Logistics orders for battle experience!

Please, keep the battletask bronze tickets too!
The bronze tickets now, especially the bronze weapon tickets, is far weaker than old general weapon tickets.
In the past, one single weapon ticket can brought us multiple items, but now, the bronze only get usually only one weapons.


Not sure, wasnt around for CBT.
The game is quite fun but is also VERYgrindy as it is for non premium.
i play pretty much non stop and it takes so long to get anywhere (weapons/soldiers) because of RNG lootboxes, At the moment i can usually get atleast 1 order per match, sometime 2 depending if other missions are near completion. and 90% of the time i use the orders and do not get what im looking for. (waste of time in otherwords) and to be honest if this change makes the game anymore taxing on my time to get anywhere then i will just spend it elsewhere.

Some of you will not like this, but this is my honest feedback.


This is a great change thank you!

I am very much against this!!! This makes obtaining bronze orders a pain if you do not have a premium account.

In the current system regardless whether you have a premium account or not you are getting bronze orders just like everyone else, completing battle tasks. It is even for EVERYONE. With the new system, getting the battle pass and the premium account gives you over 2x the speed of getting bronze orders and also getting battle pass rewards.

How does this even entice new players to play? They login, get mowed down by premium planes, premium tanks, premium squads and dont get exp. No bronze reward, little exp.
Old system, battle task = Complete 2 games. Same thing happens, get mowed down by all of the above. No bronze reward, little exp but has 1/2 games completed until next bronze reward.

Who do you think will play another game???


Except in the old system I was able to get 2-3 bronze rewards every match as a ftp? Compared to the current system where I get 1? This was also before XP multipliers for best “X” which have massively boosted XP progression. Wait and see if its the same one as the old one before you call it out.

Also this is blatantly false since it is much longer


How about get a bronze order for every say 1k xp. so you always gain something reliably income, then on top of that current new way with adding additional through tasks. Tasks more fun when get an insta reward and not only Battle Pass progress. Bronze logistics orders always needed for all basic stuff. Tasks are more fun and give incentive to play this and that and make effort. Use BOTH systems, It’s the best way to go with this. Orders through Xp then with additional for completed tasks.

You still only get one weapon card for two troop recruits.

1k is too frequent, bearing in mind, even mediocre players can get at least 3 - 5k xp on an invasion.
With premium and a good team, you can get upto 19k for one match, so 19 would be stupid

In this thread: People who don’t know how good the old system was.


People got used to assuming that when Gaijin is changing something, there is a catch :joy:

I cannot see any game mechanics preventing power snowballing and this is bad game design.

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We will clarify the figure for the release of the system.

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Yes. Sure. Get what you earn.)

The news says couple… couple is two… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I just want to state for the record that I REALLY LIKED the current system (tasks = bronzes). The only thing I would change would be perhaps a ‘ban this task’ option so certain tasks don’t show up, or remove tasks from the pool that people most often cycle. The ability to cycle tasks in the first place is very nice.

I don’t hate the xp=tasks change, but I just wanted to say as an otherwise-non-forum-poster, I prefer the current system.


“Play 6 battles as axis on battle of moscow campaign”
“Kill 65 soldiers with submachine gun”
“Be top 30% in your team 4 times”
Good luck doing ALL of them in just one round

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Dang, I’m really sad to see this. I played in the closed alpha and beta and I have to say that I preferred the battle tasks significantly more than the xp for orders. Earning xp for everything will just turn the game into a monotonous grind for xp doing whatever gets you the best score. The battle tasks really give something different to do or work towards and get pretty decent rewards for. If the method of earning orders is reversed (as it would seem is now inevitable) I can’t help but see the game devolving into brainless meta grinding.


Thank you, also please take into consideration disparity it could cause with premium bonus. Without cap of (idealy 2) tickets per battle it could cause big problems and I think we all can agree that this game have no need for yet another (unintentionaly) P2W aspect.


Thing is, reworked main battletask is giving you huge chance to get at least 1 ticket per battle without much effort and premium account can potentialy cause problems here if not taken care of.
But I agree that this system worked great in alpha and CBT (again, assuming that alpha and CBT had no monetization and only bonus we had was premium squads)


All really depends how much xp will be needed per order. At first I was OK but if by couple they mean few… well we will see.