy good even at long range which makes no sense to me.

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dont blame them for leaving game is just shit sometimes no auto weapons and nothing to kill tanks with

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Tried germany brII brIII brV tried japan brII losing every single match. I was always top1 or close to that. Im still on 58% winrate but I was almost 70% at the time of our major update. Help! Dont let this game sink in the mud!

Japan BR II is really rough honestly… but germany is manageable since the QoL update, it is difficult but still possible to have good wins.

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a game written by morons

you fire 5 shots at someone in the distance and he kills you with one shot and getting killed behind a wall wierd

Іt is the same. Just wait till it changes, play US until then. It was always like this (one side being already grinded by top players so played mostly by newbies). You can do nothing about it.

i had the same just spawned and 3 men are dead no idea where the shots came from and yes, the distance prob sniper I thought nope mg player range longer than a sniper I saw him move he was so far away even with binoculars so how did he kill 3 - also the engineers mine wont build rally points have they change it nothing happen when press alt to get the engineer menu up nothing works ???

it happens you try to kill at distance you cant but they can as well as shoot through walls this is just a fucked up of a game that was once good