Lone Fighters: now true hardcore!

Game clearly can support around 200 soldiers on map and its fun !.. Dont know will Lone fighter be able to go over 50 !.. Doing more realistic game mode is great !.. But what this game needs is War mode ,that connects all campaigns and maps !.. Also to have something to play after campaign is finished !.. With even more campaigns added later , community will be split even more… War mode can have all campaigns and maps included!-- Better game matchmaker would fix this problem , you just select what things you prefere.

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in addition to this as mentioned in previous posts we ask for balancing with tanks, planes, buildable structures, weapons, matchmaking, maps, a chat and they come up with this as a great demand from the community yes only from the Russian one I think

You really want toxic/squad mains people to just bully lone fighters players endlessly right XD


So that it should be really annoying when planes kill 3-5 squads with one drop.

“Need enemy cordinate” a player give wrong cordinate
Result half of the squad dead player plane kikked for tk

Nice that we finally have a mode for those who love to play bush wookiee shooting people from miles away with their sniper and BA rifles. Win-Win situation

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I would suggest that We Hardcore players take it upon ourselves to teach new players the ropes and not be toxic towards them! We alone choose to either grow the hardcore community or suffocate it with how we treat new players. I for one will be taking every soul I can into hardcore from squads to show them why Hardcore is best Core :stuck_out_tongue:



Please and thank you :slight_smile:


Its never going to be massive battle if it stays 20vs20. 20vs20 does not interest me and many other ppl. Other games has 100vs100, now that’s a real battle


I agree with others they shouldn’t be calling and titling it ONLY MASSIVE BATTLES.

20vs20 is not massive battles at all, its false advertising, sorry Devs


of all things to focus on they are focusing on LonE FiGhTErS



About the experience changes… Will you NERF the gained experience from squad mode to match the one earned in lone, or will you BOOST the xp gained from lone mode to equal squad mode?
I’m concerned because I doubt reducing the xp gain from squad mode would be really fun (especially for those who aren’t premium)
On the other hand, if it’s a boost FOR lone mode, I will definitely play it now with the more hardcore UI to get that old school Red Orchestra vibe :smiley:

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this sounds pretty good to me to be honest and yes little confused on the massive battles
its not irrelevant some one some where asked for them and i thought u would be happy to have a realistic mode that’s hardcore hell i will try it and see how it plays out


Bro :slight_smile: you are one happy of hundred angry i give you a like

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this announcement is shit and absolutely tone deaf. Rethink it please.


Well this could eventually be fun, but so many options to screw it up based on the first post.

  • “massive battles” like 50+ bots plus two real players? Will the bots be gone from this mode or if one stands in my way while I’m aiming, will it get kicked instead of me for spoiling my shot?
  • “teamkill” kicks you eventually… An option for the killed player to add to the kick counter or auto-kick? Auto-kick will auto-backfire I think, so I recommend the other. Please also consider spawn time increase instead of kicking team killers unless everybody complains against him/her.
  • “We will ensure that the experience players can earn in the Squads mode, will match what is earned in the Lone Fighters mode”. - please do it the other way around, increase the lone fighter xp and keep the squad mode
  • any ongoing discussion about team leading? The current minimalistic variance of markers and next to nonexistent discussion between squads limit the tactical aspect.

Also what about an active fight infantry-only lobby, where we fight for the rooms of the Monastery villlage big building or the Monastery itself or anything suitably big but not too big; more and more players joining in → more capture points open up and less and less bots are present, and once the necessary amount of players are present the real game begins. If necessary then on another map which is well known in the lobby before so if someone wishes can leave before the match begins? This way a 3-5 minute delay until match start is easily passable and lessens the need for bots, also XP should be collectible in this part as well.

For the game modes, the capture 1 + defend 1 playmode is missing, and I think could work fine for lone fighter, would you consider adding it as a next step?


:sunglasses: no one of the dev probably read this but for me gg bro you say rigth

I’ll deliver my conclusions when I m able to play it.

Right now I prefer the cahotic experience in squad mode, had played lone fighters like 10 times tops… Donno if this ill be enough for me to even consider changing the game mode.

While you dev team are at it… Give us the option to select what game mode we want to play… I enjoy invasion Alot… I m tired of conquest…the only fun one is the reich on Berlin with more than 3 points.

Also, what was the reason for 5 invasion points instead of 6 we had in alpha? I’ll we see 6 or more points again?

At least two of the bug reports I wrote previously are already fixed, so I’m satisfied with their performance (except when not). After all, this is the first FPS in several years what I started to play instead of the usual strategy games, because it feels good. No, actually because I wanted to get prepared for Hell Let Loose FPS-wise, but Enlisted gave such adrenaline-boosts when things work out properly that it earned its place among the worthy games. :slight_smile:

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