Losing constantly

All defeats in the last couple days, and that’s just the games that I took a pic of for my buddies to see how bad it is getting in low BR matches. I’m not sure these pics will post correctly, and I’m sorry if I break any forums rules with the names. But as you all can see on one side the teams seem to get roughly the higher scores, whilst the other side is having issues just RETAINING players. The worst matches seem to be Soviets vs Germans, but I rarely see these kinds of stomps on the opposing end.


I never expected the team balance to deteriorate because of the merge.
Before the merge, at least some Carry was possible, but now it has become difficult.


Before the merge there were less players overall thus a good player had a greater impact.

Also on what server and around what hour are you playing @Zerocyber?
It’s not a new phenomenon that a faction is very overpowered on one server but does poorly on another.

North America Server, and practically any time of the day (day or night, any day of the week).

As for the “before the merge” that barely matters. At BR 1-2-3 the Vets aren’t bringing Panthers, Tigers and IS-2s to the field to sweep away the newbies with bolt action rifles like pre-merge, they are limited to weapons of those BR tiers. This only means that Vets know the game mechanics better, know the maps better, and tend to change the flow of the match (such as with Rally Points, landmines, or flanking with a tank). However, the near lack of Vets or ‘Sweaty’ players on lower tier Germans is causing the newbies to get absolutely crushed by the Vets of the Allies and Soviets. The larger tech tree for the Germans means the new players are having to grind more to get equal tier equipment, but then have to spend their limited silver to purchase and upgrade equipment that objectively costs MORE. (Compare: PPS-43 at BR2, 2-star, needs three prior guns to unlock; versus the MP-40 at 3-stars, so a much higher cost to buy and upgrade, that needs 9 prior guns unlocked, and then isn’t even an effective side-grade to the PPS-42! Much less the '43).

The Tech Tree bloat, plus the lack of incoming silver, the Vets on the opposing sides and the poor balance at lower Battle Ratings are causing people to leave, which is making things worse. Worse matchmaking, worse matches, and this shouldn’t be ignored. “Wait until the Veterans return to the German side” isn’t an effective argument from anyone on this forum either, and I doubt anyone can rationally logic out that math anyway.

We need more guns foldered under each other, and Darkflow needs to bring Event-Only rewards out as either premium-grade content, or at least push those events back out, and that would only help in the short term. The “brain-drain” other have mentioned would also be blunted if the dang Squad AI were worked on and made more aware of their surroundings (such as taking cover, returning fire, suppressing fire, etc).


That’s the main reason.


While German playerbase is indeed an issue right now, the ape meta of 9 man squads with 3 impact each is equally a problem

Especially against the Soviets who don’t have them.


bad maps where you cover a lot of open ground and die a number of times and the other side always has cover and automatic weapons which always get you and battle rating is shit

That’s nothing we should be proud about when we should have got that thing a long time ago

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i’m not sure what’s worse.

you ( as much to the next person ) begging for a new machinegun of 100 rounds when the allies have one and aren’t that great ( which you would know if you would have at least used one to begin with )

or… you not being able to use the current machineguns, still ask for a new one, and ignore the fact that it will probably be bad as much as others 100 rounds mgs in this game. because once again, mg with 100 rounds are terrible.

i’m… not putting it entirely on you, but… you’re playing a major role here.


@Zerocyber It was always their plan to find any way they could handicap the Germans except for when it comes to end game so I don’t think we’ll be seeing too many new bloods in the future at end game.

This game is about killing bots and more bullets matter if you’re trying to squad wipe someone

nice claims you got there.

any way to back that up?

if that would have been the case,

you wouldn’t be crying constantly of how “hard” or " painful" it is to play top tier against soviets or americans.

it’s even funnier if we consider that you leave said matches.

are you implying that you leave matches with bots innit?

are those bots so strong, that makes you leave?

and… it requires you an entire new mg with 100 rounds?

because that’s make it way worse my friend.

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That’s the main reason? Sure, if it was just me and no one else outside of NA servers seeing this, or providing screenshots for proof.

Oh wait, EU and East EU servers seem to have the same issues. Odd that, must just be NA, though, right? Let’s keep ignoring the issue… That solves nothing.
The issue is the lack of players. The obvious cause we can see is the bloated tech tree which keeps newer players away, the lack of Vets to lead newer players and equalize the matches, and the lack of ability new players have of moving into the position of being a Vet due to silver costs for the tech tree bloat, poorly balanced weapons at lower tiers and lack of promotional future content at the moment (Allies obviously are getting new tanks soon, so people are grinding there for them).

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it’s funny how you instead twist the conversation without mentioning the whole message.

because as it’s written:

literally in the same message.

but sure,

let’s hear solutions.

correlation =/= causation.

i thought it would have gone without saying.

If you want to constantly win, just group up with another 3 decent players. Problem solved.

Where’s our paratroopers for BR2 or suppress MP40 while they still get to keep their own suppressed weapons And they’ve already acknowledged impact Grenades already gonna be nerfed or something will happen

Top tier is perfectly fine except for when it’s cursed with nothing but defender matches most of the time

Either that or stop playing altogether.


" our " ?

do you really need paratroopers to win br 2 games?

jesus that’s sad.

ugh… have you forgot about the erma silenced?


most likely an oversight ( one of many ) from devs.

about time. don’t you think.

so… you just shift posts your goal to get a point despite having not disproved or even addressed the previous ones.


just… wow.