Logistics orders for battle experience!

This game is not only about skill. It’s also a lot about how long you have been playing and what gear and soldiers you have. Promoting higher level players at the cost of new players is a dumb move.
Even favoring good players above weaker ones is bad for the playerbase. Good players already progress faster, why accelerating at the cost of weaker players?


Well this certainly favors the experienced player but not sure about the new players coming in. The experienced players generally don’t need help but newbies do. I know when I started the game taking A,B,C point was doable but achieving 1000+ points was much harder. Sure now its easy but if I got a “kill x amount of people with a knife” I could always re roll and maybe get something better.


For every couple of thousand? The grind is going to be way too long.

I dont understand how getting bronze tokens for completing tasks interferes with progress. Getting one token every one to two battles was great, and with the loot box nature of them, you dont always get what you want. I can understand trying to incentivize players to spend on premium, but if you make the grind to hard without it, people are going to start calling pay to win.


So I guess in this match with a standard account me only getting 10 orders (if its a couple thousand per order) is just too little XD. Even the worst players can grind orders faster than presently if its only 2k per order

Lets wait and see what every couple of thousand means first.

I think both would be best although I personally liked the tasks since I could get a bronze order every match but if it’s experience based than I wont be able to get one every match. I’m not good at First person shooters so I tend to be at the bottom of the team only earning a few hundred experience so if it’s tied to that players like me are going to be left behind. With the main tasks being stuff like stay in combat for 12 minutes and get 10 kills I could do those just fine and since you can tell the game that you don’t want to do certain once you can swap out the ones that tell you to play a different campaign or use a trooper your not good with. I’m hoping that the tasks will remain unchanged as I like that system and think it reward those that are willing to play outside of their comfort zone as well as makes it so the bad players don’t get bored and stop playing.

In summery I think the task system is better over all but I wouldn’t be against both systems being used.


From what ive seen the ability to earn bronze orders is the real slow down for the game. I think the overwhelming response from everything Ive read so far on the forums is “why not both?” I agree whole heartedly but make it worth the grind. What i mean by this and what my suggestion is-

  1. Find the average XP per battle and have the average award 1-3 bronze orders (bell curve peak at 2)

  2. Change the current battle tasks to have a similar difficulty curve to war thunders daily tasks except with every five to seven daily tasks completed it awards a silver order with a challenge that takes more gametime to complete (capture so many objectives, get so many kills, get so many multi kills with said weapon etc). This encourages players who may be newer to the game still getting the ability to be rewarded and playing ALL the campaigns instead of focusing only on one single campaign for the most efficient progress and for those who are more experienced and play well to be able to get the things they want at higher levels and allowing faster progression while still having some time required to play for things. Another option could be taking the average XP per game and making it take roughly every 10 games rewarding silver.

  3. Make the tasks involve playing different squads and using different weapons so players are rewarded for trying other classes and change it so there is only challenges you can complete.


Now there is a subject that I do not understand, according to experience, if you are getting bronze logistics, why don’t I buy anything, I’m in the top 5 in every game. A few 1000 xp are just 4/1 of a game for me. But I’m not getting a logistic bronze. You know the absurdity of the missions. Is this update working now, or have they just blocked tasks for now. I do not understand. (google translate)

now we need XP for playing objectives and support team instead of only gaining XP for kills

i already stopped playing because my supportive play style (ammo, spawn site, spotting, etc…) give me nothing even if my team win with my help
because of that nobody have the basic team play required for thins kind of game and it turn on total garbage

(and i had to play 2 games to post this … wtf …)

Except spawns on your spawn point give you score and thus XP. I’ve gotten well over 500 score from spawn points in a single match.
Ammo shouldnt give a score boost because people would just squad up and ammo score boost for XP instead of playing. Spotting vehicles that result in them dying should, but I don’t think infantry should for two reasons. One is that they’d have to have individual markers over their heads from spotting, which would be very ugly when people mark multiple whole squads and you just have red arrows running everywhere. The second is that people would play even more passive and be even more useless because why in the world are you spotting soldiers instead of just shooting them? The only valid reason is that you have a shotgun or SMG and they’re at range. But we know the playerbase is so low skill that they’d be spotting them and doing nothing with the rifles they have in their hands.

I find that the spotting mechanics are great right now. I don’t like to see spot spams nor people running with markers on their heads.
In another game there were like:
4 Points for killing a soldier (in Enlisted we could give this for killing a bot)
8 Points if he is a squad leader (in Enlisted we could give this for killing a human player)
8 Points for killing a vehicle
and 1/4 of the above for spotting something that gets killed before the spot runs out, which happens after a certain time period, long enough to allow team mates to react to the spot. Planes may take the longest to react.
IMO there should also be points for taking or defending an objective and also a bonus for kills inside the objective.
In order to avoid some kinds of abuse of points for spawning, the points for spawning should not be given right away, but as a percentage of the points accumulated by the spawned soldiers until they respawn. This prevents getting the same points for bad and good spawn points. Examples for bad ones: no cover and in plain sight of the enemy, far away from objectives, in awkward places where the spawned guys get stuck.

Getting one card after 25 min match sucks, if the new thing won’t be at least 3x faster i’m just gonna leave this game. Why even bother trying in match when you are one of couple people defending, and you won’t get much for trying with missions like complete 70 axis matches, or win 10 matches to of your team.
Only thing to do is stay in corner and just wait for match to end. STOP KILLING FUN

When is the update then? It’s already more than a week.

It’s true though, but you can just flag the post, you don’t actually need to tag them.
They’ll see the flagging. Tagging the mods is for actually serious shit that needs and instant look at.

This post aged brilliantly