Lone Fighters: now true hardcore!

I mostly played lone fighter before. But with this update I will step back. Maybe this is how the community wants it but you can´t try to make a game to realistic. Like a small thing when you see a marker that you killed somenone from long range without a scope is so satisfying. Now you just shoot out and can´t really be sure if you killed that guy or not. I understand the way with team damage. But the way now with invasion or conquest when you don´t know if team mates are inside a building or behind that hill, and just throw a grenade that will result in team killing 1-5 team mates and you can get banned for it? I played the new map and we were about 5 team mates capturing a point and got team killed by a nade that someone throwed from a distance and probably wasn´t sure if team mates where inside… And in another game i got team killed around 10 times. Thats annoying as f… Maybe have 2 modes? One like before and one like this? Yeah i dont know. Maybe the majority likes this update, but lone fighter were better before in my opinion.

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lone fighters is trash now… it was the only good thing about the game. I played 2 games of squads when I first got the game and hated the worthless squad mates who just FEED the other team. Lone fighters you only relied on yourself and your occasional friends. with no hud and other things how TF am i suppose to know when we have site, need to retake site, which site to go too, or when someone is knocked down and not drop shooting like a COD scrub. at least give us the option to make LF hardcore.


I’ve always played this game mode, UNTIL NOW.
I think last update made this things worse:

  1. A/B/C point marker in game are usefull and user friendly; (OpEn MaP wItH M :crazy_face:)
  2. Temmates name on selecting spawn point are usefull when you play with your friends
  3. Hitmarker and killmarker are ABSOLUTELY necessary in a game where hitbox don’t work out
  4. Aircraft ammo refill, where I have to go?
  5. Why chat is removed? Not everyone has a microphone

New features pros:

  1. Well done with artillery strike, finally
  2. Very nice with friendly fire, i like this in a war game
  3. Map removed from screen, i like that but not without in game label of obj (A/B/C) too confusing

Lone fighters veterans, are you agree with me? Hardcore doesn’t mean less fun

Honestly it is no longer funny for me and my friends. (Always we dont play squad :nauseated_face:)


I really miss the feeling of hitting a shot and seeing the red sight, it gives me pleasure, the same with air strikes. I would consider leaving it as an option.
Being able to see the interface, the marks of allies or enemies makes the game more enjoyable and I feel I get positive feedback from the game.
Please consider leaving them as options

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and seeing the capture points during the game seems necessary to me, otherwise the orientation becomes confusing, and a bit tedious having to constantly open the map to know where to go.

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This is one of the best changes for the game. This game is amazing now and truly immersive how real WW2 shooter must be.!

Agreed! the issue is squad management in Enlisted is too simplistic and AI seem very useless right now. That’s why good players simply use them as lives and hide them in corners.

Removing the interface ruined the mode. Constantly opening the map to check on the objectives is terrible and disruptive to the gameplay.

And infantry is still kinda playable. Vehicles on the other hand are horrific without all the feedback. The only thing I’d keep would be the friendly fire and even that might be up for questioning.

I hate this notion that making a game annoying is “hardcore”. Me and my friends are trying to play Squads but I don’t think we’ll last longer. The addition of Lone Fighters without those idiotic bots following you around was the main reason we came to Enlisted in the first place.

Enlisted isn’t meant to be a super-realistic shooter. Enlisted is not Post Scriptum. It works perfectly the way it was. It was balanced, fun and immersive. Now it’s just annoying…

/\ This /\

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Lol consider that Enlisted was designed to have bot mates.

I don’t like Squads, but I do think they can perfect the bots over the years to make for a better experience. They are improved in comparison to the alpha bots already. But the essence of the game itself is not a ultra-realistic arma-like shooter. Enlisted is a perfect balance between Battlefield and Hell Let Loose and that’s how it should remain.

It’s still fun for me.

Bro maybe FPS isn’t your thing?



Quit your trolling, dude. I’m happy for you that you enjoy that mess, but you have zero grasp on what UI. balance and UX is.

If you want to believe you are, irgh, "hardcore, I suggest Arma or Post Scriptum. Enlisted has zero to do with realism, or the perception of realism that people think a lack of UI represents.

people disagree with me therefore they are trolling

You realize how infantile you sound right now right? Devs did a good job with the new LF and you are mad because you are used to COD tier hand holding. It’s okay.

The UI in squad mode is terribly intrusive and a huge reason why I mostly play lone fighters now. Whoever thought of adding that skull icon is an idiot. In many shooters now a days you can at least scale it down.

A way to modify it clientside like Arma(which has much more to display btw) would be awesome.

When you throw a grenade over the roof, go around the building and see the 7-10 skulls… Awesome. :slight_smile:

But an option to turn it off for those who don’t like it would not harm.

There is no reason to remove harcore. It has room for improvement. I wisch there would be at least the objective, since you have now a hard time to know if the enemy is on it and I wish they would name it hardcore and bring normal lone fighter back in addition. I quite liked it when I’m not in the mood to think too much.

this is a good thing, you aren’t psychic IRL right?

You’re also not sitting in a circle or a square to take over control of an area IRL right?

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Don’t bother dude. He thinks he’s a real life soldier inside a video game. Reminds me of those kids that play airsoft and think they could easily join the Marines and ace it smh…

Anyway, the changes are detrimental to the mode and the numbers don’t lie. Just see how much longer the queues got and how many games are overpopulated with bots instead of players. It was clearly a mistake.

Hey sorry mal was anderes
Wie kann ich den Grantwerfergewehr laden ?? mit U schalte ich es ein aber wie lade ich es ???