Lone Fighters: now true hardcore!

there is a closed test for this what you just suggested “no offense” is to work for them for free by testing what we are consumers not testers this and the same crap of the division on its release players were sold a beta with thousands of problems solved years after release using players as a tester for free

Ehm, actually, in this game we PAY to be testers (-COUGH!-CBT, Berlin-COUGH!-)

i know because i said it because i got upset after this ad this is the worst way to interact with consumers i have ever seen


For me it is also interesting and I like invasion, but it seems to me that the game also gives a lot of possibilities to choose what we want to do. As in any game you can choose something and you cannot. These are the tastes of some people that would like it and others not.

Get everything polished and tightened up like movement and gunplay and you could truly have a competitor to Red Orchestra and the like.
Keep it up!


You can still play Berlin for free btw

This is how CBTs with Gaijin are done anyway, they usually have a lot cheaper options to buy in though.

Tbh with Normandy LF it was already a dogshit campfest and anyone trying to move on the point was sniped by some bush wookiee a mile away

Is a great news that the devs take into account both types of players, the ones, like me (and mostly veterans players of ww2 related games) that want more large maps and long, tacticals, slow paced and brain-skill based battles. And the others that want more short, fast paced and hand-skill based battles like counter strike.
It is also very inteligent to use the already existing game modes to divide that.

But, in my opinion, it would be more intelligent and logical to use the squad mode to the masive, tactical, realist and slow paced battles and the lone figthers to the pew pew rambo gamers.

It is still a good news but my question is why you chose the LF to do that instead of squad?

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I make no secret that I prefer squads mode because the abundance of bots gives me way more chances to shoot stuff and way less chances to be owned by some dude with superhuman reflexes.


Actually on paper that sounds more logical.


I say this because also there is a tactical part of thinking the compose and loadouts of all the squad as a unit and not as a group of individuals rambos. And, in battle use the squad as a squad and not as a pool of rambo lifes.

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It would be fun if it was implemented on modes where 90% of playerbase stands. Tbh i would love squads with all those features


Lone Fighters has only ever been full of superhuman players and edge of map bush campers.

This post will get seething replies from said campers calling me bad most likely as well lmfao

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tell the players that even in the squad they place the bots in a corner of the map and start doing rambo tactics recommended also by specialized magazines

I am really concern of this mode will be successful on current very arcade gameplay.
See this:

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that sounds, great.

but i’m not a huge fun of friendly fire in a free to play enivorement as there are certain individuals that are willingly capable to harm the team.

for the rest, it’s a general idea. and as such, i’ll provide a proper feedback once it will be out and i tested that.


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I do not play lone fighters unless I´m forced to, and one of the reasons why was that big maps of assault/invasion felt like a weird joke, because there aren´t enough players to make it look immersive or fun.

Storming D-day beach with few people against half empty bunkers and positions is best example of certified bruh moment.
Big maps simply weren´t designed for lone fighters, and it is painfully too visible.

So, big maps prefference only for lone fighters makes no sense at all. This mode was made for few people who want generic FPS experience, so why don´t you guys just give it to them? And in fact, squads mode is the one that should have larger maps instead.

Other than that, those changes might be somewhat an improvement to the mode, but my prediction is, that it will stay mostly dead anyway.


make lone wolf 60 vs 60 or it will be POINTLESS on big maps (no one wants bush sniper campers )

also bomber planes need nerf or aa guns need big buff (planes are insanly fast, and cant catch plane with my aa gun… )



I don’t get this change. Lone Fighters is boring b/c there’s never enough things to kill since there are way fewer soldiers on the map at any given time than Squads mode. The same problem exists for large Conquest maps, which forces players to run around rather than fight. Meanwhile in Assault and Invasion even though overall the map is large, all the players are only fighting around one point at any given time.