Lone Fighters: now true hardcore!

You have to press R after ataching the grenadelauncher. (Du musst nochmal R drücken nachdem du den Granatwerfer aufgepflanzt hasst)

you sound really mad dude. Please remember it’s only a game. perhaps try breathing exercises.

I’m sorry you are having trouble adapting to a more realistic mode in LF. I’m sure if you practice you will get better. Truly sorry this has deeply effected you.

What makes me mad is your trolling. I’m not proud of being rude towards you, but I can’t stand trolling.

I’ve detailed why the changes are bad multiple times on different posts. Your response was “Oh stop, the changes are great. You are just a CoD fanboy, go play CoD”. You just said the changes are great and everyone who doesn’t agree, apparently loves CoD, f*** if I know why. You failed to give a good reason why the changes work. It’s the same as if I told the devs the changes are trash and left it that way.

And I mean “work” in regard to proper design and balancing of gameplay flow. Not because it makes it seem more “badass” or “realistic” or “hardcore”. There is a balance that must be followed in accordance to the game’s purpose.

Enlisted’s purpose was never to be an ultra-realistic shooter. It will never be so. Trying to push it towards that will only kill the game. Just look at how the player numbers diminished on Lone Fighters after the update. Every time I try to join, it’s long queues and games with more than 50% of the slots filled with bots. Bots were a rare sight before this, now they have to be a majority since people gave up on LF. “Oh you can still play Squads”. I’d rather stop playing Enlisted. Those bots on my tail are the one reason I wasn’t interested on the game until I heard they added LF.

If you want me to explain again in detail why the changes are bad, I’ll do it. I only hope the developers are listening too because it’s tiresome to write it.

Yes, it’s just a game. However, me and my friends waited a long time for a proper WWII shooter to be released (the Battlefield 5 scandal still makes me sick), and Enlisted delivered perfectly in almost every way. To see the devs apply a change that no one wanted and only damaged the game is mighty frustrating.

At the very least, if there are people who actually enjoy it more than before, they should give the option to play with the minimalistic UI or not, same as in Squads. You can please the people who want the “hardcore” experience and the people who want the balanced experience.

I hope you understood this time how it has zero to do with practice. I still top the scoreboard on most games whenever I play LF. Hell, it’s actually even easier now since there’s no more players, only the dumb bots. So why am I complaining? Because the real matter is enjoying the experience without the annoyances the update brought. I don’t give a rat’s *ss about my score. I prefer a game in which I don’t do very well but have a good time playing it.

Again, I’ll detail if necessary. But the player numbers still speak for themselves. For now, I’m tired of writing.


please go in to detail.


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Well you asked for it. It’s a big wall of text so be warned. Here’s why I don’t think hiding the interface elements add to any concept of “hardcore” gameplay:

Enlisted is a shooter that lands on a middle ground between something like Battlefield and Hell Let Loose. It strikes a perfect note between arcade and realistic gameplay. The elements that contribute to that are already present in the game and I’ll list them later. Let’s look at each of the changes individually:

1- Hiding the Scoreboard on top of the screen, Current Objective and Status of Capture in which you’re standing on and the Floating Icons of said objectives on the battlefield:

The problem here is removing elements of the interface that provide basic feedback to you as to where you need to go. Sure, experienced players such as me or you might already know the map like the back of their hand, but newer players won’t. Besides, this change does not cause the game to be more realistic because the features still exist. You just have to press the Map button and they show up. However, this is not a feature that adds to gameplay. It detracts. Because you are forced to press another button over and over again to check the score, when you could be focusing on playing the game. There is a concept in User Experience within gaming that’s about making your user collect information or obtain access to something while having him use the least amount of input. For example, a menu for Graphics that would go “Options > Video > Graphics > Advanced Graphics” and then have individual menus for you to click in order to access the quality sliders for textures, anti-aliasing, shadows, etc, instead of having them all under “Options > Video”. It’s basically the same here. You can still acess the information, but you will be constantly opening the map and disrupting your focus on what the game is about, which is fighting and playing the match. This should be a toggleable feature for people who prefer less interface on their screen, just as it is in Squads.

Also, this makes it quite hard for planes to support ground troops. Without knowing where the objectives are and their status, planes are just bombing the map blindly. Especially if they lack a scout on the ground to mark targets, which happens most of the time. And with friendly-fire on, well I think you can see disaster just waiting to happen.

2- Hiding the Minimap:

Again, another feature which you can access through an extra, unnecessary input. Some people can argue that it is “hardcore” to not have a map, but this game does not have 3D and minimap spotting like older Battlefield titles used to. The minimap is simply a convenience to help you position and check on friendly markers. It is a vital tool for teamplay, even if you aren’t playing with friends on voice chat. A world of coordination can be done with your teammates just by having the minimap available on screen. Another change that only causes annoyance instead of quality.

3- Hiding Aircraft/Tank damage models:

This is a very serious one. Since damage on vehicles is modular, as soon as you take a hit to something, you cannot know what it is. And by the time you figure is out, you are probably dead. Knowing whether your cannon, turret ring, track, engine, etc, is disabled is vital for decision making. Certain parts can wait until I clear my surroundings. Others require me to jump ship. If you make tankers get out every time something feels off, it’ll cause them to be much easier targets than they already are. Because as soon as you have to get out of a tank, odds are you are already dead. Planes have the same problem. Wing damage influences on aircraft performance and you can compensate for it on the controls. If you can’t tell right away what’s wrong on the plane, a wrong move will cause you to crash. And vehicles are not like infantry. You can’t spawn them right away after dying (which is correct, let me be clear here).

4- Hiding the Hitmarkers:

This is one I could say was not a big deal, except for two factors. The first one is that Enlisted has a “downed” feature. Sometimes you’ll get knocked down, heal yourself and get back up. Since this is a bit random, except on headshots, the shooter needs to know if the enemy was actually down. Otherwise they’d get up and, like I said, this causes frustration. It’s not the worst thing, in my opinion though, and it’s doable. You could keep hitmarkers hidden and only enable the display of the player’s name when they are killed. That solves this problem. But then comes the second factor, and this is quite big and not even related to gameplay. The red hitmarker you get when scoring a kill is satisfying. I’ve seen many people say they take great pleasure to get that confirmation of a kill. And this enjoyment comes from the small dopamine discharge people get when doing something satisfying inside a game. It’s what causes games to be addictive. This invisible process keeps people playing the game because they enjoy that feeling of satisfaction and the kill marker provides a load of it.

5- Friendly-Fire

I don’t actually mind the TK. I have a controlled trigger finger and hardly ever kill my teammates. Problem is, most people are quite trigger happy. And you also give them grenades, mortars, artillery strikes, aircraft with bombs, tanks with HE rounds, etc. Lots of people don’t know how to “keep it in their pants” so to speak. But this is one change I don’t think needs to be urgently reverted. Just wanted to point out a possible issue.

So, I don’t think I forgot anything. So you see, it’s not a matter of having to get used to a realistic mode. I’ve played plenty of Post Scriptum and that game is realism hell. Freakin’ awesome, but it has a different proposal from Enlisted. What the devs did was hide essential elements that make the game tick, creating an excessive, annoying and constant input, removing vital feedback that adds to decision making and teamplay and adding nothing to the realism. Arguably, Enlisted is already a “hardcore” game, even without such changes. This is because of the features below:

  • It has short TTK (Time To Kill).
  • It has slower-paced, less forgiving combat.
  • It has stamina limits, which force you to be mindful of your movement, since you are likely going to die if your breath runs out in the middle of a charge.
  • The weapons have decent amounts of recoil.
  • The vehicles are slow and take time to master. You don’t just drive to the middle of the map and murder hundreds.
  • It lacks sticky 3D spotting, having only a ping system, which I think is ideal since it provides good communication with the team while not being a permanent, unfair spot on top of your target’s head.

This is to name a few. You don’t see this sort of thing in games like, as you mentioned Call of Duty or even Battlefield. Enlisted was already born realistic, or “hardcore”. It’s not a matter of the mode becoming harder. It became annoying. You called me out on doing bad and requiring practice, but like I said, I still top the scoreboard on most games I play. I even kill a lot more than I used to. Not only because I’m still at home on LF, but also because most players left and most matches are filled with a majority of bots, which are pretty much training dummies.

With all that being said, I hope it’s finally clear why I think these changes are detrimental to the mode and need to be reverted ASAP. Sorry for the wall of text, but there was no simple way to explain this.

If you or anyone TL;DR me, it’s okay, I just hope some dev takes their time to read it and pass it on. I really care about this game and want to see it succeed. And I can’t stand Squads, so…yeah. That’s about it.

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you GOTTA stop writing essays thinking im gonna read that shit, bro. Wheres the condensed TL;DR?

Give me a TL;DR on this, nobody wants to read walls of text.

There is no way to TL;DR that. If you can’t understand this or don’t want to read the text, it’s not my problem.