Lone Fighters: now true hardcore!

Really good change for me, I like the hardcore feel in RO2 and hope I can experience something like that in enlist. But maybe need to increase the number of people in a single game.
But the really IMPORTANT THING for lone fighters is to enhance the communication in Lone Fighters mode. Both radio chat and the quick chat. Maybe you can give a specific sign when vehicle drivers speak. It’s important to know an income bombing.

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I only play online with one other person my brother … but its not with Enlisted but we use skype to play and its great it works flawlessly and we can chat after the battle during the menu screens but again its now with Enlisted but if it was we could still hear the interface …

Are we allowed to talk about an online gaming comnunication service on here ??? or will be get banned from the forums ???

can we please get this in squads, please


It could perhaps be tested as a limited time event, first.

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i agree

I only play in LF and im very disappointed about this change! People always complain Lone fighters is like a BF or a COD mode and we shouldn’t play it and go in the squads mode to really enjoy the Devs Ideas, but with this complete change, you are just turning this mode in a Hell let loose or Post scriptum so I dont get it. Why not a third game mode for people who wanst to be in this a realistic war game! maybe there’s not enough player for that! And I agree maybe a beta test should be nice before changing everthing…Well if it the case im juste gonna go to find my enjoyement in another game! (too bad because it was the only very fun ww2 game)

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I like this changes and would be glad to test it out, sounds very interesting.

To the people who don’t like it, I trust the devs enough to assume that if indeed most people won’t like new mode, they would revert it back. I also agree that a closed test before could have been nice.

There needs to be a player voice warning when a grenade or explosive pack is thrown.
Something like the “ENEMY PLATOON” “CAPTURE IN PROGRESS” “RELOADING” that you hear now.
If there is no warning, players will run into the grenade and die. A shout of “GRENADE OUT” will save a lot of team killing. Also while flying there may be team kills that are not intended. Some way of helping pilots see friendly team members better will stop many team kills.

“There needs to be a player voice warning when a grenade or explosive pack is thrown.”

Proximity voice chat would be perfect for that.

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Teamspeak or Mumble need to be considered for speaking to each other … either has great benefits.

Super excited to read this news on Lone Fighters! I find the squad maps way to small and you’re even more restricted with area you’re allowed to move. Add to that the non stop arty spam and such, it’s not really my cuppa tea. This however, well now you’re talkin’! :smiley:

Thank you. This is long waited updates towards the Lone Fighters. Hope to see more in the future

Nice job Gaijin. Seriously, these seem like nice changes. Im not even hardcore nor lone fighters player, but these changes make me interested at lone fighters. If Gaijin imploments these changes well, but it seems to be bigger problem for war thunder devs.

I agree, it should be the other way around. Larger maps for larger battles and smaller maps for smaller battles.

And now think about it beyond the number of pointless bot soldiers per square meter. They are trying to make a more realistic game mode. Do you seriously think it should be the squads mode?

People that want larger maps predominantly fall in the same camp with those that want “more hardcore”, so you can’t really separate the two if you want to serve them best.

Besides, squads mode is a mindless meat grinder no matter the map size.

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this sounds really fun and I’m looking forward to seeing what has been cooked up. I think the biggest issue as other players have pointed out, is the playercount, & maybe the xp as a close second. Lone fighters has always been really bad at rewarding players, so that is something you’ll really have to test. the playercount will have to be jacked up especially for these larger maps. Overall though, I am looking forward to having the option to play a more hardcore grounded mode in Enlisted.

Hi everyone. When I play Lone Fighters, I feel some players are not humans, his movements show me they are bots, only to refill the game. Now, it will be exciting, no HUD and have a action “Check ammo”. And I hope in Squad battles improve some of this changes, in tanks and airplanes.

Thats great!! Pity the games are 90% bots (and your bots AI SUCKS)

Reasons this is a Horribad update:
No one plays lone fighter, games are mostly autofilled with bot-players to make up number
Your Bot AI is FAR too stupid to navigate a friendly fire battlefield
Your hit reg is FAR too shit to implement this without causing massive grief to a non existant player base.
Graphics are too shit for long range uniform identification (with obvious exceptions - russian blue hats)

Stop trying to implement new features. Fix your game, then add to it.