Lone Fighters: now true hardcore!


Enlisted’s audience has now grown fairly large, and as such includes players with different game experience and preferences. We are carefully monitoring player feedback and wishes, and strive to implement what we can in the game. But sometimes those wishes are too varied to combine them all in one single game mode.

Some players prefer large maps, some more dynamic and dense battles, others would like the game to be even more realistic, and some are fine with the existing gameplay conventions we have already.

In order to provide our players with different game experiences and accommodate some of the wishes we receive (without adding new game modes splitting the lobbies further), we decided to split the ways that our two existing modes develop and deeply rework the Lone Fighters mode in the upcoming update.


The most important change is that for Lone fighters mode, friendly fire will be added. As in real combat one would have to monitor their line of fire, and be very careful with where they throw their grenades and explosive packs. Not to shoot in panic at anything that moves without ensuring it is an enemy. The one who masters this line of thinking - will win.

Naturally, killing your friends will not only hurt the team as a whole, but will also be a justification for punishment. For any damage caused to allies - players will receive a deduction in their earned experience, and those who keep killing ally soldiers will be kicked from the battle. Players who consistently deal friendly fire over multiple battles will receive a temporary ban from the Lone Fighters game mode.


To increase the immersion of battle even further, the Lone Fighters mode will get a new interface. Now it will be mostly invisible on the screen. Basically, the only element visible at all times will be the compass. If you look directly at an ally soldier - an ally marker will appear. The minimap, kill log, hit markers, advanced aircraft markers and tank armor penetration indicators - won’t be visible in this game mode.

Want to find out where you are and plan your path to the objective - hide and open the map physically. Want to be sure if the enemy you shot was killed - watch his body for movement. Just as it should be in real life.


To ensure our players have good tactical space and options in the new Lone Fighters mode, it will feature only the most massive battle missions we have. Meaning, all missions of Assault and Invasion modes, and in Conquest mode players will only get the largest maps, like “Château du Bosq” and “The Reich Chancellery”.


All the aforementioned changes will also result in rebalance in the experience earned from playing the game mode. We will ensure that the experience players can earn in the Squads mode, will match what is earned in the Lone Fighters mode.

As always, we will be grateful for any feedback and suggestions on the reworked Lone fighters mode and will keep informing you of all the planned changes.


War Thunder sim-mode brother from another mother. Gigalul. We’ll see.


Eh, it’s good that they try out new gameplay arrangements, I hope LF players will appreciate that; but at the same time I’m afraid this will make LF extremely elitary. Like, hardcore mode for hardcore players, casuals stay out or get stomped to death.


Squad mode: has even 9 times more soldier models on the map

Frankly, I don’t get it.


They will only put larger maps in rotation. So, say, no Ver-Sur-Mer conquest or such.

I suspect this will possibly shift the meta to long range engagements, hopefully that doesn’t necessarily mean turning into a campfest.

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Hmmm, time to try Lone mode again


Sounds mostly good. There’s a ton of issues that could arise from this change if it will be implemented without proper care, but I’m not sure if there’s a point in listing them.

Limitation on deaths could become even more annoying. Number of vehicles vs map size and the number of players. Map size vs number of players. Bots instead of people. Allies should still be displayed on the map as far as I’m concerned. Etc. etc. etc.


I understand that.
What I don’t understand is why LF mode, which has far less soldiers on the map (soldiers, not players) will have “big map preference”, while Squad mode, which is cramped stays as it is.


i think we need lone fighters in two modes. normal and hardcore.
there is probably players that like to play with no bots around yet not have to care about where to shoot (no TK), or not have a map all time.


We will re-create this announcement so you can provide feedback on the mode when it becomes available.


Not seeing any TK so far but roster is 20 vs 20.
EDIT: Not enabled yet - got it.

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Will the player capacity increase for Lone Fighters mode in this upcoming update?


My opinion on Lone Fighters and the new update. I do not play this mode, but it’s nice to see that you are going this way of real contact, I hope not only the interface but also the behavior of the soldiers and the fight itself to be more realistic. I would also like something like this to be in SQUAD mode but in a separate mode (hardcore squad) without an interface or something like that or less. Going back to the first sentence, why don’t I play lone Fighter? I played one time but I was very bored, I had a problem to find an enemy or I got a shot from a sniper, which also forced me to play a sniper, Unfortunately lone Fighters do not give me such dynamic combat. But wait, Yes, I know that this is a more smart play with the head and the like, and it will not be like Squad, but I think it would be fun if you could ever do lone Fighters, for example 50vs50 without AI only real players think that then in this mode it would be possible to play both dynamic and tactical, thus having dynamics in the battle and slow and thoughtful actions depending on the style of the game it would be something between lone and squad. And I am not looking for so much dynamics of the fight because sometimes I like to play calmly tactically and with patience, but in lone Fighters it seems to me that I am alone in the wilderness.

This is only my opinion.

I’m not saying that something is bad or good. Please read with understanding!


For me it seems kinda wierd to introduce such changes in the mode (it seems to be chosen mostly by players that look for something similar to the other FPS games like COD or BF) but I don’t play it so it is not my problem.
The only thing that I don’t like is that part about getting only biggest maps available only for LF. Maps in that mode already felt empty when I tried it during CBT - 25v25 soldiers is just not enough to create right atmosphere on Invasion maps nad they always felt just wierd and not in the right place.
On the other hand many, many players were asking for bigger maps or option to choose only Invasion/Assault while staying in the Squads mode. What we are getting now is absurd. 50 soldiers get “space for tactics” nad the biggest maps while 140 soldiers are stuck with small, meatgrinder maps still in the matchmaking.


Will there be a ban on bots as well please? So e.g. if a bot tries to finish off an enemy tank and I mischievously enter the blast radius repeatedly, will bots be removed for a long period? :slight_smile:

Yesterday’s both LF games were stupid and boring with zero level enemies, which I never experienced before. One was a massive victory where I could not reach half the cap points as our front squads cleaned up so quickly, the other was 30 minutes wait until someone pops up, kill, reload, I guess due to bots.

the only part I haven’t grasped is “MASSIVE BATTLE” are you going to increase the number of players to an honest 50v50 or not if the answer is no have the decency to make small maps for a 20v20 no player wants a camper only mode besides all your maps are modeled to favor the CQC with “ONLY THE LARGEST MAPS” as you can only think that 40 players are bored to death waiting for the first one to attack also there is nothing concrete to increase the number of players in the mode completely infested by bots and instead of taking care of arranging the ai in the squad mode as well as the main one of your game you worry about adding things that few or no one wants or asked you here we have been asking for balances for tanks, planes, placeable structures, infantry weapons, ai, maps, not “New and irrelevant bullshit in the lone wolf mode”.

Guess how many bans would the small map+friendly fire result in…

I don’t understand why do they wish to kick instead of adding spawn penalties. Too strict.

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It cannot be because it will be a mode for punching huge amounts of XP, it will force a person to play only in order to quickly gain experience by playing with planes because in invasion it is very easy to get large amounts of exp by plane, There will be no balance, a lot of people will be playing there for XP

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Well, people should have possibility to play what they want - and most of us who asked for some kind of preference matchmaking that would allow more frequent Invasion just consider that mode much more interesting than Conquests.


On the other hand, if LF is a niche mode, it is more suited as a testing ground for major gameplay changes (see friendly fire) that you can’t just throw into the whole game and see what happens.
Some of that could possibly be transferred to Squads as well, later, if it proves to be feasible.