Logistics orders for battle experience!

Maybe both systems cause I enjoyed doing challenges, maybe it gives a rare chance at a silver order once a day but is linked to a difficult task like getting 20 pistol kills.

I think they could fix the system if u could pick a category that had an extra chance and it got a 2-3 time multiplier or the choice between 2-3 at random cause bronze(free to play) shouldn’t be as good as a silver but it would make it substantially less grindy to get characters or guns that you will use or maybe a sell system instead of send to rear for characters(i got a lvl 5 fighter pilot and im never gonna use him but its a waste to get rid of him).

Old system was indeed better imo. I can’t understand why people are so upset, either they didn’t experience the old system or :roll_eyes:? Not that I have a problem with current one, but, as I usually go for top of leaderbord, gaining more bronzes as I play normaly it’s always a plus

Either way, I m yet to see a problem in grinding in this game and or, getting stuff I need.

In this thread: People who don’t know in the old system, once you reached max campaign level you’d stop getting orders.

Knowing Gaijin (the publisher), it’ll probably once again have the same issue. You are also missing the part where they say you can only complete 3 tasks a day (6 with prem pass) increasing the grind and making sliver orders a lot less common.

I doubt they actually took your suggestion into account, this is to slow battle pass progression down, they had to put the orders elsewhere otherwise you wouldn’t get enough.


Congratulations to everyone who wanted this. You have certified your idiocy. ::man_facepalming:

This will REDUCE the amount of orders you receive for game play and INCREASE your grind.

This, in turn, will increase their monetization opportunities, which is why they leapt on the change so quickly.


So people complained about tasks being too grindy, the gaijin fixed that by adding easy task + additional tasks. It is good and people are happy so Gaijin decides to change it.

One again, depends from experience needed for order… but knowing Gaijin… I’m just worried, again.

They should focus on turning around the predatory monetisation they intraduced.

When I had premium I had 40k XP matches on invasion. Every 1k XP would be ridiculous

Do you know when this will be implemented? This change is so good that i cant wait to grind some order:D

The old system with 3k was not good but with 1k it will be.

Can’t say I’m excited…

Let’s see how it will be implemented. Sounds to me that they will increase the grind this way. Especially for F2P players, as they earn much less experience. Unless it’s scaled for P2P / F2P players it will be a direct buff / nerf.

Also I am afraid we wont be able to earn as many as we are earning atm. I complete tasks very easily and quickly. Significantly exceeding the 9 tasks per day requirement for battlepass.

Third point is that the experience you earn with different activities is not balanced at ALL.
Per example, engineer spawn points and re-supply earns you nothing, while a tanker can get 10k points in a half hour game. A bomber killing a tank earns you the same as a plane bombing it. Plane players can farm insane amount of kills but even that is outclasses by a tanker (considering both players are good at what they do). Capturing bases which wins games gives very little reward compared to playing COD and going for no scopes…

So, unless these points are addressed, I remain skeptical.


When only kills give xp that would mean the high level players who mow enemies down with tank, bomber or mortar would get 10 orders (20 with premium) and the players who had to endure it get 0 to improve their team in order to fight back against such players. In many games the bottom half ends up with under 1000 xp but could still get their order for the main task.

Not to mention that the game would become explicitly pay to win as premium players would not only progress at twice as fast but get twice as much orders as well; the 2 extra squad slots is already a huge gameplay advantage in first place. Right now every player has a chance to get 3 orders per game and your skill/progression still matters as better players could finish their tasks quicker and with enough progression more tasks become doable (like mortar and semi auto rifle kills).

Not only that, with that many orders the better premium players will end up with average 15 orders per game and max out their squad and weaponry in no time which probably won’t incentivize them to keep playing.

Then again more than 2000 and you end up with new/casual players potentially needing to play 3 games for 1 bronze order while top players would still get ridiculous amounts. It will suck for free players no matter the amount.

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Yay another bad change made because people cant be bothered to play the game like someone with two hands and pair of eyes.

Seriously, unless you are one of those people with 500 score on average at best, tasks were definitely better solution to get cards than this. I can get three cards every match via tasks, but through XP? Yeah, thats gonna be one at best per match because most matches end before i get higher than 3000. Ofc, shout out to rare D-Day matches that last for almost an hour and send me forward with 30k+ with premium and all those awards on average.

I am still impressed and pleased by how this game’s team listen to feedback and act accordingly. Thank you!

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No with 1k it would be stupid.

Think of the post battle multipliers though.
You get 2x for premium, 1.2 - 1.5 for battle hero and then a bonus for winning.

There is no way you could get 3 a match before, unless you skipped all the win x matches, place x matches etc

You guys just speculate about that modifiers and prem 2x, but if you take the vanilla exp in the battle states it is really fair for all players. So beforehand you speculate just wait how they make it, there is nothing in stone atm rolleyes

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No way? Lmao.

Primary objective is braindead guarantee each match because its always something stupid like “Complete 1 match” or “Capture 1 objective”

Two secondary objectives are also very easy. “Kill 12 enemies”, “Kill 18 enemies with melee weapon”, “Kill 12 enemies with grenades”, “Kill 40 enemies with semi-auto weapons” etc.

All those are extremely easy to do each match. Yes my opinion is probably biased by the fact that i pretty much always score in top three but it still stands. If people with 500 score on average cant do tasks, its hardly problem with tasks and more problem with them.

And yes, i do skip all those annoying tasks like “Kill 40 people with flamethrower” or “Kill 40 people with mortar” or any similar that take more matches to complete. And since i always have crapton of skips i dont really ever get stuck on either annoying or long to complete task. Thus yeah, 2-3 every match are very easy to do for me.

How much xp will be needed for one order? This is where it gets complicated.

And I hope you consider a method for exchanging bronze orders for silver ones.

Well I liked both systems. But after Level 25 you cant get any Bronze Orders then??

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On the old system. I got 3 a match as a ftp player. Didn’t even have premium squads since I got access in CAT